Category Archives: Story

Raptor – Chapter 2

By Bikermike

The room was still lit when Alex awoke. however, the main light had been switched off leaving only a dim bulb still burning, allowing sufficient illumination for him to use the bathroom without stumbling.

He lay there awake, taking stock of his situation. He was a prisoner of these three thugs, to be used as a source of income and as a sex object for an indefinite length of time, maybe a few years. Somehow, he felt a tinge of excitement, feeling the heavy steel shackle fixed around his right ankle. True, his body remained excruciatingly sore, but that fact did not stop fondling his swollen and inflamed nipples and every now and again touching his cock, which had now expanded to its full length. he could feel beads of precum forming, which he wiped off with his fingers and offering them to his mouth.

Still mindful of the warning one of the guys had told him about not wanking himself he nonetheless slowly ran his fist up and down his erection, willing himself not to ejaculate while enjoying the sensation.

Continue reading Raptor – Chapter 2

Raptor – Chapter 1

By Bikermike

Raptor: from the Latin, meaning plunderer, thief, ravisher

Alex thought it odd that his underpants were missing. He was quite sure he left them in a pile with his other clothes before he stepped into the shower after a workout at his local gym. It wasn’t an expensive gym; no lockers, but had a communal shower. Neither were his underpants: certainly not a designer pair, being 23 he had been unable to afford such luxuries, unemployed as he was.

They were just a pair of briefs that he had bought from the supermarket, skimpy enough, just sufficient to cover his genitals. He thought “Why would anyone want these?” He glanced around the changing room: there were the usual heavily muscled tattooed body builders, some older guys just wanting to keep fit and a smattering of office worker types, excercising on a day off. As was the rule, nobody spoke to anyone else, a trait so common in male gym changing rooms.

Shrugging, he heaved on his faded Levi jeans over his slim hips, picked up his gym shorts and shirt, had a quick look round on the floor, half expecting to see his underpants kicked under the benches, but to no avail.

Continue reading Raptor – Chapter 1

The Purchase – Part 05

By slavebladeboi

We were only about 15 minutes or so in the kitchen, and after I cleared things away I followed Daz down the stairs to the cellar. The light was on and Daz was in the centre of the room kneeling at Zero’s head. I wondered for a second what he was doing, so I slowly walked round the pair to see better without disturbing them. I was surprised, to say the least. Daz had untied the sleeve and taken it off the slave completely. He was very carefully and skilfully massaging his still sweaty back, well developed shoulders and arms whilst at the same time telling him how excellent a slave he was and how well he had born the treatment so far.

“It’s not over yet, slave,” I heard him say, almost to himself he was so soft, “But you’ll be fine. You’re the type of slave I’ve always wanted but never been able to afford. So now you’re mine by proxy whenever I visit your Master.”

Continue reading The Purchase – Part 05

The Purchase – Part 04

By slavebladeboi

We were halfway to the truck when Daz stopped. “Hang on, just remembered,” he said and, taking my keys, went back into the house. He came out a couple of minutes later with a smile on his face. “Almost forget the tit clamps, might as well give him full use of my stuff while I’m here.”

“You think he’s going to be ok?”

“Of course, he’s fit and healthy with all that ‘love and attention’ you been giving him.” He said that with a sarcastic voice but I knew what he meant. “Not going anywhere either. No, Chris my friend, he simply needs to know that his position isn’t going to alter just because you’re not some kind of heartless sadist but actually a regular guy, who happens to also like a bit of kinky s&m play and is his Master as well. He’s bloody lucky to have been bought by you and not me.” He grinned even wider and I chuckled at that. “Now, let’s get some in.”

Continue reading The Purchase – Part 04

The Purchase – Part 03

By slavebladeboi

Well that was three weeks ago now, and I feel a bit of a failure. Yes he keeps the house clean, yes he cooks to a reasonable standard, yes he does everything I tell him to without question and yes he provides the best fuck I’ve ever had, but, and it’s a difficult but, I’m not seeing him as a slave so much as a houseboy or even – yep, I may as well say it, even a partner.

