Tag Archives: Steellock

The Cage – Part 03

By Steellock

It was a long week.

Last weekend standing behind a locked cell door all night with my cock and balls hanging out of a round porthole exposed to all cummers had been one of the best times I have had. The guys in the bar had taken turns to pump me dry; they had sucked and pulled and tweaked me to orgasm four or five times and then just kept going. I was dry, and it was agony. Wonderful agony. Then after the barman had lifted his arm, rung ‘Time’ on the old bell and eventually got everyone out of the bar and came over and peeked at me through the little window into my eyes. He grinned and mimed wanking – fuck not again I tried to yell, shaking my head furiously, and he laughed. Bastard – I was falling in love with this guy!

He disappeared from my window, and then I jumped as much as the chains on my wrists and ankles would allow when I felt his hand on my poor aching cock. He was very gently massaging it and also rolling my balls in his hard hand. I realized he was rubbing in soothing oil. It felt wonderful. Suddenly he had stretched the silicon ring over the root of my cock and balls then eased my bruised and tender member into the lubed tube. The padlock clicked, I could hear it in the now quiet bar. I was back in chastity. For another week or so I supposed.

Then he opened the door and unlocked the restraints, and I staggered forward. He caught me under the arms and carried me to a barstool. I weigh 85 kilo – this guy is as strong as he looks! It turns out his name is Ryan, and he runs the bar for its owner, his Master!

Continue reading The Cage – Part 03

The Cage – Part 02

By Steellock

I walked into the bar the following weekend. I had dressed more suitably, and I had been working out in the week, too. Showing were my loose camo trousers and the bottoms of a pair of black boots with white laces. On top there was a white T and my Bleacher jacket. The guy at the top of the stairs had just let me straight through! Nice to be expected!

My cock has been locked in a silicon cage for a week by a chuckling and very sexy barman, and I’m very horny.

My barman was there again. Still in leather bondage shorts, boots and harness and still absolutely fucking gorgeous! Did he even own anything else? He looked up and grinned at me – ‘Hey ready for round 2?’ he called. ‘How close can you judge it this weekend? You want a third session in another week?’ So he had rumbled me. I was hooked and ready for a good night of kink, and he knew it.

The three cages were still there. The standing one with the restraints, the head cage and the large supply of titclamps – that one was intense. The puppy cage with the piss hood and butt fucking machine and then the heavy duty one with the stocks, ankle/wrist bar and estim box.

‘You want more of the same or a change?’ he said, the grin getting wider. ‘We got a new cage, and you will love it. You get to have the cock cage removed too. Got to be good eh?’ He waved at a cloth hanging on the wall. ‘Its behind there — you have to choose without seeing it too!’

Continue reading The Cage – Part 02

The Cage – Part 01

By Steellock

Here I am, sitting in a steel cage, a long penis gag in my mouth with my wrists and ankles locked into a rigid bondage bar. It’s been an hour and I’m starting to get very sore arms and my back is starting to spasm.

How the fuck do I get into these situations?

A few hours earlier I had been wandering though Soho at a loose end and looking for a bit of fun. As I passed one of the fetish shops I browsed the window and was handed a flier for a party in one of the clubs. They have a dungeon bar in their cellar and tonight it was open for fun. There was a strict entry dress requirement – leather only …

Well that was OK; I was in thick leather jeans and my boots with a black polo shirt. Should be fine.

The guy on the door was a tall, muscle-bound hunk in a tight black T shirt and jeans who gave me a look over and waved me on through, so I headed off down the stairs following the sound of the music and the babble of many guys chatting and having fun.

Continue reading The Cage – Part 01

The Mystery

By Steellock

So Who?

He lay on the bed.

