Category Archives: Story

Some Time in Rubber – Part 3

By rts

As I sat there cooling down in that spring I began to feel the water leaking into my suit through the rear zipper. This felt good so I reached down for the pull tab on my crotch zipper and fumbling for a grip in my thick gloves I managed to slide it open and lowered my butt into the water so that it could flow around my overheated balls and down into my legs filling the boots. I lifted each water filled leg letting the water wash out the accumulated sweat. I did this several times, then I turned around and lay down with my head downstream to the water flow and enjoyed its coldness as it began to fill the torso and arms of my suit.

The water washed away much of the external mud that had coated me the wet rubber shinning and when I stood up lifting my arms the water poured from my un-zipped crotch washing out the rest of the sweat that had been trapped inside. Stepping out of the stream I sat down and again lifted each leg high making sure all the water drained out then I closed the crotch zipper. I knelt down and drank as much water as I could, then filled both buckets. I had an idea as to how to deal with this ball and chain on my return through the mud hole. I took the chain between my legs up my chest and passed it looped around my neck, the 20 pound steel ball hanging down in front. My stiff posture collar offered some protection but the full weight of the ball and chain pressed on my shoulders painfully. I would have to be careful with my balance as I struggled through that mud carrying the two pails of water (another 30 pounds).

Continue reading Some Time in Rubber – Part 3

Some Time in Rubber – Part 2

By rts

(the next day)

I awoke before him, my body heated by his rubber clad form pressed against me. I was covered in sweat, my balls and cock hurt and itched maddenly in their steel containment, my bung hole sore from the butt fucking, the confinement of the tight heavy rubber straight jacket and posture collar driving me crazy, the waist belt holding my torso firmly tightening its hold each time I took a breath. I was hot, miserably unconfortable in that hot rubber suit, thirsty and had to take a piss. I started to struggle around manageing to finally wake him. He pressed his hooded head to mine and kissed me sucking the breath out of me. He got out of the bad and I asked him for some water.

He told me we would have to go out and get some up at the spring. I told him of my need to piss, he got me up, led me outside and unzipped my crotch, the weight of the steel chastity container hanging heavily on my balls once the zipper was opened, the posture collar and bulky straight jacket prevented me from seeing what it looked like. I spread my legs and just let go the urine and heard it splashing on the ground. He zipped me closed and began to unstrap the straight jacket, it was a relief to be free of its restriction, my arms felt stiff and cramped from the hours spent in it and I could feel a slight coolness now that it was off. He told me to grab the two buckets hanging by the cabin’s door and following him he led me up a trail to the spring a few hundred yards away.

Continue reading Some Time in Rubber – Part 2

Some Time in Rubber – Part 1

By rts

I only began wearing rubber a couple of years ago, having no one to partner with I never had the “incentive” to remain in my catsuit for more than 12 hours, and that was an act of self control. Usually I find myself too horney after just a few hours to resist pounding off and then needing to get out of the rubber immediately after as I begin to feel more uncomfortable in the restrictiveness and sweat.

Well thanks to the internet I met a bud who offered me the opportunity to experience some extended rubber wearing time. As he lives some distance from me it took a few weeks until we could arrange to meet when I had plenty of free time.

He arrived at my place in his truck with a duffel bag full of gear which he promptly opened ordering me to strip. I complied and he proceeded to help me into this heavy industrial black rubber suit with attached boots, thick gloves and hood. My feet filled the boots comfortably and he help me pull the heavy rubber up my legs. This suit had a zipper that ran down the back of the hood all the way through the crotch. The suit was a snug fit and I had to struggle a bit getting my arms through the sleeves and my hands into the thick industrial gloves, next I had to work my head into the hood which fitted the contours of my face, the eye openings covered with plastic, two soft rubber tubes fit up into my nostrils, the mouth opening a thicker rubber which covered over my lips and front teeth. He then pulled the zipper closed down my back tightening the hood and suit to my body.

Continue reading Some Time in Rubber – Part 1

Joey – Part 04

By slavebladeboi

Drink it? Throw it? Do what it said? The bottle sat on the top of Joey’s desk where he had put it half an hour earlier. His gut crawled, but whether it was with fear or excitement he was too wound up to figure. The “do what it said” was the small message written on the base of the bottle-

Here 6pm tomorrow.

So what? Bring it with him, drink it now or what? He couldn’t think straight.

It didn’t help when Chris barged in through the unlatched door. “Hey dude, did you manage to … anything wrong J?” Chris saw Joey sitting staring at a clear plastic drinking bottle perched on his desk like it was some kind of religious idol. He gave a sort of embarrassed laugh. “Joey. Hey, what’s the matter?”

Continue reading Joey – Part 04

Object Permanence – Chapter 01

By BootDeputy


The pull of a zipper against my body wasn’t just sound, it was a sensation. A consistent vibration encompassing my body. A strong thrum in my chest and filling my ears like I was in a tight echoing chamber. Though I guess in a way I was.

The rubber hood was first realized at my ears. Adhering to each curve and contour. And then my eyes that were shrouded in darkness. Thick rubber covering the edges of the eye socket. Then the stretch of my mandible. My jaw attempting to open in remark. And while failing to do so tasting rubber while also failing to close in its resting position. More rubber filling all the negative space in my mouth. My tongue, partially suspended and contained just beneath my soft palate.

I groaned.

Continue reading Object Permanence – Chapter 01

Master Christmas

By Aenyse

Lying in bed, Noel moaned quietly in his sleep. In his dream, there was a hot, muscular biker striding through the bar, eyes locked on his. The biker stepped up to him, far closer than Noel would have expected. Close enough to smell the leather of his jacket and trousers. The biker leaned over and growled something in Noel’s ear. Noel didn’t know what it was, but the voice sent shivers down his spine as he felt himself start to come undone.

Then, outside of the dream, he felt something sticky in his underwear. Sticky and wet. As the hot biker began to fade from view, Noel groaned as he began to wake up, realising that he’d had another wet dream.

“Fuck’s sake.” He grumbled as he swung his legs out of bed and went over to the pack of wet wipes that lived on top of his chest of drawers. He quickly wiped up the mess, tossing his underwear into the laundry pile and getting a fresh pair from the drawers.

Continue reading Master Christmas

Joey – Part 03

To start at Part 1, click here

By slavebladeboi

The ride back to his student accommodation didn’t really register on Joey’s mind. He pedalled the anger out of his body, with each thrust of his legs he felt calmer, or at least less fraught. Fumbling with the padlock and chain he secured the frame to the rack and buzzed himself in. He had no thoughts in his head that made sense to him and simply flung himself face down onto the bed, still drawing deep breaths from the exertion.

After a while he relaxed and let his mind become focussed on that bench, the cyclist and his recent experiences, but it was always coming back to the cyclist. There was something. He wasn’t sure if it was something he was missing from the picture he had in his head or just a feeling that he felt ok with the meeting. No. He had been used and the other guy knew about it. And he seemed happy to acknowledge it. And that made him feel, well, perhaps less angry now if he allowed himself to admit it.

Continue reading Joey – Part 03

The New Academy – Part 07

By Rubrpig

This is a work of fiction loosely based on a fabled facility, The Academy.

The author writes chained into a chair, wearing Wescos, a Carrara chastity belt, heavy leather posture collar and nipple clamps as required by his Master and Owner.  It has been locked in the chastity belt for 3 years and has agreed to it being made permanent.

And it continues…

The control centre monitored Gary with the hidden camera in the padded cell.  The entire facility was monitored from the central command so they could check on the men in custody and the staff controlling them.  The control centre monitored all the men currently in various programs and levels of control and custody.

Gary slept on in the total silence of the room, unaware of being watched and under total control…

Continue reading The New Academy – Part 07