Tag Archives: Atlanta Stud

Nick and Daniel – Part 5

By Atlanta Stud

Atlanta StudThe two sets of cuffs were sitting on the deck furniture end table during the burger and beer fest, and Zac couldn’t help but sneak peeks at them whenever he thought nobody was looking. As a kid, Zac loved cop shows and seeing guys getting arrested and as his early high school years came about, he noticed that those shows and images created a stir in his manhood. Always wanting to get his hands on a set of cuffs and locking up a guy and even experience getting locked up had only been thoughts with no real world experiences. That is, until today, and he got a full dose — all in a short period of time.

The ice chest was right next to the end table, and after grabbing and cracking open another bottle, Zac couldn’t help picking up the Peerless cuffs so he could again check them out. Ratcheting the bars through the locking bar, and listening to that solid, rapid, click-click-click, created that stir again.

“Pretty solid, don’t you think, Zac?” Daniel said, looking for affirmation.

Continue reading Nick and Daniel – Part 5

Nick and Daniel – Part 4

By Atlanta Stud

Atlanta StudNick presented his wrists in front to be locked up.  “Not in front, inmate…behind the back” Dan said as he applied a set of Peerless 700’s to Nick’s wrists, palms facing out, and set the double locks.  “Don’t worry, when you need a swig of this ice cold beer sitting over here, I’ll let you have some…providing you behave yourself.”  Dan chuckled.  “Now you better hope that the opposing team doesn’t score any home runs tonight, inmate.  Each home run they score will cost you one hour hogcuffed, and that won’t be a good time for you, inmate.”

The game went the regular nine innings and was completed in the normal space of time.  But it felt a lot longer for Nick, having been locked up in cuffs at the start of the game. And as he would find out later, there was another reason.  Dan kept his promise and allowed Nick some beer during the game.  This was accomplished by Dan putting a straw in the beer bottle.  To signify the start of each new inning, Dan would twist Nick’s nipples, which produced a nice pleasurable moan from Nick.  Having his nipples played with was one of Nick’s favorite things and he often played with them himself.  Near the end of the 6th inning, the opposing team scored a home run and Dan decided to start the beginning of the hour long hogcuff immediately instead of waiting for the game to end.  He figured he could always add hogcuff time if necessary.

Continue reading Nick and Daniel – Part 4

Nick and Daniel – Part 3

By Atlanta Stud

Atlanta StudNick got up off the floor and sat down on the sofa so he could enjoy his beer, figuring he’d be locked up in the leg shackles for another half hour. Not that he was complaining. His interest in cuffs and shackles was definitely increasing and Dan apparently had even more in his collection, which he wanted to see. That half hour went by quickly for both men. Dan enjoyed seeing Nick in the Clejusos. Nick was feeling a bit awkward being in leg shackles even though it wasn’t his first time. But he liked how they felt locked around his ankles.

“OK boy, you’ve served your thirty minute sentence, time to release you back to the public.”

Dan chuckled as he proceeded to remove the Clejusos. He spent a few more minutes inspecting them before setting them back down on the wooden coffee table so they’d clearly be in Nick’s view at all times. Dan wanted them in Nick’s view. He wanted to observe if Nick might pick them up and check them out again. He headed off to the kitchen and returned with another round of beers.

“No hard feelings I hope, stud.”

“Nah, you won fair and square. Guess I should have known better than to take you on. Just couldn’t resist the challenge I suppose.”

“Well, guess you know better now, stud.”

Continue reading Nick and Daniel – Part 3

Nick and Daniel – Part 2

By Atlanta Stud

Atlanta StudThe next morning Dan started whipping up a large batch of scrambled eggs, toast, juice and coffee when a shirtless Nick walked into the kitchen wearing his cargo shorts and black no-show socks. That was the first time Dan had seen Nick shirtless and was impressed with his muscular shoulders and traps and his muscular hairy chest, which he kept neatly trimmed.

“Damn that’s smells great and I’m hungry as hell!” Nick said. “We still hitting the weights after breakfast?”

“Sure thing if you’re up for it,” Dan responded.

“Definitely! Only thing, I forgot my gym bag at my ‘shoebox’ as you call it. Mind if I borrow some shorts and a shirt?” Nick asked.

“No prob. Got a drawer full of workout gear. Go find something while I finish making the eggs. Bottom left drawer has shorts and bottom right has shirts.”

