Tag Archives: stories on the net

Drummer magazine website is relaunched

And they have a new Editor-in-Chief! And they are promising a new issue coming soon! Details are available at their website:

Drummer magazine

They have some newer content available, including five complete issues as well as articles. And one of my very favorite features is a complete library of the first 100 issues! If you are a subscriber as I am, you can access this vast library.

Drummer back issues

Click for Drummer magazine

Male bondage artwork by Mitchell

Here are some vintage images from Mitchell, which are shared here with the permission of the artist:

artwork by Mitchell


Mitchell’s blog is here.

BONUS: Virtually everything Mitchell ever published is now available to view and download at the Mitchmen Club at Adonis Male, which requires you to sign up for a free membership. The club includes Mitchell’s illustrated version of the story of “Brick and the Mad Scientists” (that’s Brick the bodybuilder) by Steve McHalperin. Brick the artist did the original illustrations for the story.


By Zac Loughty

This story is about adults, to be read by adults only.

The author would like to thank his Discipline Monitor for his ‘encouragement’ to get this story finished, and for proofreading this story.


Crap! It’s as if a boy scout has tied one of his fancy knots in my calf. I knead it with my fingers, trying to get it out.

This is what happens when you spend a night folded up in your cage.

I’m being punished. Sir says I was rude to our server last night. Whatever! I mean, isn’t that what a server’s supposed to do… SERVE? Geesh!

I need to piss! I reach through the bars and grab one of the wide-mouth bottles set within reach for this purpose. I remove the cap, position myself on all fours and drop my caged dick in the hole. What a pain in the ass!

Relief! My warm piss fills the bottle. I screw the cap back on and set the bottle outside my cage.

I wonder if Sir unlocked the padlock yet!

I turn around, reach through the bars, and grab the padlock. Crap! Still locked. I yank on it a few times just to make sure. I push on the cage door, but I know I’m not getting out. I want out!

I lie back down and wrap my scratchy blanket around me. It’s cold in the basement! I’m naked except for my collar and chastity cage. It would be really nice to lie down next to Sir’s body right about now.

Continue reading Chase

Top Down: De pisbak files deel 1

Eerste erotische SM boek by stein subman

Top Down: De pisbak files deel 1

Als Koen de kans krijgt om in het huis van zijn overleden moeder te gaan wonen is dat voor hem ook het moment om te breken met zijn partner, na een aantal minder gelukkige jaren. Koens vrienden helpen hem om zijn leven op orde te brengen en zijn nieuwe huis in te richten. Een van die vrienden heeft een wel heel speciale belangstelling voor Koen. Doortastend laat Simon hem merken dat hij niet de dominante man is die hij dacht te zijn. Soms vriendelijk, soms dwingend neemt Simon de controle over het leven van zijn nieuwe slaaf in handen. Een heel nieuw leven begint, waarin Koen zichzelf opnieuw moet leren kennen. Het acceptatieproces waar hij doorheen moet, het zichzelf aanvaarden als slaaf, masochist en liefhebber van seksuele praktijken die bepaald niet alledaags zijn, het wordt allemaal beschreven in het eerste deel van deze serie.

Deze erotische SM-roman is nu alleen in het Nederlands verkrijgbaar via Amazon. Klik hier.

Volg de auteur op Twitter door hier te klikken

Leather bedtime stories

Nitro, author of “Event Urinal” and “ImmobileRestraint” in the Prison Library, has a Just For Fans page in which subscribers can see him showing off at the gym, and playing in his home dungeon. In some of his most recent updates, he can be seen on video wearing leather and smoking a cigar while reading chapters from “ImmobileRestraint.”

Nitro wearing leather and smoking a cigar

Nitro’s stories in the Prison Library are here

To check out Nitro’s Just For Fans page, click here.

Also look for him on Twitter and Recon (NitroATL)

Leather Cop Enforcement – Excerpt 2

This is an exclusive excerpt from the new leather kink novel by ty dehner

ty dehner male bdsm authorSergeant Kieran Moore is the second in command of The Jackals, a dedicated squad of law enforcement in California’s high desert that has built a dark world of leather and kink while executing their own form of legal justice. The Jackals enjoy service from the submissive men who worship their boots and conform to their powers of control and ownership.

A happenstance meeting while riding dirt bikes brings the Leather Cop in contact with Mateo Hernandez, a blue-collar laborer from the Coachella Valley. This chance meeting leads to both entering a leather power exchange relationship that both men have always wanted in their lives. Over time, both their lives change dramatically, causing them to question the reality they are facing and wonder if they truly can deal with the future they are racing towards.

Leather Cop Enforcement is the second leather kink novel by ty dehner. This epic story has intense BDSM experiences with leather, uniforms, and more. These two men end up finding out more about their emotions, their lust, and how important power dynamics are in their life as well as the need to have each other in their hearts.

Read the complete novel today with Amazon Kindle or order in print!


A few hours pass as the two have been lazy, never releasing their touch.  The shadows are getting longer as the sun is moving towards evening.  Cop Boss squeezes his boy’s tits, making him moan in pain.

“We gotta get ready, boy. Tonight is an important night,” the Cop whispers into Mateo’s ear as he cuddles his boy’s head in his gloved hands.

Continue reading Leather Cop Enforcement – Excerpt 2