Tag Archives: RopedStuds

Things that pinch

It’s all about things that pinch in these shoots from the bondage masters over at Dream Boy Bondage and Roped Studs. Check out the free video clips below, which look great in full-screen mode.

First, at Dream Boy Bondage, Topher has his pecs and ball-sack ringed with clothespins. Then Jared places one of those steel wood clamps — you know, the kind that can crush a finger — right on the tip of his cock:



And at Roped Studs, meanwhile, Lance climaxes his series by pumping out a massive load of cum all over his abs — right after they cover his dick with little clips, and a really nasty one right on the tip.



To see more, go to Dream Boy Bondage



And also go to Roped Studs


Training the Sergeant – Part 9

By lthr_jock

The next day, Davis had a day off work but he still started off early with a heavy two-hour session at the gym and an eight-mile run. As he towelled off after his shower, he looked at his reflection in his bathroom mirror. The gym was definitely working on him – he now had some serious definition on his abs under his pelt of hair, and when he did a double bicep pose his arms swelled impressively. His legs were similarly growing, and his arse was definitely getting tighter. His new high and tight haircut looked good against his craggy face, and removing the beard and moustache had taken 10 years off him. He grabbed his electric razor and shaved, remembering to run it around his head to preserve the effect of the haircut.

He padded naked through to his bedroom and opened up his wardrobe to decide what to wear today. The card he had been given the night before had an address on one side and the words “Cohiba Esplendidos” on the other side. The address was close to a local shopping centre, so he decided to drive there. He grabbed some clothes and started to put them on.

Continue reading Training the Sergeant – Part 9

Up Your Alley: The Next Year – Part 1

By ty dehner

The single tail whip snapped as it struck my naked backside. This was the 18th strike as I was ordered to keep count when the last lock on the steel wrist restraining was put upon me and connected to the steel St. Andrews Cross that stood in the middle of 10th Street. I was stark naked held fast in steel wrist and ankle restrains locked to the steel cross. My cock has been in its heavy metal chastity belt for a week with a metal plug up my ass and a metal helmet on my head to scream into.

I’ve been on this cross for over an hour and Master Kevin has allowed various leather men to use their floggers, whips and crops on me to show me the power and control he has over his object. This is far different from last year when I was here in full leather. Then I could never had thought I would be owned by Master Kevin and be in his service. But here I am as the next strike really stings and I scream and try to break free of the steel, knowing that I can’t. I feel a leather glove on my back and it gently sooths my burning skin.

“Pig you know how many Facebook and Tumblr feeds you are going to appear in tonight! They don’t know that under that helmet you are sweating in that full leather hood and your mouth is stuffed with the inflatable gag. But they know you are suffering for me and I’m so close to pulling that plug out and fucking you right here on the street!”

Continue reading Up Your Alley: The Next Year – Part 1

The Examination – Part 4

By Slavebladeboi

The gates opened automatically as I drove up to them and then proceeded slowly down the drive. I knew this was the good end of the city but I had never bothered to come here before. The house looked like a small Hollywood style mansion, ornate and sitting in a decent sized plot hidden by hedges and trees. It oozed money.

By the time I got to the top step the front door opened, again automatically as I thought until I saw the boy standing next to it. I stared at him, he was a David lookalike, same colouring, same tight firm body, just a bit taller and possibly older. He kept his face towards the floor but I saw the same glorious eye lashes as I had seen the day before at “my office.”

“Ah, Mr Saunders” a voice sounded from the depths of the dark hallway, “welcome.”

Continue reading The Examination – Part 4

Just Go With It – Part 2

By ty dehner

After we had arrived at the Amtrak station and parked the single rider had left his bike and came to me, reminding me to do as I was told. He tapped his weapon on my helmet and nodded. I agreed and nodded back. The other uncuffed my hands and we both dismounted the bike. They stood on both sides of me and each grabbed my elbow with their gloved hands. We started walking towards the train that was in the station.

Were they going to put me on a train, in full gear like this. What will people think of a biker or a group of bikers on the train?! I can’t go on a long trip as I have work and commitments. But I don’t think these guys care. I hesitate a bit and one moves his hand to my neck and squeezes. I realize that even if I did run I was locked in all this gear and couldn’t even make a noise to anyone. And fuck my cock was pressing against the little spikes in the cock cage.

We approach the back of the train and one of the conductors meets us. One of the cops gives him an envelope and we climb into the train. There is no one else on the train but us. They lead me down the aisle and into another car that has the rooms. After a couple of doors, I am pushed in a room. The room is very small but there is a bunk and on the white sheets is a leather sleep sack. I look at them through their helmeted heads and shake my head no, trying to stay something through the gag. They firmly grab me and move me closer to the bed. I can’t go in that, I can’t go anywhere. I don’t know these guys I don’t know where we’re going.

Continue reading Just Go With It – Part 2

Frat Boy’s Bitch Boy – Part 09

By Greg Alexander

With the mud rides finally over, I was hauled back into the frat house after being thoroughly rinsed off, like a dirty piece of livestock, by a high pressure hose in the yard.

By this point, I had accomplished the truly remarkable task of accumulating no fewer than 273 demerits, all marked down in tidy bunches of five on the big white board. I wondered what exactly the consequence of having so many demerits would be.   It wouldn’t take me too long to find out.

It was late, and most of the pledges and frat boys were drunk enough and tired enough that they were finally through abusing me, at least for the night. As the large crowd of frat boys dispersed, Trevor and Bryce came over and picked me up on either end of my body. Of course, needless to say, I was still bound and tied up from head to toe.

“Hey,” Trevor said in a deep voice. He was talking to Shane, the pledge ring leader. “You wanna come do this with us?”

“Sure!” Shane’s voice was eager.

Continue reading Frat Boy’s Bitch Boy – Part 09

In a Romanian Insane Asylum – Part 1

By Mister-X/Spartan

The stories she told were chilling. I was a budding investigative reporter, hoping to find a story to make my mark in the world. My boss knew this, and invited me to hear this woman’s stories. She lived in Romania, and was visiting in this country. She was telling us about how their ruler, Ceaucescu, would use insane asylums to house meddlesome dissidents, and the terrible things they would do to such people.

I was young, still in college. My parents had emigrated to the U.S. from Romania, and they spoke Romanian at home, so I was fluent in the language. I would be a natural for the job of doing a report from inside one of these hell holes. But it would obviously be a very dangerous assignment. The lady said that if I could get into Romania, she could get me the necessary papers as a resident student. My boss left the decision up to me as to whether to do this assignment.

I thought about it, thought about the stories the lady told, and decided I would do it. The paper would back me. I had to start planning everything quickly. The lady would be returning home in a week. She knew the people there who were leading the opposition to the ruler, and would put me in touch with them when I arrived in the country.

Continue reading In a Romanian Insane Asylum – Part 1

Bryan Cole gets crucified

Check out what happens to sexhibitionist Bryan Cole at Dream Boy Bondage:

See more like this at Dream Boy Bondage – TWO new updates every Friday!


Bryan Cole has nine shoots posted at Dream Boy Bondage. Also check him out at Roped Studs:

Click for Roped Studs


And … Bryan Cole ALSO gets tied up and tickled over at My Friends Feet!

Click for My Friends Feet