Category Archives: Story

10 Days in Detention – Part 28

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

I was half asleep most of the time in the pit.   Even though it was dark it wasn’t completely black out conditions and my eyes adjusted to some vision after a while. Matt was still lying next to me with our shoulders touching. The sweat was pouring off of us with the pit becoming hotter as the day progressed. Our chests were slick with sweat and the camo pants we were wearing became damp from the sweat. It was impossible to wipe the droplets from our faces with our hands cuffed behind our backs. Every now and again a bead of sweat would end up in my eye and the stinging sensation would catch my attention.

Matt and I didn’t talk much to each other after our initial conversation when first placed in the pit. Every now and again we would smile to one another, put a head on the other’s shoulder or share a kiss. They were simple gestures of encouragement that didn’t take much energy.

I knew I was starting to get dehydrated in the heat and I could tell Matt was getting to that point, too. Neither of us had even had to take a piss the entire time we were in the pit which I guessed was dragging on to late morning or noon time.

We both sort of sat up when we heard sounds outside the steel door above us. My shoulders were aching and on fire from having the wrists cuffed behind my back without any relief for so long.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 28

Copdar – Ride Along with the Deputy

By Cuffsandcops

Continued from “Side Job Deputy”

The plan was for me to meet the deputy at the station he works out of at 0900. I woke up early to get ready and received a text message from him pushing our meet up back until 1000. The station is about a 15-minute drive from my house. I put on a blue polo shirt, gray pants, and my tactical boots to meet the dress code as described by the deputy. I grabbed two GShock watches, my water bottle, wallet, and just my house and truck keys. I didn’t want to have the cuff key that’s always on my key ring with me.

I texted the deputy that I was on my way to the station and left my house at 0945. I had driven past the station the previous week to know where it was, so I knew where I was going. I pulled into the parking lot behind the station where there were many marked units and other vehicles and found an empty spot. I texted the deputy there I had arrived, grabbed the items from my truck, and walked towards the station. I didn’t know if the deputy was inside or in a vehicle. All the doors required authorized entry, so I stopped on the sidewalk next to the building.

Continue reading Copdar – Ride Along with the Deputy

10 Days in Detention – Part 27

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

“If you can sleep at all, we should try to doze off for a while,” Matt suggested.

I nodded my head in agreement and looked straight up at the evening sky. It was a nice night out. I closed my eyes and drifted off to a fitful sleep.

There was a shooting pain to my balls that woke me up unexpectedly. I yelled loud enough to startle Matt spread out next to me. When I gained my composure I saw Daniel standing over me with his boot on the rope leading from my balls to the stake. He was looking directly down at me. He placed his full weight onto the rope again pressing it down into the dirt and eliciting another scream from me as the rope pulled on my balls.

It was still dark out. I had no idea what time it could be or how soon before the sunrise would take place. My shoulders were on fire from being stretched and my balls were aching from the abuse Daniel was inflicting.

“That’s enough,” I heard Matt say to Daniel.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 27

Copdar – The Side Job Deputy

By Cuffsandcops

I received a few pairs of gym shorts as gifts from the holidays. Unfortunately, neither pair had a pocket to keep my phone in while I am at the gym. I decided to try and exchange the gifted shorts for some that would be more useful. There was a big box sporting goods store between the gym and my house.

I had visited the sporting goods store before the holidays looking for gifts for family members and then after the holidays in search of shorts I could use. They often had a deputy sheriff working as loss prevention who stood near the entrance to the store. Sometimes it was a female deputy who parked a K9 unit in front of the store. Other times it was a random male deputy. When there wasn’t a deputy, there was a guy whose shirt said police in large letters on its back. He wore a duty belt, but it wasn’t clear if he was affiliated with a specific department. I later learned, from a coworker who had a friend who was a deputy, that the sporting goods store had been experiencing a high volume of theft and had been employing the officers to help stop the shoplifting.

Continue reading Copdar – The Side Job Deputy

10 Days in Detention – Part 26

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

I woke when I heard the stable gate open. Shirtless guard walked in. It was the only way I knew him and each of the three guards always were dressed the same as if it was their personal uniform to either be shirtless, in a tank or tee. I think shirtless guard took pride in his ability to humiliate me or at least try to.

