Category Archives: Story

Twelve Days of Christmas – Part 07

By boyinacage

Part 7 – The Hunt

Fuck it was hurting. I had one leg dangling on each side of a tree branch. My metal encased cock dangling through a hole in the branch whilst something was weighing down my balls. My hands were tapped into fists and my boots were weighted down with chains attached by an ice lock to a bolt at the base of the tree. I had to get down as soon as I could because the hunters would be out at dawn but the lock wasn’t budging.

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Conversion – a story about a locking piss hood

By Aquala Guy

Part One

This work is entirely a piece of fiction, and written from the author’s fantasy.  Names used are strictly an indication of the author’s fantasy men, and are not in any way a reflection or indication of the proclivities of any person besides the author. No inference should be made about anyone, except that the author is waiting for the day when he really does get a piss hood locked on his head.

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Bike Trip – Parts 1 and 2

By Catdude

Part 1

I sat at the airport, nervously playing with my ticket, thinking over the event that had led to me being here, Josh pretty much ran my life now, he had made we quit my job, there had been very little option really, he told me that if I didn’t quit he would just confine me to my house with no food and that after enough days had passed that my job would have fired me he would finally allow me drugged food and I would re-awaken in my cell with the chair waiting to milk me. That had made it very easy for me to make up my mind.

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Twelve Days of Christmas – Part 05 and 06

By boyinacage

Part 5 – Happy Christmas

Have you ever spent a good evening with heavy play, and exhausted fallen into bed with the other guy’s arms wrapped around you? Having done so have you ever not been able to sleep because he turned out to be the snorer from hell? Well in didn’t seem to happen to these two Berlin guys, they both were heavy snorers. Why should I care? Because the ruddy butt plug seemed to be set to noise activation and so, exhausted as I was, I whiled away the night awake with a butt plug vibrating in sympathy to TWO snorers.

Continue reading Twelve Days of Christmas – Part 05 and 06

Twelve Days of Christmas – Part 04

By boyinacage

Part 4 – Exhausted

Exhausted by the explosion from my cock I began itching for release. Instead the first Master came over and held me by the chin. “Gotta go to the airport boy, alpha will make you ready for our guests.” And with that he was gone. The sound of the two of them chatting in German to each other receded into the background.

Continue reading Twelve Days of Christmas – Part 04

The Hot Box

By PFC Pflege

Part 1

I first experienced the hot box in the old Training Center, then located in Missouri, now called the Academy, located in Georgia. Back then, the Training Center consisted of a single room in which was a barred cell, just like a prison cell, a padded “cooler”, the infamous chair, and all imaginable bondage devices from mediaeval manacles to wooden gloves. I went many times out there, and Chip, who ran the place, pushed my limits very hard. He had several devices he had made just for me, though, of course, he used them on other guys as well.

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Twelve Days of Christmas – Part 02 and 03

By boyinacage

Part 2 – The Decision

Have you ever tried to cut through titanium with bolt cutters? It is near on impossible. Have you ever tried to do the same with Kevlar? Same result. How do I know this? Because when I finally got home I tried to cut the chains that connected my tits to my cock and all I managed to do was damage the bolt cutters. It turned out that the chains were titanium coated in Kevlar – a pretty expensive piece of kit to waste.

Continue reading Twelve Days of Christmas – Part 02 and 03

Rural Pursuits – Parts 6 to 10

By Kiggle

Chapter 6

It must have been three or four weeks after the episode in Jim’s playroom that I was on my way to do a bit of shopping in the village shop when I heard Pete calling me from behind. There he stood, stripped to the waist, up on a bit of scaffolding doing some sort of building job. He looked down on me smiling broadly, and said “Jim has some new building equipment he wishes to try out and suggests that you could help, if you liked.” I didn’t understand for a moment, then realised that this was a coded message for another session in Jim’s playroom. After the penny had dropped, I said “Oh. Oh good. What time? When?” Pete’s reply was that this evening was as good as any.

Continue reading Rural Pursuits – Parts 6 to 10