By GratDelay
How dumb did my best friend think I was?
“If it has ‘unfortunate side effects’, why do you think I would let you dose me with it?”
“I mean ‘unfortunate’ like I won’t be getting a bonus this year. It’s just as safe as the other analogs we’ve been testing… well, if you get comfy before you take it.”
“The lab’s not going to be able to market it. No way the FDA will pass it, and if they did, almost no one would buy it.”
“Dude, I’m really not interested in your company’s bottom line — or your Christmas bonus. Tell me why I should take some un-tested drug from your lab.”
“Oh, it’s tested. That’s how it got cancelled. And it passed all the usual safety trials. It won’t make you sick or elevate your blood pressure like the original peptide. It won’t give you a weird splotchy tan or a tomato-red face. Etcetera etcetera.”