Don’t get me wrong. I’ve had my fair share of bondage buddies, fuck friends, one-offs and weekend s&m parties and enjoyed them all. I’ve had two reasonably long partnerships, the first lasting six years before work changed and he had to leave for the other side of the country, the second for just over two years before the relationship went stale. We were both more or less 50/50 and it never really went well. So I’m now in the dilemma of having blown a load of cash on a beautiful, sex-on-a-rope purchase but don’t feel quite fulfilled for the price. I had him naked when indoors but hadn’t yet decided on chastity.

Continue reading The Purchase – Part 03

The Purchase – Part 02

By slavebladeboi

I woke up with a jolt. I’d sat leaning against the fuck bench looking at my new toy when I must have dropped off. For how long I didn’t know but I certainly had a stiff neck from the odd angle at which I was leaning and looking in front of me I soon had a stiff cock again too. There he was, sitting as best he could in the cage, which was about 4 feet square and 3 high. Not comfortable for that long apart from curling up in a foetal position. But he was there, staring out at me through the bars with his large blue eyes, still looking very apprehensive.

Right, I thought, let’s get on with this. I didn’t pay a small fortune to sit and look at him. Trouble was I felt I wanted to fuck him senseless and hold him tight to comfort him at the same time. Must get over this feeling! I got up, stretched my arms above my head and without being too obvious tried to show him the results of my extra work at the gym. Ok I wasn’t Schwarzenegger at his best but I could certainly handle anything this slave might throw at me. Not that I thought he would. Walking over to the cage, I remained silent, unlocked the door and opened it, indicating he should crawl forward. He remained on his hands and knees looking at the floor.

Continue reading The Purchase – Part 02

The Purchase – Part 01

By slavebladeboi

I don’t often purchase items off the internet, which may seem a strange thing to say for the head of an IT department for a largish company but I have this thing about wanting to touch and feel the items I’m buying. Pictures just don’t do it somehow. Anyway, that’s changed somewhat. I got to the end of an 18-month project that will save the company seven figure sums over the next few years and the bonus I got was out of this world. So I blew it, well most of it, on something I’ve wanted for ages and never had the means to buy. It’s taken nearly two months from order specification to delivery and today, this morning, the crate is standing in the room downstairs waiting for me and my crowbar.

It’s a heavy wooden crate, full of those bloody awful, tennis ball sized polystyrene balls that go everywhere as soon as you look at them and take ages to clear up. But it keeps the item safe which is more important.

I stood looking at the crate and then decided to take pics of the unveiling. So not wanting a full on video I decided to take one or two shots at regular intervals. The first pieces of wood came off quite easily, together with a small avalanche of white balls.

Continue reading The Purchase – Part 01

The Bet – Chapter 07

By lthr_jock

I walk into the murky bar at Backstreet and take a look around. I can see a few regulars and a couple of nervous newcomers. One of them looks at me and immediately drops his gaze. I can’t say I blame him, as I know what I look like. From the toes of my gleaming Dehners to the tight collared shirt clapsed at my neck by a blue leather tie, I am covered in thick heavy leather.

My trousers are stitched and padded down the sides and tailored to accentuate the size of my cock. My leather uniform shirt and tie are mostly obscured by the thick padded leather jacket that has been belted tightly shut to show my narrow waist and the bulk of my chest. The gloom of the room is deepened by the reflective sunglasses I’m wearing and on top of my neatly cropped hair is my leather Muir cap. I raise my gloved hands to remove my sunglasses and tuck them in the top pocket of my jacket, before heading for the bar for a beer.

A bottle in hand, I head into the darkened area at the back. There are sounds of men having sex all around me, forming a soft counterpoint to the loud music. I find a place to stand, leaning against a wall, displaying the length of my body and look around for someone of interest. I spot one almost immediately.

Continue reading The Bet – Chapter 07