Tag Archives: Halloween

Planning for a Halloween Party

By Mister-X/Spartan

That house was a natural for hosting a Halloween party. It was really creepy looking. It had been built many years ago, an old Victorian relic. It sat on top of a hill on the outskirts of town. It looked like a copy of the house in that Hitchcock movie “Psycho.” The only problem was that the owner, the guy who lived there, was just as mysterious as the house itself.

Bobby and I had been discussing approaching the owner with Willie. We wondered if the owner would be interested in having us rent it for Halloween. We could fix it up great, making it something that our friends would talk about for years. But we were trying to find some way to approach the owner. We figured you couldn’t just walk up to a total stranger and ask him if you can rent your home for a day. Bobby and I had been working on this for a couple of weeks, checking records to see who owned the place, verifying that the owner lived there, and checking any records we could about him. But we came up with nothing, nada. There had to be something.

He wasn’t a member of any club that we knew about. He never seemed to leave his house except to go grocery shopping. And that was another strange thing, he only left his house at night. Plus he always came out dressed in black clothes. Nowadays, that is popular dress, but for someone his age, it isn’t. He didn’t seem like someone who was modern in any way. He also had an eastern European accent. That sent us off on a different research quest.

Willie finally said, “Hey, I don’t have a problem approaching strangers. Leave it to me to talk to the guy and check out the place.”

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