By Pickle
Once Steve had massaged my arms and shoulders back to life and given me some water, he said, “Ok, Pick my boy. Round Two! Let’s get you all fixed up here dude.”
With that, he started the winch up again and got my wrists above my head. Then he affixed a bi-polar alligator clamp to each of my nipples. Next came an electro pad for each of my abs. He was careful not to pull my shirt out when he did that. Then two on each bicep. He smiled and looked at the wire coming out of the fly of my jeans that he had attached what now seemed like eons ago, and said, “I think we’re gonna have to deal with something else here too buddy.” He reached through my fly and carefully pulled out my junk. Again being careful not to disturb my shirt. He clearly wanted those damned shirttails to stay tucked in tight.