Category Archives: Story

The Vacation – Part 13

By Rubrpig

Final Chapter

4798 had just been returned to his cell in the Supermax prison wing.  He was as usual in full black swat gear, body armour and the heavy rubber locked gas mask hood.  He had gotten so used to being locked in this gear he no longer really noticed the gear.  He also never really thought about his cock and balls as they had been locked up in the heavy steel chastity belt for the last year.

He sat on his bunk and thought about the last year since he made the commitment to the Captain to become an investor and a permanent prisoner of the facility.  The Captain had used the commitment to create new programs so that 4798 earned his keep by serving as a hostage guard when required or as a prisoner for a sadistic prison guard.

4798 slumped down and then decided to lie down on the bunk as the last 2 days really tired him out.  He had been used heavily by a sadistic prison guard who had paid for 2 days of experience as a prison guard.

Continue reading The Vacation – Part 13

Bondage in 2020 Cell Without Bars – Part 11

By felon

Once again I was left alone in the apartment, no cell phone, and a bunch of work orders to process for my job in my e mail. So I put TV on and sat down to do some work. About 10:30 pm I received an e mail from the PO, checking on the status of my ankle device.

All seemed to be in working order on this end, and I was informed that I was confined to the apartment for the next four days. Instantly I reached for the bowl on my desk and realized my car keys had been removed from the bowl. However the car was parked out in the lot right where I had left it.

I went to bed about 11 pm, and I slept soundly. I was awake at 3 am when there were flashing yellow lights outside my window. With the painted glass, the best I could determine was a tow truck was near my parked car. Later I discover my car had been removed.

Continue reading Bondage in 2020 Cell Without Bars – Part 11

Best Buddies – Part 02

By convict 975468


Right from the start I seemed to notice the look that Dave had when he won the toss.  He looked like he would have preferred to lose.  So I decided to test it – I wanted to see if that look was real.  Two or three times I told him that the coin said heads, when it was actually tails.  Yep, there was that disappointment that he tried to hide.  I have to admit, the more I was a slave the less I enjoyed it, no matter what the rules were.  So I was disappointed too.  But it would be interesting to see how real this could get for Dave, or slave dave, as I was starting to think of him.

I was looking for ideas, and I even went online and discussed it with a couple of guys I’d been following, such as Toolman, who seemed to know a lot about the subject.  He gave me some pointers.  While chatting, I got an enormous hardon.  So at least I knew where my interests lay.

After I thought about it for a while, I decided to get Dave to agree that the master could change the rules.  If he liked it so, maybe he needed slavery full time.  He turned out to like it so much that he suggested that business about the contract!

Continue reading Best Buddies – Part 02

Best Buddies – Part 01

By convict 975468


Dave and I have been friends since high school.  We went away to college but would get together on holidays, so we never lost touch.  After college, we came home, and after a few months decided to become roommates.  We are both gay, but we never got it on with each other, which was OK – we just seemed to be attracted to different types of guys.

Then we hit the jackpot – literally!  We won the lottery – millions.  We were very excited – partied for a week.  Then the trouble started.  Everyone – I mean everyone – wanted our money.  Friends and relatives became so much more friendly – being gay was OK now.  What was worse was the endless solicitations.  Lawyers, accountants, investment advisors, just to name a few. No one would leave us alone.  We had to do something.

Continue reading Best Buddies – Part 01

Bondage in 2020 Cell Without Bars – Part 10

By felon

The message was left for me to expect a visitor this afternoon. I was to be in casual dress — jeans, tee shirt and tennis shoes. At approximately 4 p.m. I got a cell phone message to step outside my apartment and wait. I was already dressed, so I threw on a sweatshirt and stepped outside. An unmarked police cruiser circled the building and pulled up in front of my apartment.

It was one of the men that transported me from the hell camp back to my place. He stepped from the car and walked over to me, bent me over the hood and cuffed my hands, then loaded me in the back of his car.

He drove off and after a few minutes of stone-cold silence announced we were on our way for an appointment with my court-appointed psychiatrist for a “review.”

Continue reading Bondage in 2020 Cell Without Bars – Part 10

Bondage in 2020 Cell Without Bars – Part 09

By felon


In Chapter 8 the West Virginia experience was reaching its climax and quickly ground to a halt. The other prisoner for the weekend somehow managed to escape the compound in the dead of night after a severe flogging at camp. I was back in my cell when all hell broke loose as the jailers searched for the escapee.

At first light the decision was made to break camp and call it quits for the weekend. Half of the campers were spread out thru the area searching for the prisoner, the remainder of the men proceeded to break down and store equipment. I was loaded in Wytheville County orange prison jumpsuit, in cuffs and leg irons — a plastic bag on the front seat with my keys and wallet and a file folder.

Not much was said as the men were not too happy with the outcome, and the indication that the escaped prisoner would be punished if caught. Once we were about to return to I-79 for the return, the car stopped along the road and a well-used “humane restraint gag” was taken from the trunk and padlocked on me. Then travel resumed with conversation between the two men in the front.

Continue reading Bondage in 2020 Cell Without Bars – Part 09

Hallowe’en Horror Movie

By Nephilim

When Jerry arrived at the new house of his keyholder, he didn’t know what to expect. He had been summoned. So there he was, in front of the gate, “the 31st of October at 15h45, not one minute sooner, not one minute later”. He rang the bell, looking through the gate at the gigantic grounds and the almost as gigantic house.

Jerry walked up the pathway, to the front door of the house, where his keyholder was waiting for him. In full leather regalia. Inwardly, Jerry smiled. His keyholder belonged to the old guard, even though he was not that old. Outwardly, Jerry lowered his eyes and knelt before his keyholder.

“Welcome, my boy. Right on time.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“Stand up and follow me. We’re a bit rushed, but it will make sense soon.”

Continue reading Hallowe’en Horror Movie

The Vacation – Part 12

By Rubrpig

4798 sat on the bunk in his cell, his breath hissing and clicking through the gas mask hood which was now part of his uniform when not in use by a client of the facility.  The door to his cell opened and 2 of his personal guards entered.  One of the guards held a bag of liquid feed product which was what 4798 was fed when locked in the mask.  The guard pulled the drinking tube from the front of the mask and connected it to the bag of food.

The product flowed into the tube and 4798 sucked and swallowed the protein rich food.  Once the bag was emptied, the guards disconnected it and left the cell after telling 4798 that his first client session was scheduled for the next morning.

4798 laid on his bunk and thought about what was going to happen the next day.  Finally he fell asleep and did not wake up till the lights in his cell turned on and he knew he was going to be fed soon.

Continue reading The Vacation – Part 12