Tag Archives: straitjackets

19 days in a padded cell

Hey prisoners, who among you remembers this?

Paddeed Cell Inmate Metalbond

Those of you who have been following Metalbond for a long time might recall the infamous “Padded Cell Inmate,” who spent 19 days locked severe bondage in a padded cell. This long-term bondage scene took place in the spring of 2010 and was extensively documented on Metalbond.

Since all of those posts were on my old site, I have decided to re-post all of those blog posts including the comments, and I will feature one new entry each Tuesday night, starting this coming Tuesday, Dec. 25.

Consider it the Christmas present from Metalbond that will keep giving into the new year.

Only the most secure, severe lockdown for all of you sick fuckers.

Rainy Days in Oregon: Zac’s 21st Birthday

By John Strickland

an excerpt

Zac wrenched ineffectually in his straitjacket. His skills as an escape artist would do him no good in that maximum security prison restraint.

He didn’t know whether to find help or to hide. He just stood there bewildered for a while, his bare feet cold on the damp sidewalk.

A car went by. It didn’t even slow down. No-one in that car had noticed his plight.

Continue reading Rainy Days in Oregon: Zac’s 21st Birthday

Padded cell inmate

You guys remember the Padded Cell Inmate? A blog reader recently got in touch about this very heavy scene from a while back:

Padded Cell inmate straightjacket

Dear Metal,

Do you still have the blog posting about the guy that went a couple weeks in a straitjacket and padded cell? John and I were wondering about it.

Thank you,



Hey Mark,

That was the infamous Padded Cell Inmate scene that was documented on the Metalbond site back in March and April 2010. Click on the Padded Cell Inmate tag below to see all the posts!
