In an interview with MetalbondNYC.com, Sebastian Keys from the Kink.com family of gay bondage websites talks about his adventures in gay BDSM porn.
Metal: Sebastian, as readers of the Metalbond site might remember, you were quite the novice when you were tied up at Mr S in San Francisco during a porn shoot with Brenn Wyson for the then-brand-new website Bound In Public. What was that like for you, diving into kink as a newbie in such a pubic way?
Sebastian Keys responds: Diving right into BDSM was such a thrill for me. I’ve always been kind of an adrenaline junky, and growing up Mormon I was very sheltered yet had so many curious perverted thoughts, so coming to Kink was like walking into a candy shop for the very first time.
So, in other words, when it comes to BDSM, you went from vanilla to sixty in like, five seconds! That was quite an initiation, yes?
It really was! It’s very well known in the industry that I’m one to really take it all.
Today you are one of the most prolific porn stars in the kink arena, and you also direct for Naked Kombat and Bound In Public, and you are one of the chief instigators at Men On Edge as well. Did you have any idea your career would take of so fast?
I did not! I remember five years ago when I first started being told that I would have a year in the industry, IF I WAS LUCKY. Well I figured, I may not be the most handsome or have the biggest dick in the industry, but I made it my duty to be as versatile and easy to work with as humanly possible. And through my endeavors my career escalated in a way no one could really expect. I’m very grateful.
Is there one thing you enjoy most about what you do for a living?
The one thing above all that I really enjoy in this line of work is the creative freedom I have. Film has always inspired me, and being the driving force behind a production, from just plotting the ideas and booking the models all the way up to editing in post and publishing it to the masses is such an amazing experience. All the hard work, the blood, sweat and tears that go into it, it’s something you can’t help but take pride and glory in.
What’s something people might be surprised to know about you?
People are always surprised at how young I am (24), and of course my Mormon religious background.
What would you say to someone who is young yet uninitiated, who might be interested in exploring BDSM?
The biggest thing I can say is educate yourself and find an outlet that is safe and trustworthy as you explore BDSM. Safety is always the biggest priority.
I just checked the daily feed on the Metalbond site, and it looks like I have tagged you in at least five dozen postings about gay bondage porn shoots you have been in (and counting). You have said that one of the most memorable was the Bound Gods live shoot “Please let me take his pain, Sir,” in which you were pushed harder than you had ever been. Why did that experience resonate so powerfully for you?
That shoot, to this day, still gives me chills thinking about. It was honestly the first time that I truly appreciated BDSM and quite frankly the first time I really was honest with myself and learned why I am the way I am.
In that scene you were known by your slave number, 316, which you later had incorporated into a tattoo on your back. Have many people who might not be familiar with its meaning asked you about that tattoo? Are you glad you have it?
I constantly get asked about it, whether people think it’s a scripture or an area code, they’re always blown away by my story behind it. I’m very happy I have it and wear it proudly.
You have said that Van Darkholme is your greatest mentor. What is it like working with him?
It has been such a life-changing experience working with Van. He has his intense moments, which he’s famously known for haha, but to be honest, once you get to know him, he’s such a pleasure to be around and always keeps me laughing in stitches. My biggest appreciation working with him has definitely been his genuine desire to see me succeed and be the best I can be. He’s always critical, but I keep a constant reminder that every critique comes from a place of love and that he wants me to be the best.
He gave you quite the “edging of your life” recently at Men On Edge, didn’t he?
He really did! And also recently I modeled for 30 Minutes of Torment, which was, alongside my “316” shoot, one of the most monumental moments of my life. I endured such intense torment and mind games that I walked out feeling like I truly conquered my fears and evolved as a human being.
Is there anything you would like to add?
Just a big thank you for thinking of me and for the walk down memory lane with my experiences here at Kink.com. I truly love this place!
Metal would like to thank Sebastian Keys for this interview.
Also special thanks to Michael of Kink.com for his invaluable assistance in facilitating.
Here are more shots of Sebasian Keys at work — at Naked Kombat:

… in a recent “birthday bash” shoot at Bound In Public:

… and with Connor Maguire at Men On Edge: