Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 02

By AlphaMetal

Day 1, Afternoon – Intake, Part 1

When Alpha snapped on the handcuffs Cody felt his cock get hard from the steel on his wrists. Restraints often did that to him; even the click of handcuffs got him excited.

Cody turned his head and looked at Wrestler who was next in line. He hadn’t been able to look at Wrestler’s naked body until now because he had been too busy removing his own clothes and paying attention to the Commander, but now he had a chance to check him out.

Fuck, Cody thought. Even from the side Wrestler was pure muscle: traps, delts, abs, obliques, quads, calves, everything. And he oozed strength, not just because of his muscles but from the way he was standing, the way he held his head, and the way he planted his feet.

Wrestler was shorter than Cody but Cody knew he could easily pin him to a wrestling mat and fuck him, and Cody’s mind started to imagine himself face-down on a mat with Wrestler’s cock thrusting inside him.

Cody stared at Wrestler like he was licking the jock’s body in his mind, and then suddenly realized he had been staring at him way too long. He looked up and saw that the Commander had been watching him and taking it all in.

When the Commander saw that Cody had come back to earth he barked “Move out” and pointed to a door. Alpha started walking toward the door and the boys followed.

Continue reading Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 02

Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 01

By AlphaMetal

Day 1, Morning – The Arrival

Cody had been playing with his Sir for two years now. They started out doing 2-3 hour sessions, which moved to full days, and then Cody began spending nights, often sleeping in restraints. Things became more intense and Cody found himself submitting to Sir more and more when they were together.

The past two years had been great for both of them and the 26-year old Cody had learned a lot, but Sir decided it was time for the boy to experience something much more intense. It was time for Cody to go the campground.

Sir explained the campground to Cody. A few years ago, two good friends of his who owned a leather business bought an old boy scout camp that had sat empty for years. They used it for play parties and an annual weeklong training session to which close friends could bring special boys who were ready — and worthy — of being taken to the next level. Sir thought it was time for Cody to be taken to the campground; he thought Cody was ready, and he thought it would help submerge the boy more deeply into the headspace of a sub.

Cody was excited by the idea. Sir had taken him to the leather store several times and one of the owners had a calm and commanding presence that Cody found exciting. The man was older than Sir – about 60, maybe 65 – but he had a confidence around young subs that came from many years as a Leatherman.

Continue reading Training Week at the Campground: A Novel – Part 01

The straight personal trainer and the horny gay spanker

At Reluctant Young Men — a site where they don’t like it, but they do it for the money — Royce, a 26-year-old straight, solid, muscular personal trainer, gets humbled and humiliated by Steve, a smaller, younger gay guy. Steve uses his hand, a frat paddle, a wooden spoon and a leather paddle, gradually increasing the intensity, until Royce is twisting, gasping and panting on his lap. Steve enjoys his power trip, his cock is hard, dripping long strands of precum, bouncing and throbbing against Royce’s stomach, adding to his humiliation.

male bondage spanking

Watch the VIDEO at Reluctant Young Men

Title of this shoot: “The Straight Personal Trainer and the Horny Gay Spanker”

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male bare butt spanking


By Taurus

Everyone has a reason to keep a slave. I’m kept as one by Master. He calls me a towel.

Please let me explain.

My parents were Scandinavian, but they moved to the US before they gave birth to me. Scandinavians are famously hairy (or so I think, since my dad was quite the fuzzball), hence why my body hair was the target of teasing for many years in high school. I tried to hide it by wearing long sleeves and changing quickly for gym, but that didn’t work, obviously.

This shame didn’t last long, fortunately. Behind people’s backs, I’d read through magazines and I’d be amazed at how many people lust for hairy bodies.

When I got into college, I decided to embrace the bearishness and sport a (very thin, compared to now) beard, I pretty much had the hair of someone more than double my age back then. My dorm mate noticed, and word quickly spread about me being a bear. To this day, I’m still nicknamed a bear by my friends, though it’s more a term of affection, and not of ridicule or for categorization.

Do Vikings hunt bears? If so, I hope my ancestors don’t try to kill me. Either meaning of “bear” applies, wink wink.

Continue reading Towel