Tag Archives: Dream Boy Bondage

The Trainer

By Alex Ironrod

This is a special adaptation of the opening chapters of “The Trainer” by Alex Ironrod for MetalbondNYC,com, posted here by special permission.


I owe my life to one man. my life – and much more. He saved me. He trained me. He educated me. He loved me and had to let me go. Shit, how much I regret never having told him I loved him – until it was too late.

My name is Dave Coyle. My real life started only a year ago, when I met Mike Harrow. I was a mess. I had been doing drugs, when I could find the money. When we met, I was homeless, living on the streets. One summer morning, I was desperate enough to try to hold up this convenience store. You know the kind. They sell everything from liquor to washing powder. Anyway, I stuck this thick stick under my grubby tee shirt, and picked a quiet mid-morning time, after the breakfast rush.

I was lucky, the place seemed empty. So, I marched up to the counter and growled at the clerk, “OK, this is a stick-up. Hand over your cash right now or I’ll blow you to….”

Continue reading The Trainer

Probation – Part 02

By Johnny Utah

We parked in front of the Probation Office. My stomach churned. I double checked that the car was locked. We walked over and rang the bell. Trooper Shaw was in the office, he was not in uniform. He strutted up to the door and unlocked it. “I wasn’t sure if you two had the balls to show,” he said. “OK, get in here.”

“Did you both take a piss before you got here?”

“Yes Sir,” we said at the same time.

“OK, just remember it’s a long trip, if you even think you have to go, do it before you leave here. Come on into the back office.”

We went into the back office.

“Empty your pockets. I’m gonna put all your stuff in these two envelopes. All I had was my car keys and driver’s license. Make sure the inventory is right then sign on the bottom line. Belts off too. The transport guard will frisk you before they put you in the back.”

“Time to get you chained up.”

I had butterflies in my stomach.

“You first,” he said to Ryan. He had Ryan put his right-hand palm down and then his left hand palm facing up over his stomach, then put on the handcuffs. Then Trooper Shaw took out a plastic box and put it over the cuffs making them a solid unit. The chain went around Ryan’s waist and then connected the box to the waist chain and the to the leg shackles.

I got exactly the same treatment.

Continue reading Probation – Part 02

Video: Julian is crucified at Dream Boy Bondage

Nobody does a crucifixion scene better than Dream Boy Bondage. This video features Julian, a young bodybuilder. Every inch of his amazing physique is in agony, displayed to perfection.

Julian is crucified at Dream Boy Bondage

The cross slowly rises, a muscular victim affixed to it, totally naked. Julian looks around terrified as he feels his chest stretch and his abs tighten. His powerful physique will help him endure the agony of the cross, but the added weight of all that muscle will also add to his pain, as his body slowly pulls itself apart. After just a few minutes, he feels tremendous strain in his arms, shoulders and pecs. The placement of his ankles gives him little leverage, no way to reduce the strain on his arms and upper-body. All he can do is hang there and suffer. And you get the watch the whole thing: A naked muscleman crucified! Sit back and enjoy every detail: The drool dripping down his pec and onto his abs, the nasty lash-mark from a wrap-around blow that landed an inch from his cock, and the ropes of dry cum on his massive thigh.

Here is a free video preview:


See the whole thing at Dream Boy Bondage

HINT: They post TWO new videos every Friday!

This site is worth the money! It is high quality, and highly recommended.

Title of this episode: Julian – The Wages of Sin – Chapter 5

naled male crucifixion

Dream Boy Bondage

Two buds are turned into captive sex slaves

At Dream Boy Bondage, top man Kevin Ford captures two straight buds, strings them up, strips them naked and lures them into a psychological game of wits that will turn them against one another, making one friend torture and fuck the other, first unwillingly but then with relish, as both captives become his sex slaves.

Check them out:

both captives become his sex slaves

See NINE videos in hi-def at Dream Boy Bondage

Title of this series: JOSEPH & HUNTER – Straight Bros

Dream Boy Bondage

Video: Tough guy gets whipped

At Dream Boy Bondage, Brazilian muscle-stud Julian is sliced repeatedly with a single-tail whip, then his wounds are sprayed with rubbing alcohol, making his amazing physique convulse with pain.

Brazilian muscle-stud Julian is sliced repeatedly with a single-tail whip

After collapsing from the electro-shock to his balls, Julian hangs limp from his chains, bent over, waiting for his next torture. “Wake up, boy!” Anthony Martin says, zapping the stud with a cattle prod then grabbing his balls, making sure he knows he is completely powerless. “Please, I beg you,” Julian says in his broken English, eying Anthony’s red-and-black, leather whip. The first blow slices his back, making him jump with shock and pain. The blows keep coming, crisscrossing his muscular back and ass with angry welts. Anthony mists the fresh wounds with rubbing alcohol, making Julian shake with pain, flexing every muscle in his perfect body. The only break he gets from the agony is when Anthony pauses to grope his muscles and genitals and slap his ass and abs.

Here is a free preview video — be sure to watch in full screen mode!


See the whole thing at Dream Boy Bondage

They post TWO new videos every week

Title of this episode: Julian – The Wages of Sin – Chapter 3

muscle stud with leather whip

Gay Bondage: Here to suffer

At Dream Boy Bondage, a captive is dragged into the dungeon to be “severely punished physically and sexually.” He is kept hard, jerked off, fucked and forced to suck cock while brutally beaten by a young guard working for a shadowy power that terrifies him. The title of this video series is “COLE MILLER – Here To Suffer”

gay bondage torture videos

There are MULTIPLE videos in this series from Dream Boy Bondage

gay bondage videos

gay bondage videos