Tag Archives: incarceration

The Palisade

By Marknorth

It had been a rough flight.  The little 18-seat puddle jumper had bounced and jerked through the storm for the entire 2 hours it was in the air.  Landing at the little rural airport had been an adventure in itself; the wind was so strong that the plane seemed to slide sideways down the runway.  Now he was standing in the rain with 5 other guys waiting for their ride.

Continue reading The Palisade

Lock him up and throw away the key

Check this out … our friend Bind recently spent a whole day locked up underground.

26 hours locked in a below-ground cell

You can read Bind’s first-person account of his ordeal by clicking below:

26 Hours Locked in a Below-Ground Cell

AND … His experience has been documented with pictures and video over at Serious Male Bondage:

Serious Male Bondage

This is one of many recent exciting finds over at Serious Male Bondage.

Also check out:


Rank rubber shopping



Dore Alley public bondage

Military Prison Uniforms

The following pictures and information come from “P.O.W.” and he tells me this was inspired by The Detention Center and Volunteers Needed.

POW chain collar with padlock

P.O.W. writes,

Dear CO,

As a frequent visitor to your blog, SIR, your work and effort is greatly appreciated.

SIR, a few weeks ago a list of guidelines for a detention center was posted. It is this humble prisoner’s recommendation that a ward should be added for military personnel. The attached photos provide suggestions for their uniform to be designated for certain tasks such as sleep, work, inspection, etc.

military prison handcuffs

Military bearing is quite important for all detainees and must be strictly adhered to. Of particular interest are the POW_POV images in which prisioners are locked in cells in the floor while they watch their guards/wards perform marching drills or attend muster.

Additional uniform requirements not pictured:

gag (unless otherwise authorized for “special” duties)

jock strap

shaved head

Very Respectfully,


gay military bondage prisoner

A prison toilet

Hey fuckers, listen up. This is important. If you are going to keep a prisoner for any length of time, you are going to need a toilet. That’s right, you need a real, functioning toilet that he can piss and shit into. Get him locked with access to a toilet, and you can keep him prisoner for days, weeks — even months! — provided you feed and water him, of course.

prison toiletprison toilet

Anyone who has a toilet like this installed in a cell or a basement is obviously quite serious about keeping a man prisoner. This is hardcore. This makes me hard.

Today’s pictures are from the men at Serious Male Bondage, who know a thing or two about real confinement.

But the INSPIRATION behind today’s posting is from Zerotaf — one of the very few men in the country with an identical toilet (plus something even more serious that Metal has used many times over the years while locked on a hard concrete floor ) .

Keep checking back here to Metalbond for more on keeping a prisoner.

male bondage videos

Mark Goes To Jail

I asked Morgan if I could post his very hot first-person story “Mark Goes To Jail” here on Metalbond, but he said no, and fuck me very much for even requesting such a thing. Instead he wants you wankers to buy his book, which contains the story and other tales of his adventures, on Amazon or get it on kindle.


Or … if you happen to have issue 40 of Checkmate (the “Prison Issue”) like I do, you can read it there.
