Category Archives: Story

My adventures With Billy – Part 06

By Robmacz

The next morning I woke with a start. The cell door was being opened, and two officers were entering, carrying chains.  A lot of chains.

‘Okay Bevan, time to ship out.’

Jack was rubbing his eyes as he pulled back the blanket and got out of bed, just wearing his white t-shirt and his boxer shorts. ‘Come on, we haven’t got all day, get dressed.’

Jack pulled his orange pants and shirt on before putting on his socks and stepping into his slides.

‘Kneel on the chair,’ one of the officers ordered.

Jack did as he was told, and the second officer took a pair of shackles and snapped them around Jack’s ankles. Jack stood up and put his hands out in front. He didn’t need to be told, he knew the drill. The handcuffs went on and a black box was applied to make them rigid. Next came a belly chain around his waist, which was fed through the black box and then fastened with a padlock. Fuck he looked hot. I felt my dick go hard at the sight.

Continue reading My adventures With Billy – Part 06

The Tank – Part 03

By Rubrig

Nick slumped as much as he could in the chains holding his arms to the side of the dive tank.  Standing wearing the heavy Mark V dive gear was stressful despite the buoyancy of the gear in the water.  The heavy brass collar of the helmet pressed on his shoulders.  He was still rock hard and had been since the Boss had dove down and chained him to the tank.

The underwater light that dimly illuminated the tank turned up brighter and Nick raised his head inside his helmet and looked through the small ports in the helmet and watched as the Boss swam into view again in heavy scuba gear.  He swam over to Nick and unlocked his arms and let the chains drop to the floor of the tank.  Nick shifted and moved away from the side of the tank slowly swinging his arms as much as the heavy canvas and rubber suit would allow.  The Boss slowly swam beside him and then he swam up and was soon out of sight.

Continue reading The Tank – Part 03

Displayed – Part 04

By Pickle

Note: This is a continuation of a story by Pickle that has not been updated in quite some time. To start at the very beginning, click here.

~ Chapter 16 ~

I’m left hanging there, and as much as the fiendish belt is giving me some added support so that my arms aren’t taking my entire weight, I’m wishing to Hell it wasn’t there.  I discover it automatically tightens and loosens along with all its other functions.  It squeezes the fuck out of you for several minutes … as if breathing isn’ t tough enough just from hanging there, and then releases for a few minutes, so you think you’re safe from it.

Then it tightens again.  The thing not only sends random shocks through your navel to the back of the pole (where there must be some kind of conductive material I didn’t notice) but also the entire belt shocks you where it touches you.  I learn the “nose cone” also retracts leaving just a thin rounded rod that both jabs a guy in the navel repeatedly and at various sequences, but also circles around inside his navel as it does so … sometimes nailing him dead centre and other just off-centre, so it works the entire bellybutton.  That results in getting me so hard that my cock and balls are constantly getting shocked at full force, along with the shocks to my mid-section and feet.

Continue reading Displayed – Part 04

Nic Slammed on the Brakes

By bdsmsydney

Nic slammed on the brakes. In the dark, nearly midnight, He had nearly missed seeing the biker at the exit to the petrol station. Bikers jacket, but no helmet and no bike.

The biker smiled and thanked Nic for the lift, yes he was going all the way back to Sydney. The biker slumped back and closed his eyes. Nic looked him over, about 30, short but fit, well-fitting quality bikers jacket and black jeans, with a prominent bulge in the crotch and tall Doc Marten boots with red laces. Clean shaven black hair and masculine.

Nic was already getting the stirring of an erection.

The biker had just got himself into a lot of trouble, Nic hoped.

Where was his bike? But the biker was exhausted. Not now, Nic thought.

Continue reading Nic Slammed on the Brakes

Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 12

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 12: This Season, Brown Is Trending

They let me loose and I fell back, panting.  Automatically, my hands went up to my neck.  But it wasn’t my neck anymore; it was a thing wearing a collar.  “Yeh mon,” Malcolm said, “you a slappie now.”  I twisted, holding my stomach, trying to get my breath.  My eyes were level with their waists, and I saw that their shorts were tented.

“OK slappie, straighten up,” Jojo said, kicking a chair in my direction.  “Sit on it,” Malcolm said.  My balls slumped down on the wooden seat.  “Keep still,” Jojo said.  “This doan take long.”  He plugged a shaver into the wall, and in two minutes he had shaved me bald.

“Get up,” Malcolm ordered.  “See that wall?  Stan’ there.  This is a camera, slap boy.  Hol’ still, gonna take you picture.  I said hol’ still.  An look pretty—this is you audition, dude.  I mean it—how you think I get this great job?  You keep lookin unhappy, dude, this gonna last all night.  OK, that’s better.  Now turn left.  Turn right.  Lemme see you butt.”  So now my white naked body and my white bald head were fully recorded.  “Through that door,” he told me, pointing.

Continue reading Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 12

My adventures With Billy – Part 05

By Robmacz

I walked over to the door that Billy had told me to go to and went inside. There was a waiting room with several chairs and at one end of the room a small window with a grille and a woman in uniform sitting behind it. I walked up to the window and got out my surrender notice and placed it on the counter.

‘My name is Paul Waring, I’m due to surrender today.’

She stared at me blankly and took the paper, then tapped a few things into her computer. ‘Take a seat, you will be called shortly.’

I sat down–there was no one else in the room–and waited. The longer I waited the more nervous I became. I had left my watch at home at Billy’s suggestion, along with my phone and other personal belongings. There was a clock on the wall which was now showing 10:15. I wanted to get things moving; this waiting was becoming intolerable.  What was keeping them?  I checked the clock again. 10:22, nothing. The woman behind the counter was reading a magazine or newspaper or something, this was just another day for her. Then all of a sudden I heard a door swing open.

Continue reading My adventures With Billy – Part 05

My adventures With Billy – Part 04

By Robmacz

I awoke the next morning to find my left hand still cuffed to the headboard. I heard Billy in the kitchen, and a few minutes later he was walking back into the bedroom wearing just a pair of boxers and carrying two mugs of coffee.

‘Morning, inmate,’ he said. ‘I’ve made some coffee. I guess I’ll need to take those off you, though.  I’ll need them for work later.’

‘Shame,’ I said. ‘I could get used to wearing these.’

‘Well, we will have to see about that,’ he said with a cheeky grin.

‘What would happen,’ I asked, ‘if I got convicted of that DUI?’

‘Relax, you’ve no need to worry, I’ll inform the DA’s office today that after reviewing the evidence there isn’t probable cause.’

‘No, that’s not what I meant. Just suppose you didn’t do that and I pled guilty to the charge instead. What would I get?’

Continue reading My adventures With Billy – Part 04

Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 11

By Joshua Ryan

Chapter 11: Gettin Fixed

I did what I guess everybody does, the first time he’s put in a cage.  I stood at the bars and wondered how to get out.

I needed help!  But who could help me?  My brother?  Not interested—except, undoubtedly, to cash in on my property.  Major Timmons?  I’d seen how that turned out.  Roger?  I didn’t even know his full name.  And there was no way to reach him, even if I did.  And when you thought about it . . . .  To hear him talk, he had contacts everywhere.  He knew all about St. Bevons.  He knew Major Timmons.  He had a reason—not a good reason, but a reason–to get back at me: I’d stiffed him on his plan to take this wonderful vacation together.  Fuck!  Did he have some connection with all of this?  Was it possible?  But if he had . . . If he had, what could I do about it?

“Nice shirt!” somebody said.  It was a young white slappie.  He was sweeping the walk, and he’d got as far as my cage.  Next to him was a young black slappie, doing the same.  They stopped and leaned on their brooms. “Nice shoes too,” the black guy said.  “Pret’ soon, though,” said the white guy, “he look like us.”  The black guy gave me a thoughtful glance.  “You fucked, dude,” he said.  They started sweeping again, laughing.  After a while, they got to a corner and turned and were out of sight.

Continue reading Island Paradise – Part 1: Chapter 11