He walked with purpose towards me and commanded me on my knees. I complied. He took out a set of keys and removed one of the handcuffs from in front of me before securing my wrists behind my back.

“It’s feeding time, pig,” he scowled at me. He used one of his boots to clear away a portion of the hay and dust from the concrete floor. He then left the stable and disappeared for a moment in the barn. When he returned he had a plastic container in his hands. He lowered it within my eyesight for me to look at. It was some type of beans with other unidentifiable ingredients in a thick sauce. I looked at the food and then up at him. He had that smirk on his face again that I’ve determined is never good. He took the container and tipped it upside down so the food fell out and landed in the open space on the floor he made with his boot. He made sure to tap the plastic container on the floor so all the food came out.

“Pigs eat from the floor,” he said. I just continued to kneel looking at him and then the food on the floor and back again.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 26

10 Days in Detention – Part 25

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

It wasn’t all that late in the evening when I was taken from John’s place by van to Dan’s seemingly remote camp. I’m guessing it was only about 10 PM when I was placed in the sludge pit. He instructed the guards that took me to make sure I was here until dawn and make the experience effective. Dawn was over 8 hours away.

The sludge was slimy, gritty, dirty and smelly. It had splashed onto my arms and face from the water bucket toss and had dried cake like on me. Any time I moved the upper arms or my head I could feel the tug between the dried sludge and my skin. Below the sludge line my entire body and every orifice felt like the slimy concoction had made its way in. If I wriggled, and I did that a lot, it just made it worse. I couldn’t help but move. My jaw line was resting on the top of the sludge.

Every now and again I slightly lifted myself up a few inches which created a small wave of motion so when I dropped back down again there was a ripple effect that would almost cascade towards me and possibly into my mouth if I wasn’t careful. I hesitated to attempt any sleep as I thought nodding off would have my head tilt forward and the sludge would make its way into the mouth. Keeping me so low to the sludge surface made sure I was going to have to stay awake, spend physical energy and endure this setup.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 25

The Chain Won’t Break

By ty dehner

ty dehner male bdsm authorAs I lifted the shaft of the right boot, the leather scent became stronger. That polished scent was challenging the smell of the other leathers I was wearing, but boot leather is very special, especially this pair that I am about to lace on. The rich red color will make these boots stand out against the black of the leather pants I wear. But I think my man wanted that.

Sliding my socked foot into the boot, I feel the leather close snuggly around my foot. This was a moment when I was unsure that I would ever experience this feeling again. My right foot has changed, healing after a long time that made me understand myself and my relationship with my Boss.

As I pulled the shafts around my leathered leg, smoothing out the gusset and covering the white boot sock, my cock started to grow. Well, trying as my manhood is locked up under the leather jeans, so it doesn’t have much space to expand.

Continue reading The Chain Won’t Break

10 Days in Detention – Part 24

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

Dan and I had fallen asleep after he pulled me on the bed. When I woke I was still wearing the leather collar around my neck, had the leather wrist cuffs on and was still cuffed behind my back along with the leather ankle cuffs locked together. Dan was spooning me with his stomach to my back. He realized I was awake and moved his arm over my body and started massaging my nipples. His lips were placing gentle kisses on the back of my neck, and I moaned in pleasure.

“Someone is happy, I think,” Dan said to me while continuing to pleasure me.

“Yes, Daniel,” I whispered between moans.

He gently rolled me over to face him and greeted me with his smile. He was such a hot guy. I was genuinely attracted to him. I felt safe and cared for whenever I was with him, even when he was applying aspects of pain and humiliation. It’s a strange knowledge understanding that someone who apparently cares for you in return, as Dan does, can be so brutal at times. Yet, it’s what I ask to have happen and he and John have obliged. I think John loves me, too, but in a different way. For John it’s like a brotherly love. He’s looking out for me and over me. Daniel and I may be growing into something else if we let it go there.

“You’re thinking about something. What is it? I can see the change in your face,” Daniel said to me. He caught me.

“Daniel, all of this is amazing in one respect. And yes, you figured out I’m starting to have feelings for you. I don’t know why or how. It just is. And you said as much when you had me on the bed spread eagle. Yet, I don’t think I know all that much about you or you about me. I’d like to get to know Daniel.”

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 24