Category Archives: Story

Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 09

By AlphaMetal

Day 3, Morning – Outdoor Forced Labor

The next morning the boys were again awakened by the sound of Alpha banging his police baton on the metal trash can cover and soon the slaveboy distributed the trays with their breakfast.

Fifteen minutes later Alpha released their ankles from the shackles, the slave distributed their towels and shaving gear, and the boys went to the bathroom to clean up. When they finished they returned to their cots and stood at parade rest following the lead the Colonel set the day before.

The Commander, Alpha, and the slaveboy came into the dormitory. The slave was pushing his cart which this time was piled with blue jeans and construction boots; Timberland-style yellow boots with brown padded leather around the ankles. Cody could also see a pile of steel restraints on the cart’s bottom shelf.

“Strip down and fold your prison uniforms and put them on your cots,” the Commander said. The boys obeyed and got back to parade rest.

The slave placed a pair of jeans, socks, and boots – but no shirt – on the floor in front of each boy and the Commander said, “Put on your work clothes.”

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Punishment Cell at the Citadel Correctional Boot Camp – Part 01

By Jockboy

It all happened at once. The capture hood came off at the same time I was jolted with a shock from the punishment collar around my neck.

I had been manhandled and stripped in a surprise abduction 24 hours before it was scheduled, then spent hours being transported in the trunk of a car. Not a word had been spoken. I had no clothes, no money, no ID, and no phone

Now I was standing naked outside what looked like a brig cell. I was naked except for my handcuffs and leg irons. The sweat was streaming down the valley in my pecs like a river. My huge biceps and washboard, six-pack abs never seemed so useless as I screamed in pain from the electroshock.

Then I heard the words I’ll never forget from my unseen captor.

Continue reading Punishment Cell at the Citadel Correctional Boot Camp – Part 01

Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 08

By AlphaMetal

Day 2, Evening – Pretty Boy’s Fate, Part 2

Pretty Boy stood before the Master inside the trailer with his hands still cuffed behind his back.

The Master looked at his boy and said, “You fucked up, boy.”

Pretty Boy looked sad and said, “I know, Sir,”

They looked at each other for a long moment and then the Master gave the handcuffed boy a warm and supportive hug. “Let me take those cuffs off, son,” the Master said, and he removed the handcuffs.

“Are you scared, son?” the Master asked.

“Very much,” Pretty Boy replied honestly.

“I know. It’s OK. Don’t worry, boy. Sit down.”

“I have spoken with the Commander and you won’t be hurt,” the Master said.

Pretty Boy was so overwhelmed with relief that it flooded through him like tears. The boy was so grateful he didn’t know what to say so he just kneeled in front of his Master and opened his mouth slightly.

“Thank you, boy, but sit down. We will do that later. I have missed that but we need to chat.”

“Yes, Sir,” the boy said.

“First of all, this is your one pass this week. If you hesitate or disobey again I have given them permission to punish you, and you will not get to see me or talk to me before it happens. Do you understand, boy?”

“Yes, Sir.”

Continue reading Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 08

VRealWorld – Part 01

Note: This is a sequel to VRansomwear. To start at the very beginning, click here.



1: The Prisoner And The Picnicker

The prison cell is not large, maybe ten feet by twelve. There is a long extension at one corner, almost a hallway, at the end of which is a toilet and a sink. The walls are rough-cut stone, dank and dripping with moisture, spotted with lichen and streaked with mineral trails left behind by centuries of trickling water. The air seems like it should be clammy and cold, but instead it is clammy and hot and Bill often finds himself pressing himself up against the stone to try to have it suck some of the excess heat out of his body.

The lighting is dim. Any color that might exist is washed into formless shades of grey. The light comes from nowhere in particular, which is odd because the cell has no windows and there are no light fixtures anywhere that Bill can find. Yet somehow, he can see, though in a limited, gloomy, dismal way. Depressing as it is, at least he’s not stuck in complete blackness.

He has been locked in this cell for what he believes to be more than a week. It is hard to measure time, of course. He is fed occasionally, though on no schedule he can predict, and there is never any change in the light level to draw a distinction between day and night. The only thing keeping him from going insane from boredom and isolation is the occasional arrival of… well, call them “visitors”. Like the food, the visitors arrive at unpredictable intervals and for as long as they are there in the cell with him, boredom and isolation are very low down on his list of troubles. After the visitors leave, after an initial period where he appreciates and enjoys the restored peace and quiet, that’s when the boredom and isolation start to nag at him once more.

He has tried to find a way to escape, of course, but every attempt so far has been unsuccessful. His last serious effort was some unmeasurable amount of time ago. Perhaps two days, maybe three. Since that failure, he has been unable to think of anything to try next. There is one main reason for that:

Continue reading VRealWorld – Part 01

Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 07

By AlphaMetal

Day 2, Late Afternoon – Pretty Boy’s Fate, Part 1

Alpha released Pretty Boy’s hands from the eye-bolt on the wall and the slave removed the four rubber restraints from the boy’s wrists and ankles. The slave handed Pretty Boy a towel and he dried himself off.

Alpha led Pretty Boy from the shower room back into the room where the intake had taken place. Pretty Boy noticed the black wooden bondage table against one wall, the medical exam chair with stirrups in a corner, and the wall with steel rings and metal restraints at various location. He was naked and there were a lot of places he could be restrained for whatever was going to happen next.

Alpha led him toward the black wooden bondage table and Pretty Boy began to wonder what would be done to him. But instead of being motioned to climb onto the table he saw a folded set of clean prison scrubs and a clean pair of white boxers. Alpha pointed to the clothes and the boy got dressed.

Alpha roughly pulled the boy’s hands behind his back and Pretty Boy felt a pair of handcuffs applied to his wrists, and then Alpha and the slave led the boy out of the intake room and into the room where he sat on the floor when he was first brought to the camp. That just yesterday, Pretty Boy reflected with in amazement.

The slave laid a pair of clean flip-flops on the floor and pointed to Pretty Boy’s feet, motioning for him to put on the flips. Pretty Boy looked at the slave with confusion; the Commander had said he was going to barefoot his whole time at the camp. The slave looked at Pretty Boy and said, “It’s to keep your feet clean as you walk outside.”

Continue reading Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 07

One, Police Plaza, NYC

By Bearded Mike

This is a true account of a chance meeting I had a few years back in NYC.

I was on a business trip to New York, and on a morning when I had no commitments I’d been down to Battery Park and was travelling back uptown by bus. It was around lunchtime and the bus was already crowded – people were standing but I was OK and had one of those side-facing seats toward the front of the bus.

I found myself staring at the back-side of a guy who was strap-hanging the same as all the other standing passengers but there was something different about this guy – showing through a back pocket of his jeans I could clearly see the outline of a pair of handcuffs!

My heart was racing, the adrenaline pumping. Was this guy a cop? But he wasn’t in uniform. Was he a collector of cuffs like myself? Or was there some other reason why he was carrying cuffs? I had no way of knowing.

But suddenly I did have a possible way of knowing. Unexpectedly the bus lurched and the standing passengers were jolted to such an extent that “my” guy stepped backward – right onto my foot. He half turned, looked down at me and muttered an apology. I assured him that I was perfectly OK and he went back to his strap-hanging – and I went back to staring at his cuffs. I was fantasising about trying to strike up some sort of conversation with the guy; a perfect opportunity had presented itself when he stepped on my foot, but I’d bottled out and hadn’t had the guts to get into conversation

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Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 06

By AlphaMetal

Day 2, Afternoon – Pretty Boy is Prepared

The Commander, Alpha, and the slaveboy stood over the cot where Pretty Boy lay shackled and the Commander said to the slave, “Get him ready.”

“Yes, Sir,” replied the slave, and the Commander and Alpha began to walk away.

When the men were gone Pretty Boy looked up the the slave and whispered quietly, “help me.”

The slave looked into the boy’s eyes and walked away.

A minute later the slave returned holding a set of four restraints made of rubber and attached one to Pretty Boy’s left wrist. As the slave began attaching the next restraint to Pretty Boy’s other wrist the boy said to the slave, “Help me. Please.” The slave looked deep into Pretty Boy’s eyes, paused, and quietly said to him, “All you need to do here to be treated well is obey. I learned that lesson. And so will you.” The slave attached the rubber ankle restraints to Pretty Boy’s feet and went to tell Alpha that it had been done.

Alpha returned and released Pretty Boy’s wrists from the metal shackles and handcuffed them together while his legs were still shackled to the cot. Then Alpha opened the cuffs on his ankles and gestured with his head that Pretty Boy should stand up. Pretty Boy stood up and Alpha put his massive hand on the back of his neck. Alpha was not holding his neck gently, the way he had when he guided him to the chair for his buzz cut; at that point Pretty Boy still had a choice between Alpha’s carrot and his stick but he gave that up when he defied the Commander’s order to strip for his flogging. Alpha grabbed him roughly by the neck and shoved him out of the dormitory and into the shower room.

Continue reading Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 06

Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 05

By AlphaMetal

Day 2, Late Morning – Recovery and Fear

Pretty Boy lay naked and shackled to the cot in four-point restraints and wondered what would happen to him next. He couldn’t stop remembering the flash of fire in the Commander’s eyes when he hesitated to strip and the Commander’s speech about how hesitation would lead to punishment, and as he lay on his back chained to the cot he was afraid.

The slave told the three other boys they could relax and he suggested that the badly flogged Colonel could sit on his cot. The slave gently pulled off the Colonel’s top, being careful to hold the fabric away from his red welted skin, and told the Colonel sweetly, “I will be right back.”

The slave returned in a moment with a tube of aloe vera gel and told the Colonel to lay on his stomach and relax. The slave kneeled at the side of the cot and began carefully spreading the cooling gel on the Colonel’s red back with sweet, tender motions. The Colonel let out his first real sound in a while; a moan of relief and gratitude.

After a while the Colonel tilted his head toward the pretty young slave; his small chain collar looked good against the smoothness of his thin neck and his deep blue eyes radiated kindness. The Colonel stared deeply in the slave’s eyes and the slave returned the look. The Colonel looked at the blush of red on the young boy’s cheeks and at the slave’s soft red lips; under any other circumstances the Colonel would have taken that sweet face in his fatherly hands and kiss the boy’s mouth deeply.

Continue reading Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 05