Category Archives: Story

Merry Christmas, boy

By ty dehner

Night has come, but the living room in this Palm Springs home is filled with glowing multicolored lights from the ten-foot Spruce tree that stands in the corner next to the Roman brick fireplace with a few glowing embers behind the glass. There is a typical desert chill outside as the temperature is plummeting to the low forties for the early morning.

The living room in this mid-century modern home is manly in its decor, with a contemporary leather sectional, a set of leather chairs with chrome and glass tables with wrought iron lamps on them, currently turned off. The room seems empty with nary a sound.  But if one paused for a moment there would be the sound of faint breathing that is clearly coming from near the fireplace and lighted tree. As a few of the tree lights start a pattern of turning off and on, the breathing increases in pace as the lights dance to a faster sequence.

Continue reading Merry Christmas, boy


By Collector2

I’ve known Jake for several months online. We’ve chatted almost nightly but I’ve never had the opportunity to meet him. While he lives in the same city as me, Jake’s a trucker and his job keeps him away from home most of the time. When I receive his email saying that he will be in town Friday and would I meet him for lunch I jump at the chance.

Lunch goes well and we fall into an easy rapport like friends who have known each other for years. When the meal is finished Jake says, “Well – I have to get back on the road but first I have something to show you. Come out to the truck with me.” When we get to the truck he unlocks it and says, “jump in,” I climb into the cab and he takes his place in the drivers seat.

“Take a look in the sleeper,” he says. “I bought this with you in mind.”

Continue reading Trucker

The Facility – Part 02

By Rubrpig

Andy sat behind the intake desk waiting for the prisoner transfer van to arrive with the next batch of prisoners for the jail.  Jake and Murray were responsible for prisoner transportation so they were the CO’s that picked up the prisoners.  The incoming prisoners could arrange for a standard pickup at the airport or an arrest on the road by a “state trooper” and taken into custody and brought to the jail.  The arrest option had become a success with at least 2 prisoners paying for that option.  In this batch, only one had taken that option so Jake had put on his trooper uniform complete with tall gleaming dehners and taken the unmarked police car and headed for the pickup area.

The car containing the prisoner passed the unmarked police car and Jake switched on the lights and accelerated after the prisoner.  He pulled over and the cruiser pulled up behind.  Jake walked up and ordered the prisoner out of the car and once he had obeyed, cuffed him and walked him to the cruiser.  As Jake pulled away with the prisoner, a local tow truck operator who they had hired to pick up the prisoner’s cars pulled up.  As part of the payment, the tow operator got a discount at the facility as he was a bondage and control addict.

Continue reading The Facility – Part 02

The Facility – Part 01

By Rubrpig

AUTHOR’S NOTE: As with all the stories it has written, it is sitting at the computer wearing nothing but 18-inch Wesco double buckle Big Boss boots, a Carrara chastity belt, alligator nipple clamps, and a time-locked leather posture collar to keep it focused on writing. It has been locked in the chastity belt for just over two years and will remain in it till the Keyholder decides that it can be released, so it is assuming that the belt is now permanent.

Andy yawned and stretched slowly, waking up.  He had gotten to bed late after getting home from a long weekend in Chicago.  The weekend had been great, and he had spent the weekend in service to a Sir who was a member of the Hellfire Club.  They had spent most of the weekend at the clubhouse in hard play.  He was left stiff, sore and bruised.  His hole was sore from the gang rape scene that his Sir had arranged for him at the end of the weekend.  The drive home to the upper peninsula of Michigan had seemed like it had gone on forever as he was so tired and sore.

He got up and padded to the bathroom and stood in front of the toilet and pissed.  After shaking the drops off, he stretched and got into the shower as he had to get ready for work.  Once he was showered, he got dressed in a clean uniform and pulled on his boots.  After grabbing something to eat in the kitchen, he grabbed his keys and left for work.  Pulling into the staff parking lot, he got out and stared at the heavy chain link fences topped with razor wire and the old stone buildings behind the fences where he worked as a Correctional Officer.

Continue reading The Facility – Part 01


By convict 975468

The horn blows and the lights come on simultaneously.  I roll off my bunk and with precision and without hesitation fold my blanket and sheet.  With the utmost care I place them perfectly aligned on the shelf above the bunk, and carefully place the plastic pillow on top.  I raise my bunk and hook it against the wall, ensuring that the thin plastic mattress is centered on the bunk, leaving the same amount of space all around the frame.

At once I move to the mark at the center of the cell and stand at rigid attention facing the bars.  Three short minutes are all that is allowed to accomplish my wake-up tasks.  If I take too much time, or anything is even slightly out of place, I’ll feel the prison strap on my ass.  My rigid piss-hard standing at attention sometimes merits a swat with a riding crop by a grinning guard.

Continue reading Innocent


By PFC Pflege

(This story originally appeared at

I was twenty-four when I was outposted from the Marine Corps, and returned to Philadelphia. I was lean, I was hard, I had a military haircut, and the Marine Corps “look”. After I got set up in an apartment, and was back at my old job, I soon was hitting the local gay bar scene. Philadelphia’s gay community wasn’t very big back then – not  very big now – and there were only4 or 5 gay bars. I discovered that a whole lot of gays had a thing about Marines, and I didn’t lack for dates, and in 18 months or so, I must have had a couple of hundred guys, sometimes two a night. I liked lean, hard guys like myself, and I liked to fuck. I also discovered that there was no end of guys who wanted to suck off a Marine.

Continue reading Aron

Master Eb’s Spirit

By ty dehner

ty dehner authorThis is a Metalbond exclusive excerpt from ty dehner’s all new holiday novel, Master Eb’s Spirit. This story is set in our current day leather community, based on A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. After having spent a portion of Christmas Eve in his local pub, The Regents’ Boot, Master Eb is returning home to spend the remainder of the holiday night alone. Well, at least that is what he had planned…

The Warning

Master Eb exits The Regents’ Boot.

Zipping up his leather jacket, the Master steps into the air that has cooled with the waning night. He pauses as his breath floats before his face before lifting up to the low clouds that cover London town. Putting his gloved hands deep in his jacket pockets, Eb notices a lightness to the surroundings as the snow has covered the cobblestones completely, reflecting the city lights to the low clouds creating a blue glow to the city on this Christmas Eve.

Continue reading Master Eb’s Spirit

One Week?

By rts

Saturday (day one)

They put this amazing heavy rubber suit on me, the only entry was thru the neck hole which they held stretched open as I squirmed myself into it’s well lubricated interior. The suit had attached feet but no gloves or hood, a short zipper sealed access to my bung hole (I would be able to take a dump but had no access to my cock) . They told me as the neck snapped closed tight around my throat that there was no way that I could get myself out of this suit without their help.

They sealed the neck and wrist openings to my skin with some rubber adhesive and told me that the bung hole zipper closure was also a leak proof seal. They said I would have to piss inside the suit as I lived in it for the week that I had agreed to and nothing could leak out. (I was a little uneasy about this but the idea of having no choice in the matter got me hard). It had no gloves or hood they explained, so that I could be wearing my work clothes over it all day as I went to my job sweating inside the rubber covering without anyone knowing unless they could hear the occasional wet squishing noises brought on by the build up of the sweat and piss contained inside the rubber as I moved my body.

Continue reading One Week?