Tag Archives: straitjackets

How he spent the night

Hey guys … for those who have been emailing asking about the Padded Cell inmate, yes he is still locked up! Here is the latest update from The Warden:

Here are some images of one of the rare occasions that the inmate is out of the jacket to give the arms some relief. His ankles are still very close shackled, though.

He was NOT a happy inmate and VERY tired in the morning. Not that he knew what time of day it was any way.

Padded Cell Inmate


Thanks Warden … Meanwhile for all the readers who are following this scene here on Metalbond … keep checking back for more updates from the Padded Cell!



I’m so glad to see an update!

I was thinking maybe the inmate had had a problem, like a health issue or something like that.

It’s good to know he’s doing well.



A full naked shot … Nice! He’s a fine looking furry bear, naked and bound …



Very cool!

Still would love a shot at being the next prisoner!

Thank you Sir for the update!


The Warden

The inmate is in fine condition for someone who is approaching three weeks in a padded cell.

I feel bad as I made the mistake of telling the Governor that the inmate said that the compliance hood was working well and that the inmate said it was very comfortable! He instantly said zip it on him out of the Strait Jacket Padded locking mitts and leave him till the following day. That’s just what happened and I don’t think the inmate was happy about it but that’s not MY doing, or is it? I do feel very bad as maybe I should not have mentioned it, but if the Governor found out that I did not communicate this I may have been taken off the padded cell wing?

This is probably also why there was a bit of a break in the images being forwarded as there is not much to see other than this. I suspect over the next few days and last week of the inmate’s incarceration things may be busy or not, depending upon what the Governor has in mind.


The Warden

ohrubberpup1, please I am NOT a Sir. I am a mere pawn under the control of the Governor of the Institution. Sir is a title of respect to those that have earned it, I believe. I am sure you will join the line of possible inmates to which no doubt there may be an opening soon. That, my ohrubberpup1, is for the Governor to decide.



My compliments to the Governor and his trusty staff.



Has he been disobedient yet? How is he punished?


Sick Puppy

Damn but that turns me on, love to be in that myself.



WOW 3 weeks, I really look forward to hear what the inmate has to say about his time in the padded cell. He is such a fine specimen, congrats to the Warden.

Question, where your institution is located?



It looks like he has a fresh diaper waiting for him…


The Warden

Yes time flies from OUR perspective, but the inmate thinks he has already done 4 weeks and is convinced The Governor is keeping him longer as punishment for times of disobedience.

This last week I have a feeling is going to be tough on him and he is going to be enduring LONG periods of NOTHING, which is hard to do when your mind is occupied by normal things.

The Governor spends most of his time in the United Kingdom but does travel quite often to specialist patients whom he knows personally. The Institution itself is located dark in the depths of English Countryside down a disused old cart path and is 12 miles from its nearest building.

I will probably get into trouble for allowing that snippet of information, but I would think it would do any harm.

Inmate gets arm splints

Here are the latest images from The Warden, along with an update on the inmate’s predicament from The Warden:

The Warden writes:

After days of arms being crossed, it was decided to let him straighten them, so arm splints that do not allow arms to bend are strapped on first, then back into the straitjacket.

Padded Cell inmate Metalbond 01MetalbondNYCThrough all of these changes, he is always hooded with the easy-to-control breathing hood as he is ALWAYS hobbled with the humane restraints to ensure compliance.

Finally, the breathing hood is replaced with an extra large purpose made locking canvas hood with just 4 breathing holes.

Sleep TIGHT.

Padded_Cell_Inmate_01 Padded_Cell_Inmate_02 Padded_Cell_Inmate_03 Padded_Cell_Inmate_04

dave writes:

Nice pics! Good to see an update. Did the inmate fight having to put the straightjacket back on after finally getting out of it for a few minutes after several days in it? It would be natural for the frustration to cause him to balk at going back in. Is he showing signs of frustration yet, or has he passed that stage into being compliant with the situation?



compliance, wow, that is such a hot word.

frustration, wow, that is such a hot word.

dang, i wanna be frustrated and compliant.



Warden you are just too considerate to the inmate by stretching his arms but for me he has too much hair. You gonna shave him?



Sir really nice and hot update Sir…

Sir i hope one day to have the same training as this lucky boi Sir



Lucky boy to have such a knowledgeable and attentive master.

What is he fed?



Hairy guys are hot, don’t shave him. I love the combination hood and straitjacket, very hot!!


The Warden

Ok let’s deal with the questions.

Did he fight going back in? Well yes he did somewhat but with the breathing hood on he was very easily overpowered as all you have to do is grab his dick and shut of his air BINGO one compliant inmate : – ) The inmate is always frustrated and as such he goes through that stage EVERY day I am sure.

Shaving has crossed my mind but if I do that then he will sort of realise how many days he has been in there by how much hair comes back and I don’t want that. So it stays for now but maybe on the last day of incarceration.

