Happened Last Night (January 2013)

By Erik of Roids N Rants

The shiny black Slick It Up hood is stretched tight around my head, muffling every sound. There are no eye holes, only a hole for my mouth, and I’m totally blind and helpless as I’m being guided deeper into the apartment. Disoriented, I have no idea where I stand, and suddenly I’m seized by too many hands to count and held in place as my arms are pulled behind my back and a rope is tied around my wrists. There is no going back now.

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Skinny Dipping

By Rob Allie

This story is fiction, a figment of my warped imagination.  Should the characters in this story even remotely bare similarities to any real person, living or dead, it was purely accidental and any such similarities are strictly coincidences.

This story deals with mature subject matter and involves intimate gay sex.  If it is illegal for you to read such material, due to your age or location, then please don’t. If you are offended by acts of homosexuality between consenting and non-consenting adults, then Do Not Read this story.

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