Category Archives: Story

Bound, Gagged and Abused in a Van

By SockgaggedJason

male bondage stories simulated rapeSynopsis/Description:

A twenty-something professional propositions two attractive thugs who are out of prison on parole into an elaborate roleplay kidnapping that backfires, subjecting him to heavy sexual humiliation. Bondage, kidnap, rape and body smell themes.


Michael – willing victim, gay boy

Mateo – kidnapper, Latino boy

Dakota – kidnapper, white trash boy

Michael was sound asleep. He was sprawled out in his bed, only in his underwear, with the bedsheet halfway covering his body. The nerdish, cute, 28-year-old young man was fit with thick light brown hair and green eyes.

He had a nice bedroom situated in an upscale condo in the heart of the city. He made a good living working as a software engineer.

From outside, the window to his room quietly opened and the faint sounds of the city leaked their way inside. Slowly, two figures crawled through the window. They were slender young men dressed in clothing like construction workers wore. One was Latino, the other a white boy.

They quickly jumped on top of Michael where he slept, who immediately woke up. The Latino intruder held a pocket knife to his throat, cupping his gloved hand over Michael’s mouth while the white kid held down his wrists.

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Unchained prisoner

By rts

Is anyone out there able to help me? I am stuck here, all my clothing has been taken and I have been left wearing this tight rubber catsuit which I can’t remove, as the entry zipper which runs from the top of the attached hood down my back and thru my crotch can’t be un-zipped past the posture collar that is locked around my neck nor past the thick rubber corset which is also locked around my waist.

I have been trapped in this suit for two days now and the tight rubber has become very uncomfortable and rank with my sweat (fortunately I can at least un-zip my crotch to relieve myself all though I am wearing a locked steel chastity belt shaped to fit around my waist under the catsuit ) I have been living on bread and water and liquid protein which I can just slowly work into my mouth through the small mouth opening in the hood, the stiff posture collar and tight heavy corset make my movements painful and breathing labored.

The attached gloves and rubber boots squish with the accumulated sweat. there is nothing in this room I can use to cut off this suit and it would be impossible to cut thru the thick collar and corset anyway. “He” warned me not to damage the suit in such an attempt or he would never unlock the chastity belt. Leaving me here in this small room two days ago “He” left thru the unlocked door. (“Where would you go dressed like that and without any money, it’s miles back to your place,” He laughed, “you would probably get the crap beat out of you by the local street punks before you got to the end of the block, and if that happened and your suit got damaged you can forget about ever getting out of that chastity belt, boi.”)

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Studly Swimmer Gets Kidnapped by Leather Bikers

By Speedobound

stud in a speedoJames sneered at Bob and said, “He probably wants to sniff my Speedo, preferably with me wearing it.”

Later that night Bob and three of his friends snuck into the natatorium knowing James liked to train in private. They snuck up on James from behind when he was walking into the dressing room from the pool, grabbed him and quickly overcame him, tied him up and gagged him. They then wrapped him in a blanket so his thrashing about wouldn’t cause him to hurt himself.

They backed a van to the door of the natatorium and quickly spirited their captive into the rear cargo unit, where Bob climbed in afterwards. He told James what was in store for him — that he was a member of a gay bikers gang and they had a clubhouse in the woods that they were taking him to, to teach him a little lesson in humility.

Once they arrived and carried him into the club they put him on the floor in the main room and removed the blanket, so James could see where he was. He immediately saw there were about 15 men all dressed in leather surrounding him, and there were chains suspended from the ceiling above him with leather cuffs on them, two sets on each side of a beam on the ceiling about 4 feet apart. Suddenly a group of the men gathered around him, lifted him and began untying the rope that had bound him. As he struggled when freed, there were hands to grab his legs and his arms, and he was immediately subdued again. They lifted his legs and clapped his ankles into the front pair of the suspended cuffs, and another group of them did the same with his wrists.

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Breaking Boys: Pick-Up Night

By RotherhamMan

Don was just finishing up with Jason when his phone rang.

Jason had been in his dungeon for over a month now, almost the longest time anyone had spent down there. The trouble had been finding a buyer who wanted a heavily tattooed man in his late thirties who had been used and abused for such a period. Don had done so much to Jason that he had almost gotten bored with him and was in danger of losing more money than he would like if he was there any longer. He fed his slaves on a special chow that resembled dog food and hosed them down when needed, but that was all he really spent on them. Jason had been fed and watered but hadn’t been allowed to wash since he arrived and was filthy.

The guy was however beginning to acclimatise with his new life. He slept well on the concrete floor and had learned to assume a kneeling position when Don entered. Don kept his visits irregular to confuse the occupants of how much time was passing, leaving as little as a minute or as long as a whole day between sessions. Sleeping and feeding times were also varied. Don came in and emptied the chow into a bowl rather than use a machine to do it to associate food with him and only slid it to the prisoner after they had thanked him properly. The lights were either on or off as he determined, bright enough to prevent sleep or pitch black. Some developed a fear of the dark from this, especially if he left them in pain or discomfort.