I am NOT the inmate’s MASTER, I am The Warden of the Institution and the Governor just allows ME certain times to be able to respond to your questions.

Food is on a need basis and as such the inmate eats lots of pasta dishes or mince beef and bowls of soup some times in the morning or evening. He is NOT starving but forever hungry.

Now I must return to my daily checks on the inmate as per the Governor’s directions.



The discussion of the Warden and a Governor is reminiscent of the titles used in the old Institute website. Is that a coincidence?


The Warden

How astute of you! The Governor was impressed with that comment, c6h5oh1.

Padded cell bondage: Day Zero

Beginning tonight is a new feature here on Metalbond: Padded Cell Bondage. That’s right, fuckers, you heard me … I said PADDED CELL BONDAGE!!!

Padded Cell Inmate Metalbond

A close acquaintance of mine will be keeping an inmate captive in this very cell for several weeks. Yes, you heard me, I said WEEKS!!!  The inmate will be kept in a straitjacket and leg sack in this padded cell, with NO WAY OUT.

Do you think I am making this up? Maybe I am, but then again, maybe I am not. All I can say is this: Check back here to Metalbond for future updates.

That is, if you dare …



Hey prisoners,

As promised for your Christmas present here on Metalbond is the first installment of this heavy long-term bondage scene from the Metalbond Archives.

Here are the comments this original blog posting received:


Paul writes:

Straight jacket… Padded cell… For weeks!! Not sure if I believe this or not but you have my interest!!


Nick writes:

HOT! Is it for real?


Pigboy writes:

Damn what a lucky fucker, hell i would love to go a month or more in there!


Rdooman writes:

OK, I’m in.

My deviant mind suggests adding a remote controlled electro-shock butt plug.

Having experienced solitary in the Cox lock-up, the reality is that most bondage enthusiasts would say “ENOUGH!” after the first fifteen minutes.


Fetishbearsslave writes

Wow – hope is deadly silent in there – and lighting??? Sensory deprivation / bondage lovers’ dream cum true.


Chastrubpig writes:

Would like to think this is for real!


Chetrdavis writes:

okay, I’m ready … just send the guys (hot, muscular guys) in the white coats and I’ll go along peacefully….can I be blindfolded and gagged too?

Irish 8’s


The Warden writes:

Well it’s for real guys and it’s going to be a long trip that’s for sure. The lights are on ALL the time and the mirrored ceiling just reflects back at you where you are and what a situation your in. It’s perfectly soundproofed and is AIR tight so the only air in is what’s pumped in and controlled by The Warden.

More images and some short video is on its way.


ohrubberpup1 writes:

I would LOVE to be next!!!! I’m ready for it, maybe try for months instead of weeks this time!!!!


The Warden

Unless you have had previous and SERIOUS experience I don’t think most guys would last that time scale.

I am serious in what I do for others and would not consider such an arrangement with out some form of experience.

Also you have to think about who is the captor in this sort of LONG-term scene.


ohrubberpup1 writes:

Oh, I am serious! I’ve been kept as a rubberpup for months at a time, I’m heavily into fullbody mummification (including having been kept multiple days in a full head to toe multi-layer mummification with breathing/drinking tube and external catheter, several times. I would love this kind of opportunity!


GutterFag writes:

Well Sir, i won’t volunteer to be the captive but it might be interesting serving the Warden as his gamekeeper … i figure you’ll need assistants


The Warden writes:

Well well GutterFag, you may just be correct there that i do need staff from time to time and if you would like to make up a CV why not post it some where for my appraisal??

SERVE The Warden


OK Prisoners, that’s all for tonight. Check back here every Tuesday night beginning next Tuesday, January 1, to find out what happens next …

19 days in a padded cell

Hey prisoners, who among you remembers this?

Paddeed Cell Inmate Metalbond

Those of you who have been following Metalbond for a long time might recall the infamous “Padded Cell Inmate,” who spent 19 days locked severe bondage in a padded cell. This long-term bondage scene took place in the spring of 2010 and was extensively documented on Metalbond.

Since all of those posts were on my old site, I have decided to re-post all of those blog posts including the comments, and I will feature one new entry each Tuesday night, starting this coming Tuesday, Dec. 25.

Consider it the Christmas present from Metalbond that will keep giving into the new year.

Only the most secure, severe lockdown for all of you sick fuckers.

Rainy Days in Oregon: Zac’s 21st Birthday

By John Strickland

an excerpt

Zac wrenched ineffectually in his straitjacket. His skills as an escape artist would do him no good in that maximum security prison restraint.

He didn’t know whether to find help or to hide. He just stood there bewildered for a while, his bare feet cold on the damp sidewalk.

A car went by. It didn’t even slow down. No-one in that car had noticed his plight.

Continue reading Rainy Days in Oregon: Zac’s 21st Birthday