His eyes looked at the inside of a thick leather hood. The thick leather gripped his head all round, tight, but not too tight. He could feel the intrusion of the gag into his mouth. It was a rubber plate that came right in beyond the point where his tongue could get round it and it made him drool. He knew the hood was padlocked on – he had done it earlier. It was one of his favorites, an old Sci Fi hood from Mr S in the US; his first hood in fact bought many years ago and showing it’s age and use. But the reason he had chosen it today was that it resonated inside with the sound of breathing. The sound of the air rushing in and out of your nose and through the two small grommets in the nose of the hood. When strapped in tight you could only really hear yourself. He could make it stop by opening his mouth wide and breathing round the gag. He had to do this occasionally anyway to clear the drool. But the sound would hide any noise made by a visitor…

He kept on lying on the bed; he had no choice. His 20 hole laced black Grinder skinhead boots were padlocked from the D ring on the padded and locked ankle restraints to D rings at each side of the bed frame.

His thick muscular left wrist was gripped by another padded restraint wrapped around and locked to his arm; locked again to the bedframe D ring.

The D ring on the top of the hood was padlocked to a chain across the top of the bed.

Continue reading The Mystery

The Edge – Chapter 10

By Steellock and slavebladeboi

Matt listened to the familiar thump of his boots on concrete as he ran towards the shop. It was still before 9 in the morning but the sun was warm and the sweat sheen on his shoulders reflected the light as his muscles moved effortlessly beneath the skin. He felt good, as he always did with the prospect of a day at the shop.

About 100 yards away from the front door he stopped to catch his breath and cool slightly. He didn’t want to turn up as though he was ready for a shower but Jim had asked if he could be there before 9 so he walked on slowly towards the shop. It looked closed. Although it was never that bright inside it looked darker than usual so Matt tried the door expecting it to be locked. It opened straight away, which took him a bit by surprise but thinking no more of it he went in. Walking across the floor to the back of the shop he heard a noise and two guys stepped out from behind one of the display racks each holding pieces of leather equipment they had taken off the rack nearest them.

“Say, do you work here?” the first guy asked Matt. He was about Matt’s size, older by 10 years but looked as hard muscled as anyone Matt could remember. Wearing a sleeveless T shirt and jeans he walked over to him holding out a thick leather hood.

“I want this for my boi but I’m not clear about the fixings. Can you help?”

“Well, I don’t actually work here although I have done some work for the owner,” Matt said catching a glimpse of the second man pulling the tail of a dangerous looking single tailed whip slowly through his fingers, a thick flogger hanging over his shoulder. “What do you want to know?”

Continue reading The Edge – Chapter 10

The Edge – Chapter 09

By Steellock

Matt lay in his bunk thinking hard that Sunday night. Wayne had been avoiding him; perhaps he had realized that the chance to ‘out’ someone went two ways? Wayne was married, had a wife and young kid living off the base!

That was his way to control Wayne now. He thought also about what Jess had said as they hugged before he left the shop – ‘If you need help with Wayne let us know’.

Pulling himself out of his bunk he headed off to a quiet corner and pulled out his mobile. Jess came on the line and was obviously pleased to hear Matt’s voice. Matt explained what he needed and asked if that was going to be OK? Jess chuckled and said that he would check with Jim but thought it was a great idea. Had to raise more cash for the charity!

Continue reading The Edge – Chapter 09

The Edge – Chapter 08

By Steellock

Matt was curled up. His boots were tight against one set of bars. His back was hard against another. His head was pressed against two bars on a third side.

But he was resting.

His butt was sore and he rubbed it; in fact it ached like never before. A throbbing warmth from the paddling and flogging but several real lines across his cheeks and thighs that ached from where Wayne had wielded a cane with the full strength of his arm. That had fucking hurt. Matt was never going to forget or forgive that one. So that’s why Wayne had been baiting him these last few weeks, asking him if he had a girlfriend that he kept going off to at the weekends. He would have to think that one through; how to get his own back without the feud becoming public knowledge at the barracks.

He felt his butt again, and the ridges of bruising were clear. He ran his hand up and round his shoulder too, and there the results of Jim’s attention was clear. Then his hand went up again and he felt the thick firm leather of the hood that covered his head with its buckles down both sides and the thick rigid strap round his neck with its padlock. It suddenly occurred to him that whilst he felt like he was in a closed and dark world of his own, he was locked in a steel cage in public with a crowd of horny guys probably watching him now. He had never been self-conscious in the store before, and it was a fairly weird feeling, the eyes on him that he could not see.

Continue reading The Edge – Chapter 08