Nick grabbed a pair of black workout shorts and changed into that and a light gray UA muscle shirt, the kind that fits snug and shows off every muscle movement when it’s on. As he turned to leave the room, he noticed a pair of antique-looking cuffs on the nightstand.

Continue reading Nick and Daniel – Part 2

Nick and Daniel – Part 1

By Atlanta Stud

Atlanta StudThe day’s work is almost done for the crew as Daniel does a run through of the work they completed on the new five bedroom house that’s being built.  Dan’s no stranger to overseeing a group of men, having spent time in the Marines as an MP.  His muscular 6′ frame, topped off by the high and tight that he’s so fond of, reminds everyone on the crew where he came from. He’d wear his fatigue pants to work if the construction owner would allow, but he just has to settle with jeans and a snug company emblazoned black polo.

He adds his own touch by tucking the jeans into the tops of his desert tan boots before lacing them snug around the ankles.  At least this looks somewhat military he convinces himself.  Once a Marine, always a Marine, as the saying goes.

Dan’s checking on the tile in the master bath when his apprentice Nick finds him to inform him the crew’s pretty much packed up and heading out.  It was a Friday and since some crucial supplies needed for the next day got held back and wouldn’t arrive until Monday morning, it was decided to give everyone the weekend off and start fresh again on Monday.  For the past month the company had put Nick up at one of those extended stay hotels while working on this project.

Nick was roughly the same age as Dan, late 20’s, but shorter at 5′ 8″ and a solid 185 muscular frame, somewhat hairy Italian features, and a mug that looks like it still has a 5 o’clock shadow right after he’s just shaved it.  Dan and Nick hit it off from the start, and a couple days a week would grab a drink, a bite to eat or even hang out at Dan’s house and cook up some steaks on the grill and put down a few beers.

Continue reading Nick and Daniel – Part 1

What to wear while making pancakes

If you’re home this Valentine’s Day weekend, be sure you are properly restrained! Like Atlanta Stud, shown here! In addition to the leg cuffs, he says he’s also wearing chain collar and jailhouse chastity! He’s ready to make breakfast — and later maybe he will sit down to write more bondage stories!

male bondage stories


Click for Atlanta Stud

Iowa Cowboy – Part 10

By Atlanta Stud

A few hours later I was instructed to check on Brody and provide him with some water. That was the first time I had seen him with the hood and added transport belt. I pulled up the spandex hood just enough to clear his mouth, let him take in as much of the water as he wanted and promptly pulled the hood back down. Not an easy task when one’s locked up in transport shackles, by the way.

“Gotta say, Brody, that hood’s a nice touch. You’re really enjoying this aren’t you?” I got a nod of approval from the prisoner.

“Looks like I got just what I asked for, doesn’t it Jake? Sucks we gotta leave in a day. We’ll need to come back and do this again.”

“Well I can’t stay long. Don’t want to get myself into any trouble with the Warden up there, but I’m sure you’ll be checked on again before we hit the rack.”

“Thanks Jake. By the way, I hope you’re enjoying that cock cage. Bet you’re loving it, huh Cowboy? Just wait ’til you get morning wood!” Brody said with an evil chuckle.

Continue reading Iowa Cowboy – Part 10

Iowa Cowboy – Part 09

By Atlanta Stud

Morning couldn’t arrive fast enough for me. I wanted out of the cuffs that held me to the bed post and into the kitchen for some coffee and a plate of eggs and bacon, that’s all I could think about. But alas, I was on hold until Dave got back from fetching Brody out of his room.

“OK Army boy let’s get you out of the rack and here’s the key to the cock cage. I’ll let you do the honors. Once you’re done, you’ll be released from the transport set, I want you on your knees with your hands behind your head while I lock the leg cuffs on. Your gear for the next 24 hours will be the fatigues, boots and leg cuffs. No shirt. If I don’t have any trouble with you, I won’t put you in handcuffs, but I promise you that I’ll snap ’em on in a heartbeat if necessary.”

Dave returned with a shirtless Brody, his dog tags resting between his hot pecs and the rattling leg cuff chains in tow; both of them now at the foot of the bed just looking at me like I was an animal snared in a net.

“Well, what should we do with this one?” Dave asked Brody. It wasn’t so much a question being asked to Brody as it was a statement as to what they were going to do with me. Brody looked at Dave, first with a hint of a puzzled look on his face that quickly turned into an evil grin. I’ve seen that look on him before, and I instantly got a chill up my spine.

Continue reading Iowa Cowboy – Part 09