Leather Lover Tied

By Aussielthrbiker

It was my first year at university. I had moved out of my parents and into a dorm and had picked up a part time job in a department store downtown. Dorm life was great fun but our dorm was pretty quiet – it had a reputation for being the dorm you lived in if you actually wanted to study. My part time job was also great fun; I worked three shifts a week in the “Young Men’s” department. Two were all day shifts when I worked alongside the permanent employees, who were around my age and a fun bunch. However, my favourite shift of the week was Thursday evenings. On Thursdays I worked with Brad, who was another university student. He was in his second year at another university. He was around my height and build, ie, 5’11” and slim. He had blue eyes and short curly blond hair. After the store closed, we would have dinner together at the burger joint across the road before catching our respective buses. Brad would often tell me about life in his dorm, which sounded a lot more active than mine. In particular, he would recount in some detail the hazing, which usually involved one of the guys (sometimes him) being tied and gagged. I would listen intently to his stories wishing this would take place at my dorm. I made this comment to Brad a couple of times.

Continue reading Leather Lover Tied

‘Prison System 4614’ (German: ‘Haftanlage 4614’)

You guys have to check this out! It’s a documentary film called “Prison System 4614” (German: “Haftanlage 4614”) that is playing in Berlin as part of the International Film Festival in Berlin (Berlinale) that is going on right now! It’s about a private prison where paying guests can get locked up. The description reads in part,

“Even when using the whip these ‘torturers’ never forget to be humane and, in spite of their tough prison warder guise, they are fully aware, in a way that is almost caring, of their responsibility for those in ‘detention.’”

The film is directed by Jan Soldat.

More information about “Prison System 4614” (German: “Haftanlage 4614”), including show times, is available here and here.

ALSO: The director, Jan Soldat, also made a documentary film about Klaus, a man and his desire to live as slave.

Metal would like to thank RH of Mencomix for passing this along.

From the desk of Metal


Chastity device wearers, handcuff collectors, jail cell dwellers, combination lock experts, inmates, guards and many others have been emailing me with pictures, videos, true accounts of personal experiences — and stories! Lots of great stories!

A couple of guys have even sent me collars and other restraints to try on, via the mail! Thanks!

Anyway, I will be sharing lots of this stuff here on the Metalbond site in the coming days and weeks. Tons of bondage porn, as well. As you may know, I generally work on the site in advance and let it auto-update. So be sure to check back every day.


Midwinter Story Week

As I mentioned, a lot of you prisoners have been sending in some great STORIES for the Prison Library. In fact, I have enough stories right now to post a new one every a day for a whole week, starting this coming Monday. So watch for that.

Remember you can look up stories by title, date added, or by author name, using the dropdown tabs in the navbar. For a guide to the Prison Library, click here. There are now more than 400 stories here.


More new stuff

Metalbond_ButtCuffs_vertYou might also notice some other new features on this site. Right now there are six “featured postings” at the very top of the main landing page (as opposed to the three I had up there previously). I’ll be continuing to rotate these from time to time, as some of the more popular content for those who might be new to this site.

I also re-instituted the long list of “Blogroll” links in the sidebar to the left. (I had to take that down for a while because it was clogging up too much bandwidth, but the site seems to be loading pretty fast these days so it’s back.)

There are some new and different banner ads, as well. Be sure to check those out, too.

Also important: I have said this before and I will say it again. If you have not done so recently, be sure to click on some of the PORN sites featured here on Metalbond and buy yourself a subscription. By opening up your wallet and forking out a few bucks, you not only keep the bondage porn industry going but you also help support the Metalbond site as well.

Speaking of porn, I also recently added a “Metalbond Q&A” tab in the top navigation bar here on Metalbond, where you can find the interviews I have conducted with Sebastian Keys of Men On Edge and Bound Gods, and Jared of Dream Boy Bondage and Roped Studs. Click here to see the whole list. I have a few more of these interviews in the works.



Volunteers needed

Volunteers needed for male physical restraintHere at the Long Term Locking Metal Restraint Testing Facility, we’re looking for some able-bodied men to test out some of our heavier equipment. We have to make sure our restraints are 100% escape proof, and the only way we can be sure of that is to lock men in them for weeks on end. To volunteer for this important work, you must be in excellent physical health and you must be available for a minimum of 30 days. (Longer terms of 90 days or 365 days for test subjects are also available.) Participants must sign a release granting the facility sole discretion. That means once you are in — there is no early release.

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To apply, email self-pictures and a 200-word (minimum) essay via email on why you should be considered.