Tag Archives: rubber

Some Time in Rubber – Part 7

By rts


We reached the cabin and went inside, I was hungry thirsty and tired. He walked through the room in front of me, his rubber shining as the light played over his moving body. He handed me a large jug and told me to drink. It was some sort of protein shake and I eagerly drank as much as I could. When I had finished he came to me holding the heavy rubber straight jacket, turned me around and helped me struggle into it. He crossed my arms across my chest and strapped them behind my back, pulling tight the other multiple straps confining me securely in it.

Ignoring my protests, he next took an inflatable gag pressing it into the mouth opening of my hood and then filling it with air sealing it in my mouth. I could now only breathe through the two nose holes in the hood.

Continue reading Some Time in Rubber – Part 7

Some Time in Rubber – Part 6

By rts

The seemingly endless night crept slowly into dawn, my body shivered in its cold wet rubber confinement, the mud squished under my butt as I squirmed uncomfortably around, my lower legs held fast in its tight grip. During the night my movements had sunk me deeper into the bog, the mud now covering my crotch and hips, water continually leaking through the zipper into the suit.

I was grateful for the return of the sun, actually looking forward to its burning heat after the cold misery of this past night, and knowing that finally sometime today he was coming back for me. Tired from my sleepless night, hungry and cold as I sat there trapped in my cold rubbersuit wet with the infiltrating water and my old sweat, foul with my piss and powerless to free myself. This would be day seven totally covered and contained in this thick heavy rubber, seven days with my neck held fast in this posture collar, my waist bound tightly with this thick rubber and steel belt, my cock and balls trapped inside this locked metal chastity container.

Continue reading Some Time in Rubber – Part 6