Here are some of the latest gay male bondage-themed stories that have been added to the Prison Library here on the MetalbondNYC site:
The lacrosse dildo
Meanwhile over at Bound Jocks, this lacrosse player has found a new use for the equipment:
Click for Bound Jocks
Furries in bondage
Pictures of inmates
Click HERE to go to a Flickr page of various inmate photos:
Thanks to Metalbond story contributor Atlanta Stud for passing this link along!
Hey bro, let me out of these restraints!
Check out what happens at Dream Boy Bondage:
To visit this site, click on the banner ad for Dream Boy Bondage, located on the Metalbond LINKS page. Or click here.
Padded cell bondage: Day Zero
Beginning tonight is a new feature here on Metalbond: Padded Cell Bondage. That’s right, fuckers, you heard me … I said PADDED CELL BONDAGE!!!
A close acquaintance of mine will be keeping an inmate captive in this very cell for several weeks. Yes, you heard me, I said WEEKS!!! The inmate will be kept in a straitjacket and leg sack in this padded cell, with NO WAY OUT.
Do you think I am making this up? Maybe I am, but then again, maybe I am not. All I can say is this: Check back here to Metalbond for future updates.
That is, if you dare …
Hey prisoners,
As promised for your Christmas present here on Metalbond is the first installment of this heavy long-term bondage scene from the Metalbond Archives.
Here are the comments this original blog posting received:
Paul writes:
Straight jacket… Padded cell… For weeks!! Not sure if I believe this or not but you have my interest!!
Nick writes:
HOT! Is it for real?
Pigboy writes:
Damn what a lucky fucker, hell i would love to go a month or more in there!
Rdooman writes:
OK, I’m in.
My deviant mind suggests adding a remote controlled electro-shock butt plug.
Having experienced solitary in the Cox lock-up, the reality is that most bondage enthusiasts would say “ENOUGH!” after the first fifteen minutes.
Fetishbearsslave writes
Wow – hope is deadly silent in there – and lighting??? Sensory deprivation / bondage lovers’ dream cum true.
Chastrubpig writes:
Would like to think this is for real!
Chetrdavis writes:
okay, I’m ready … just send the guys (hot, muscular guys) in the white coats and I’ll go along peacefully….can I be blindfolded and gagged too?
Irish 8’s
The Warden writes:
Well it’s for real guys and it’s going to be a long trip that’s for sure. The lights are on ALL the time and the mirrored ceiling just reflects back at you where you are and what a situation your in. It’s perfectly soundproofed and is AIR tight so the only air in is what’s pumped in and controlled by The Warden.
More images and some short video is on its way.
ohrubberpup1 writes:
I would LOVE to be next!!!! I’m ready for it, maybe try for months instead of weeks this time!!!!
The Warden
Unless you have had previous and SERIOUS experience I don’t think most guys would last that time scale.
I am serious in what I do for others and would not consider such an arrangement with out some form of experience.
Also you have to think about who is the captor in this sort of LONG-term scene.
ohrubberpup1 writes:
Oh, I am serious! I’ve been kept as a rubberpup for months at a time, I’m heavily into fullbody mummification (including having been kept multiple days in a full head to toe multi-layer mummification with breathing/drinking tube and external catheter, several times. I would love this kind of opportunity!
GutterFag writes:
Well Sir, i won’t volunteer to be the captive but it might be interesting serving the Warden as his gamekeeper … i figure you’ll need assistants
The Warden writes:
Well well GutterFag, you may just be correct there that i do need staff from time to time and if you would like to make up a CV why not post it some where for my appraisal??
SERVE The Warden
OK Prisoners, that’s all for tonight. Check back here every Tuesday night beginning next Tuesday, January 1, to find out what happens next …
You are under arrest
New James Franco movie is homage to 1980 Al Pacino movie ‘Cruising’
Apparently there is a new movie coming out starring James Franco, called ‘Interior. Leather Bar.’ They say the movie is inspired by the 1980 crime thriller ‘Cruising’ starring the great Al Pacino.
It features Master Avery of Bound Gods and Bound In Public.
There’s no word yet on whether Mr. Franco will next appear in a Bound Gods movie (we can only hope). You can read more about the new movie on Ruff’s Stuff blog and Mr Kristofer.
Also check out this posting here on Metalbond about the original movie.