Tag Archives: About This Site

Update from Metal on ‘The Tournament Affair’ and list of characters

Hey prisoners, I hope you have been enjoying the The Tournament Affair saga, which has been appearing in the Prison Library for the past two weeks. I will be posting the next chapter in a few hours, so be sure to check back just after midnight Eastern time. There are 12 chapters in all.

metalbond prison library


For those of you who might not be up to speed, I wanted to give a brief list of the main characters in the story:

Denny (aka Den) — He’s a college student who happens to have strong kidnap fantasies. He recently moved to the area, and he asked for a ride on the message board for an online RPG he’s been lurking on. When the hot guys who picked him up in a van ask if they can tie him up for a sec, he falls right into their trap!

Ben — An expert in tight and effective rope bondage. He’s the Black Team’s rigger, with a big bag of restraints and a seemingly endless supply of gags. Like all the Black Team members, Ben wears leather gloves the whole time — and when he’s not tying up Denny he can’t help himself from sniffing his gloves constantly!

Nathan — He’s the muscular ringleader of the Black Team.

Chad — He’s Denny’s protector, the “nice” one.

Ari — This 6-foot-tall hedonist is clad in full leather and tall boots and oozes sex appeal.

Ken — A member of the Desert Team who ends up kidnapped himself, right alongside Denny!

These notes are my own. The authors, @reconkayar and @mmmph82, have some longer back stories for each of these characters that they will leave in the comments below.

If you have not yet read ‘The Tournament Affair’ you can start with Part 1 by clicking here.

After the final chapter of ‘The Tournament Affair’ is posted there will be many NEW stories coming to the Metalbond site, so be sure to keep coming back.  And as always, when you are reading stories in the Prison Library, it is highly recommended that you be restrained in some way. You might tie your ankles together with a necktie, or snap on a set of police handcuffs, be locked in chastity — or be like Soccerslave (pictured) and put yourself in locking leather restraints with keys secured in a keysafe!

More about this policy here

A full list of stories is here

soccerslave in bondage

CJ is having a hard time today

Hey prisoners, check out this picture from Metalbond reader CJ — who was having a hard time reading the latest chapter of “The Tournament Affair” in the Prison Library while his dick is locked in a chastity device! Poor guy.

Metalbond Prison Library


Speaking of the Prison Library, there are several more chapters yet to appear of “The Tournament Affair” — and I do hope you are enjoying this one!  After the 12th and final chapter appears, there will be even MORE stories, including NEW fiction from Cutieboy90, an update from Thunder aka James, a SEQUEL to “A Left Turn at Albuquerque,” and more than one surprise! So keep checking back early and often.

And always remember, when you are reading stories in the Metalbond Prison Library, you should always be locked in something, or have someone else locked in something!

A chastity cage, a set of leg irons, a puppy cage, you get the idea!

Update from Metal: A List of Characters in ‘The Prison Writer’ Story

Hey prisoners, how are you enjoying the story ‘The Prison Writer’ by Joshua Ryan? At this point the first 16 chapters have appeared. There are five more yet to appear, for a total of 21 parts in all. Because there was a major shift in point of view in this story starting with Chapter 15, I thought it might be helpful to list the characters in the story.

These are my own notes that I jotted down while reading the entire series.


The Prison Writer by Joshua Ryan

The main characters in the story:


Steven Meres

Narrator of chapters 01 to 14

Aliases: 746051, Sten, Ven, Big Ven

A successful novelist who has a “side hustle” writing kinky prison stories.


Stanley Mason

The fake name Steven uses for his kinky stories.


Danny Brant

A character in Steven’s mainstream novels who gets locked up in prisons.



Steven’s literary agent


Norman Jarrelson

Steven’s attorney, married to Louis


Dean Brannigan

A hunky deputy sheriff who has read Steven’s novels and who makes Steven an offer.



Dean’s partner



A big hot tattooed convict



A convict who works as a barber


Sgt. Gideon

An officer who works prison intake


Finn Kolchak

Steven’s cellie



A convict



Alias: Nesto

A convict on the chain who also has had dealings with Dean Brannigan on the outside


Jet (aka Jeffrey) and Cameron

Convicts and cellies who are in love with each other. Cameron had dealings with someone on the outside.


Carl Owen Abbott III

Narrator of chapters 15 to 21

Aliases: Colly, Lassie, Dog

A wealthy college student who is fascinated by the novels and stories written by Steven Meres



Carl’s brother


Donald Harmon

An acquaintance of Carl and Wyatt who works at the DOC.


“the guy”

Donald’s connection (who may or may not exist), who can pull strings in the system.



Alias: Alec

a convict


As I mentioned, ‘The Prison Writer’ by Joshua Ryan is 21 chapters in all. If you have not been reading this story, you can click here to start at the beginning.

BONUS: Many shorter stories (with pictures) by Joshua Ryan are available at his Tumblr page, called Prison Process

Prison Process stories about prison

My Instagram account got shut down

Instagram has suspended my account!

Metalbond on social media


Out of all the social media platforms, I abhor Instagram the most. I did however use it to IM with a few others, including the Permanent Restraints guys and the escape artist Andrew Basso. It’s possible they might reinstate me.

Meanwhile, at least for now, I remain active on X (formerly Twitter). I still also have a Tumblr feed, but I can’t figure out how to message others there.

Keep in mind that THIS website, where you are now, will not go away!!!