By Steellock
Note: This is a follow-up to The Edge series by Steellock, which concluded with “Matt the Demo Boy.” To read the previous chapters by Steellock, click here.
Matt woke early that Friday morning. As Jess was strapping him to his bed the previous night Jim had wandered over and said, enigmatically, ‘Get a good rest Boi, a long and tough weekend ahead of you!’
Matt had therefore spent the night half sleeping and half in wet anticipation of what was coming up. Jim never disappointed – if he said it was going to be tough, then tough it would most definitely be! He also thought about his diet – Jim had put him on a liquid only feeding regime a couple of days ago; always the preparation for a long bondage session and Matt had been wondering ‘when and what’ for a while.
Hooded as he was he couldn’t see the red display lighting go off, but he felt the bed pull back from the display window and knew that Jess was back. His lover started Matt’s day as he always did – by indulging himself in feeling that amazing, muscly, lean body! He ran his hands over the strong pecs, tweaked the large prominent nipples, felt the ribs of the abdomen, kneaded the biceps and then gave Matt a good hard thwack on his cock and balls. Then he leant over and gave the thick black boots a lick – just a quick one; today was not the day for dalliance.