By AlphaMetal
Day 8, Evening – The Colonel and the slave
It had just begun to get dark and the Commander and the man Cody thought of as “the Colonel” were relaxing in the living room of the Commander’s trailer after supper. Each had a glass of bourbon and they were smoking cigars to celebrate the officer’s successful week at the camp. The Commander was incredibly proud of his old friend and his friend was proud of himself as well. It was an experience that would make him an even better Dom and give him greater confidence about taking charge of a boy. It was getting time for him to settle down, after all, and having just retired from the Marine Corps as a major general a few weeks ago, after a long career in the service, he finally had the freedom to complete that part of his life.
The Commander and his old friend drank their whisky, smoked their cigars, and discussed old times, and began comparing notes about Cody, Wrestler, and Pretty Boy.
About an hour later there was a knock at the trailer door and the Commander said, “Come in.” The slaveboy entered the trailer and saw the man on the couch with his glass of whisky and cigar, the man whose sore muscles the slave had massaged. He noticed the man’s black boots and his heart skipped a beat. He was thrilled to see the boots.
Continue reading Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 15 →