Tag Archives: Raw Hole

Cycles of Discipline – Part 01: Discovery

By JoxMau

You find me on my laptop when you come home. You can tell I am out of sorts.  We have been in a relationship for a while that is periodically Dom/sub with lots of chastity during the kinky months.

This was near the second week of our vanilla period.  You could tell I was getting restless and was done with the vanilla break.

You come over and give me a kiss on the top of my head and ask if I am doing okay.  It is in that moment you see what I had been looking at.  It wasn’t the normal rubber and leather pics that you had come to expect.  Nor was it pictures of the traditional hot muscular guys that flood the web.

You reach over and take the laptop away from me and start looking at all that I have been browsing for the day and then you continue to go back and look over the past week or so.

Continue reading Cycles of Discipline – Part 01: Discovery

Cock-Caged at Military School – Part 07

By AlphaMetal

Trey didn’t know what time it was, but he could tell many hours had passed. It must be getting close to 6:00 PM.

The door to the small room opened and two large men walked in. Both were tall, and both were big, like bodybuilders. They wore black t-shirts with the word “SECURITY,” black tactical pants, and black military boots, and one was holding steel leg shackles in his hand. The other released the restraint that chained Trey’s ankle to the floor, and he looked at Trey and said: “Strip down.”

Between the size of the guys – their chests were massive under their black t-shirts – and the fact that Trey had already resigned himself to what was going to happen, Trey unlaced and removed his boots, pulled off his socks, and began removing the rest of his uniform. In just a few moments he was naked. Except for his cock cage, of course.

Put your hands behind you back,” the man said. Trey obeyed, and the man handcuffed his wrists.

“Get on your knees,” one of the men said.

Continue reading Cock-Caged at Military School – Part 07

Letting Go

By Nitro

Normally I’m a dom in the playroom — but sometimes I just need my hands off the wheel and to let go, and luckily I have some good outlets for that. I let him know that I just need a few hours heavily restrained and not in control, but I really have no idea what he has planned, but it never disappoints.

Before I head over I let him know that I was locking my cock up under my clothes and that I would have my remote vibrating plug sealed in nicely and ready for him to enjoy. So I drove over after work and kept getting delayed because of rain. If you’ve never driven in Atlanta in the rain…. It’s an adventure straight out of Mad Max Fury Road but without the hot gear…. Well I guess there is some gear. I get over to his place and the garage door is already open and waiting on me so I head on in, and the house is super quiet. He must already be downstairs plotting and waiting for the meat to arrive. As I descend the stairs into the playroom I can already smell the faint cigar that lingers in the space and my dick tries to throb in the cage it’s been so tightly packed in for a few hours.

Getting to the bottom of the stairs I see him finishing moving some equipment around already dressed in just a jock and boots as he adjusts the chains on the floating table that I assume is going to be my resting spot for the day. Walking up to him to give him a big kiss I can immediately smell his masculine musk from the gym and my dick burps out some more precum into my shorts. FUCK I’m so god damn horny already. Then he reaches up and grazes both my nipples in unison and I am sent to the fucking MOON.

Continue reading Letting Go

Forlorn Hope – Part 01: Fugitive Fugue

By DR754

Today is Friday, August 5, 1967.

Three hours ago, I was a more-or-less law-abiding citizen standing in the Latah County Courthouse in Moscow, Idaho, waiting for the jury to bring back a “not guilty” verdict, as my pricey lawyer had assured me they would. Now I’m a fugitive from justice speeding through the Rockies with a handcuff around one wrist and no idea what to do next.

But let’s back up. My name’s DR754, I’m 38, and earlier this summer, I returned to the University of Idaho, my alma mater, to talk to classes at the School of Forestry and recruit promising students. One evening, I had taken the opportunity to, well, make a more intimate connection with a couple of students I’d picked up cruising the college town’s infamous bar district. Once a Vandal, always a Vandal, I reasoned.

Big. Mistake.

Continue reading Forlorn Hope – Part 01: Fugitive Fugue

Displayed – Part 05

By Pickle

~ Chapter 21 ~

I finish up and they unchain me, and escort me outside and direct me around behind the torture barn and up the hill behind it a few hundred yards to another barn.  I’m later to learn that this one does actually serve as an animal barn, and this truly is a working farm.

I hadn’t really checked out the clothes I donned in the dark yet.  I guess I must have been too ravenous to care what I was wearing, but I now saw I was wearing a pair of really well-fitting and very faded jeans, and a dark green shirt, like I’d seen on “Coffee” … the shirttails were cut deeper than most of my own shirts, and they curved like the dress shirts I remember seeing my old man wearing.  I kinda liked the shape of those shirttails.  Maybe they reminded me of him or something.  Kind of a nice memory, since he passed away when I was in my early teens.

My two chaperones lead me beyond the barn but near one end where we pass a large manure pile.  I’m halted when we reach a small, square pit.  There’s a couple tall poles that I eyeball to be at least twenty feet high, and a thick crossbeam between them.  I see a large winch and a chain extending down from it over the pit, but the end with the hook has been pulled over to one of the poles and hooked there, waiting … I can only assume … for me.  The pit is about six feet square and since it’s filled with a gross-looking mixture of non-identifiable gunk that smells like nothing I’ve ever smelled before. I gag from the stench and my “companions” both laugh.

Continue reading Displayed – Part 05

Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 04

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 4: Travelers Are Often Moody

I rose early and hit the breakfast room, a cream-and-gilt confection where the morning light shone softly on the cut flowers at my table, and slappies bowed and asked permission to butter my muffin.  After observing them all at my leisure I decided that the hottest one was a smiling young black with “Omar” on his shirt and shorts and one of those silver necklaces—which all of them seemed to be wearing — glinting from behind his collar, a nice adornment for a shapely neck.  When I was ready to leave I snapped my fingers in his direction, and in seconds he was at my table, bowing.

“I want a tour of the island,” I said.  And I want you to give it to me!  But I didn’t say that.  I knew they wouldn’t let a hotel servant out for that purpose, or pretense.  Although maybe, if I offered enough money . . . .    But no–I remembered Roger’s advice.  “And I want it now,” I said.

“Yess sirr,” he answered, in the island intonation.  “If you will please to relax here a moment, sir, I will convey your wishes sir.”

Continue reading Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 04

The Vacation – Part 04

By Rubrpig

The next morning, Marc was roused by the orderlies and questioned roughly why his cot was soiled.  Marc looked down at the floor and told the orderlies that the Boss had fucked him raw after they left the ward.  The orderlies nodded and told him that they would be both reported to Dr. Robertson.  Marc nodded and told the orderlies that he would obey any instructions.

The orderies left the ward and came back shortly with Dr. Robertson.  The Dr. ordered the orderlies to take the Boss as he called himself to his office.  The orderles grabbed the patient who had fucked Marc and they dragged him by the heavy straitjacket from the ward followed by the Dr.  Marc sat back down on his bed easily as he had become very adept at moving and standing even though his upper body was securely wrapped in the heavy straitjacket.

Continue reading The Vacation – Part 04