Tag Archives: cages

How to build a bamboo cage

I would never advocate keeping a prisoner against his will, or putting anyone in restraints who does not WANT to be restrained. However, I must admit, many times I have beat off thinking about American prisoners of war in Vietnam, being kept tied up or locked in small, uncomfortable cages. Is that wrong?

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A while back, CREUSS sent along a set of instructions on how to build a bamboo cage. Batard4skin writes:


Cages are a sort of cubic box. As you know, in tropical regions, bamboo grows fast, easily and is very solid. You can make many thinks with bamboo.

You cut the bamboo sticks first, and you make a sort of ladder crossing the two main bars with smaller ones, and you tie them all with leaves you pick up on some plants (can’t remember the name now). Those natural ties are really solid and efficient.

To prevent the bars from slipping, you make some cuttings in the bamboo, to keep it in place.

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You make four equal panels like this, then two smaller ones. Then you build the box.

When you tie the panels together, they are firmly held. The bamboo is flexible enough not to break easily, or if you have some pressure on it.

As you are normally hands tied up in your back in such a cage, it is really escape-proof.



Thanks for the information, CREUSS!


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Serous Male Bondage announces new horizontal research cell (see attached images)

This just in!


The Serious Bondage Institute (SBI) located in San Francisco has installed a new horizontal cage cell that will be used for overnight and extended bondage sessions. The cell’s exterior location allows testing of environmental exposure and long-term endurance bondage in a controlled manor, with full monitoring of the subject from an indoor control room. In addition, a special hose can be deployed to douse the entire cage with cold water for neoprene, hazmat and environmental suit bondage experiments. The test area is outfitted with plants, chairs and a barbeque to put the subject at ease. To increase the authenticity of the backyard residential setting, raccoons and feral cats are deployed after dark to enhance the subject’s overall experience of helplessness.


Look for videos of this new horizontal cell on SeriousMaleBondage.com. Updates will document various tests, results and subjects as SBI moves forward with this unique research tool.

Click for SeriousMaleBondage.com

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Living by the Rule of the Dice

By Doug UK

Everyone who knew Tom or Bernie thought they lived a respectable, almost straight, life together. Tom dressed in immaculate business suits every day for his job at the bank; and Bernie, the elementary school teacher, in his smart casual clothes. During the working week, they went about everyday life just like every other smart dull couple in the city.

Continue reading Living by the Rule of the Dice

Severe lockdown for Bear Paul

Hey guys, I know a lot of you are into secure lockdown, like I am, and I am pleased to report that Master Mike is going to lock up Bear Paul … and we will all be able to follow along on the internet!

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Master Mike says:

Here are some pictures of the interior and exterior of the completed box, complete with magnetic lock and redundant timers. I also included a few other pictures of my dungeon (formerly the master bedroom closet). BTW, the nuts on the interior of the box are welded into place, so you cannot dismantle it from the inside even if you had tools available. Bear Paul will be my prisoner for a week starting Sept 15. He will be posting his experiences on his blog, Bear Paul.

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Thanks, Master Mike, for the pictures and information! I will definitely follow along with the proceedings on Bear Paul’s site!

As Bear Paul would say, “Woof woof!”