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My Fetish for Speedos and Bondage

By Speedobound

stud in a speedoMy fetish can be summed in one word: Speedos. But then bondage isn’t far behind. I used to get a hard on simply by driving past sporting goods stores because that’s where you would buy Speedos, when I was growing up. I think an athletic man with a hot physique wearing a tight Speedo is the perfect combination of nature and… well, synthetics, since I like 100% nylon Speedos!

I had my very first orgasm the initial time I ever tried on a Speedo. Luckily it was a friend’s Speedo and I was able to clean up the gooey mess, surreptitiously. I had NO idea what just happened, but I knew it was HAWT. The idea of being tied up was in the back of my mind as well, but it wasn’t until I got my pervy little hands on my own Speedo that I could “practice in,” were the two fetishes able to meet. It’s fascinating what a bit of imagination and a little pretend can come up with when you are a horny teenager and have some rope and a Speedo.

I have long since graduated to more advanced levels of exploring kink. Many years ago I finally got brave enough to let a stranger tie me up, while wearing a Speedo of course. If you read my profile you will see that I will not be tied up without my Speedos, it would immediately kill my erotic drive. However, when I am wearing a Speedo, my tolerance for… well for a LOT of things is amplified. I have visited my share of leather clubs, dungeons, and even small apartments with some makeshift bondage equipment, or simply rope. I have gotten a lot more adventurous as the years have passed, although I have always played safe and have never been truly harmed.

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Nick and Daniel – Part 8

By Atlanta Stud

Atlanta StudZac crashed for the next few hours with good reason. After spending the night locked up in a set of transport shackles and then spending some time chained up to the basement post, he was beat. It was noon before he hit the shower and headed out to run a few errands for the day. It was a scorcher that afternoon so he opted for his cargo shorts, his favorite snug fitting navy Under Armour Just Saying sleeveless tank and his worn low Chucks. It was almost dinner before he got back and he noticed Nick and Daniel kicking around a soccer ball in the front yard, their shirtless physiques glistening with sweat in the late afternoon sun. Zac was pretty cut himself, but he admired Nick’s physique, the muscular trimmed hairy chest that looked bullet proof. With his two bags of new workout clothes in tow, he headed over to chat with the men and soon found himself engaged in the battle of the soccer ball.

By the time it was over, it was a sweaty mess of three muscular hunks.

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Corporate Takeover – Chapter 03

By lthr_jock

Brian was feeling highly aroused – which was very clear in the tight leather trousers. He headed back to the car where he stowed his new purchases before grabbing his sports bag and heading into the gym.

After taking his supplements, he started working out. As with yesterday, time seemed to fly by. He found himself pushing heavier weights than before and by the end of the session, he was dripping with sweat. As he looked at some of the massive guys in the gym, he knew that he wanted to be their size – or bigger. He headed for the locker room, where he sat for a couple of minutes with his towel around his shoulders. While he was sat there a man walked in – hugely muscled with a t-shirt plastered across his torso that said “Personal Trainer”. He walked up to Brian and held out a hand. “Name’s Chris. Saw you here yesterday too. Mind some comments on your style?” “Not at all – what am I doing wrong?” Chris sat down and went through some things with Brian that should improve his technique and then went to leave. “Hey Chris, how much are personal training sessions?” “£50 an hour.” “Seems reasonable. I’m only in town for 2 weeks. Can I book you for 2 hours each evening?” Chris nodded – it was always good to have regular bookings like that. “Definitely, Brian. What time tomorrow?” Brian thought about the meetings he had scheduled. “6:30?” “Ideal. See you then.”

Brian smiled to himself – this trip was proving far better than he had thought it would. He took a leisurely shower, then changed and headed back to the hotel, enjoying the way his new leathers creaked and stretched as he moved. When he got back to the hotel, he ate in the dining room and spotted several people eyeing his leather trousers. He enjoyed the attention and made sure to stretch when he left so that they could get a good view. He then headed to bed, lulled asleep by the blu-ray.

Continue reading Corporate Takeover – Chapter 03

Side Effects – Chapter 8

By GratDelay

male BDSM storiesIt was crazy what we were doing. Why? Adin was clearly devastated, just as I had been the day before. But this was his second time, and I knew in my heart that I would do it again if I got the chance. Even knowing that while it was happening, I would know, again, beyond any doubt, that I had made a terrible mistake. Even before Adin showed up with his improbable drug, I had spent a lot mental energy on figuring out ways to make that unbearable feeling last. I had told Adin that this drug was too much, way too much, because the need outweighed the pleasure; but at this point I was wondering how many doses were in the canister, if I’d ever get my hands on it again, and if Adin or someone would administer the rites, as it were.

I said ‘Adin or someone’, but I meant Adin. I had received his message loud and clear, I thought, about our relationship; but this was something else. We now shared a bond of a different sort. It really was a rite, a rite of passage, that we two, and no one else, had survived. I had called it a near-religious experience, but now I was taking the notion more seriously. I knew, for instance, that if I ever did find someone I cared about as deeply as I did Adin, that I would want him to share this rite with me, with us.

Adin had quieted down. “Fuck me.” he said. He said it in the tone that meant jeez I’m over-wrought .

“So, would you say stimulation adds a little something to the overall experience? You should be taking notes, you know. For science.”

Continue reading Side Effects – Chapter 8