Tag Archives: how-to

There is a difference between consensual bondage and abuse

A number of readers got in touch about a particular two-part story I recently posted. Thank you for the feedback. I wish to express my apologies for those who got turned off with that one. That story features a dark fantasy that one writer wanted to share — but many readers pointed out that it went too far, especially in the second part, crossing the line from consensual play into abuse. It’s definitely not something that should be done in real life. I thought about deleting the story altogether, but I have since gone back and added a warning message to both parts of the story.

UPDATE: After receiving more comments and emails from concerned readers about the story, I have decided to delete it from the Metalbond site. If the author posts it elsewhere I will share a link.

This offers a good opportunity to point out that while men are depicted on this website being bound, restrained, tied up and dominated — everything depicted here is presumed to be consensual. The stories are for fantasy and jerking off, not to be carried out in real life.

When engaging in bondage, S/M or any other sexual activity, always remember that there is definitely a difference between fantasy and reality, between consensual bondage play and abuse. Here’s a helpful graphic to help you spot the difference:

the difference between BDSM and abuse

There are a number of articles available online about the difference between healthy BDSM activity and abuse.

A really good place to start is the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom.

Also check out Psychology Today (where the graphic above is from) and verywell.com.

Ice Lock pulley and cage setup for self-bondage

Hey prisoners,

When it comes to rigging yourself up in self-bondage, leave it to Richard Hunter of Mr S to show me how it’s done! Richard was kind enough to send the information and pictures below about using the Ice Lock in a most inventive manner.

Remember, whenever you do solo bondage play it’s a good idea to let a trusted friend know what you are up to so he can come and save your ass if something goes wrong.




OK Metal,

I used the Ice Lock myself, the longer one and it lasted for 2 hours and 25 minutes with the Neoprene cosy on it. It was rigged to a pulley system with the keys attached to 2 padlocks to a cage. When the Ice Lock opened the weights (15 lbs.) at the end of the Ice Lock dropped to the floor bringing the other end of the rope thru 2 pulleys that held the keys with 2 lbs. of weight attached down to land in front of the cage. Plus lots of bondage inside the cage and the leg iron and handcuff keys were also attached onto the pulley system as well. Here are some pictures of the rigging, it’s pretty simple actually, just need two points of attachment in the ceiling about 5 feet apart for the two pulleys.

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The 15 lbs of weight are attached to the Ice Lock itself. On the other end is about 2 lbs. of weight with the keys. You need some weight to make sure the keys get pulled down when the Ice Lock opens and the 15 lbs drop off.

The 15 lbs and the Ice Lock is about 5 feet in front of the cage, so you can’t reach it. The keys then are about 1 foot in front of the cage when they drop down, and you can just reach thru the bars, even with the handcuffs on, and grab the keys to everything: the leg irons, handcuffs and the 2 padlocks locking the cage itself.

You’re in the cage for about 2 and a half hours, with no way out. Plus you can bring all your favorite toys in there with you or on the floor next to the cage to play with while locked up. Sweet, and yes, I did this to myself, to see how it all would work before I tried it on someone else. Gotta do the “research” you know!

It worked like a charm. You just gotta get the distances right as to the keys dropping down in front of the cage. Too far away and you can’t reach them if your hands are cuffed together. Also at first I didn’t put any weight on the key end of the rope, and then it dawned on me, wait, what’s going to cause it to drop down when the heavier weights drop off? So I figured 2 lbs would work and it did. Also had to make sure the rope ‘length’ was right, so it would drop all the way down. See, research is really important.

— Richard


Metalbond would like to thank Richard Hunter of Mr S for the pictures and information about the Ice Locks.  

Idea: How to get your dick into a metal chastity cage


One Metalbond reader who wishes to remain anonymous says he has found a great way to get his dick locked up. He gets it numb using a combination of Hush gel mixed with a little Wet Platinum in the bottle, so it’s a mix of lube and gel. “Rub some on, wait 2-3 minutes — and it’s like your junk disappears!” the guy who sent the picture above reports. Good job, chastity slave!

Speaking of chastity slaves, here are couple other pictures of guys who are locked have sent recently:

MetalbondNYC_chastity_02 MetalbondNYC_chastity_03