Category Archives: Story

Becoming Humble – Part 04

By RotherhamMan

Thor let himself be led away to a cell without any protest, on all fours the whole way. The men who were surrounding him were big and no doubt trained and he could give them a run for their money but in this mortal form he was unsure of victory against so many. That was if he had it in him to put up a fight after he had already been defeated by Jake, still leading him by his improvised leash. In the last twenty-four hours Thor had sucked off more men than he knew, been obligated to impale himself on his own hammer, and discover that he was weaker than ever thanks to his father’s punishment of exile. So what if he was going to a cell, it was just as much a prison as the rest of this world.

The six guards were wary and intrigued by this unknown man. He looked as strong as any of them and they recognised a warrior in him but they had seen the pictures of how he had been found if they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes. It was difficult to take a man seriously once he had been seen with a hammer up his ass, cum all over his face and upper body, and delirious from sucking cock and now he was once again leaking cum from his ass from their champion and was crawling after him like an obedient dog.

Continue reading Becoming Humble – Part 04

Liam and Isaac: Birthday Wishes

“I can’t be angry at my boy trying to give me a nice surprise on my birthday.”

Liam has been looking forward to Isaac’s birthday for weeks, and when he’s presented with the chance to surprise Isaac, he finds himself biting off a little more than he’d been expecting to chew (in one respect, quite literally).

By Aenyse

As Liam pulled up outside Isaac’s house and turned off his car, he was feeling a little excited. He’d been looking forward to Isaac’s birthday for weeks now. It was going to be their first birthday together, and Liam wanted it to go well. He’d already booked a table for two at a high-end restaurant in the city centre that evening, but he was hoping that Isaac might be up for some fun beforehand. That was why he was sitting outside his house, two and half hours early.

Climbing out of the car, he quickly grabbed his bag and Isaac’s presents from the backseat. As he walked up the driveway towards the front door, he noticed Isaac’s car wasn’t there. Liam frowned, he hadn’t been expecting Isaac to be out. He wasn’t sure where he would be either. He didn’t work on weekends, so he wouldn’t have been called into work. And he wasn’t at the gym either, since he usually went in the mornings.

Continue reading Liam and Isaac: Birthday Wishes

Captured Copper by lthr_jock

By lthr_jock

PC Paul White got out of the patrol car, picked up his paperwork and then checked his phone for the details of the call.  It was a warm day, so he didn’t put on his hi-viz jacket, but he grabbed his cap before heading up to the front door of the four storey building and trying to find the right bell.  Pressing it, he heard a click from the door and he pushed it open.

Inside, the gloom of the hall contrasted with the bright light outside and he peered around.

“Hello?  Mr .. Contenzio?”

Paul wasn’t particularly worried and not expecting any trouble.  He’d been in the police three years, having come straight from university.  He’d got his wrestling blues there and had been weightlifting ever since.  As a result, his 6ft frame was loaded with muscle and he was confident that he could deal with any situation.  He took his cap off and made sure his expensively styled hair was in place, before shouting again.

Continue reading Captured Copper by lthr_jock

10 Days in Detention – Part 15

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

There were so many thoughts running through my mind as I knelt in the center of the dungeon. Dan had cuffed my wrists behind my back and blindfolded me, leaving me on my knees and naked, waiting for John’s return.

It was quiet in the dungeon. I kept thinking about the last 24 hours or so and how Dan had put me through an intense regimen of bondage, torture and sexual service. Even with all that had happened, I realized all of that was just an appetizer for what could come if they decided and agreed to subject me to 10 days in detention.

Trying to keep my kneeling position was difficult. I was very tried from what I had experienced, and maintaining my balance was a chore.

When I heard the dungeon door finally open, it had to have been anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour that I had been left there alone.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 15

Becoming Humble – Part 03

By RotherhamMan

The man who had called himself Thor was eventually released from his chains. None of the local men had the key it seemed and bolt cutters took a while to get from the back of the vans, in favour of taking in the sight of the hunk covered in spunk. When the chains were cut he too weak to lift himself off the hammer he was impaled on and it took six men to lift his body high enough to get him off it. There was some muttering and swearing as the length of the handle was revealed.

That was stopped when the man slipped off the hammer entirely and moaned from its loss but still came with his cock untouched. Those who hadn’t seen his previous orgasm were shocked to see how large and powerful his load was as it arced over the crowd and landed on many of the soldiers with cries of disgust and laughing directed at them. Thor was laid down on a gurney and moaned as the weight of his whole body was put on his sore ass. No one had yet made any effort to clean him up and he remained covered in sweat and semen.

Continue reading Becoming Humble – Part 03

10 Days in Detention – Part 14

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

I felt Dan return to the bed and to me.

Into my ear he whispered, “You will feel many sensations before we are done.”

I then felt him take hold of my balls. He pulled them down slightly, taking care to ensure he had them within his grasp and slightly pulling them away from my body. There was the sound of clinking as with small chains, and I felt the leather first and the prickly sensation second. The ball stretcher being attached to me included small spikes on the inside. It took him a few moments to secure the stretcher, and when he had it just right he gave it a small yank and I yelped slightly as the spikes dug into the tender skin of my balls.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 14

10 Days in Detention – Part 13

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

I’m not sure how long I was asleep. I woke up suddenly to the sound of banging on the cage bars. It was loud and irritating and immediately took me out of my slumber.

When my eyes adjusted I saw Dan standing outside the cage with a thick wooden dowel in his hand. He was using it to bang on the bars.

“Wake up slave. Your service is far from complete. Get on your knees,” Dan commanded. I managed to roll over so that I was on my knees and facing the end of the cage.

Dan took the dowel and held it between the bars to get the end under my chin. Using the wooden stick he guided me to the very end of the cage with my head touching the upper bars.

“Stay put, slave,” Dan commanded this time. I was still not fully awake yet and was trying to comply with his demands at the same time as I was trying to become fully coherent. My body ached all over from last night’s punishment session and it was hard to maneuver between the stiff muscles and the heavy shackles I was wearing.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 13

Liam and Isaac: The Rules

“Naughty boys will be shown their place.”

Liam and Isaac have just finished their film night, and Liam suggested that he and Isaac have some fun together. When Isaac brings out his newest toy, Liam gets a little more than he’d been expecting, not helped by him purposefully breaking one of Isaac’s rules.

By Aenyse

Liam snuggled up against Isaac’s side as the film began to reach its climax. The heroine was about to face off against her arch-nemesis, in a final, do-or-die battle to rescue her love interest and save the world. Liam had already seen the film when it had been in the cinema, he knew that the nemesis would be defeated, but when the heroine showed mercy, they would take advantage of her and quickly escape, ready for the sequel to pick up on. He didn’t want to spoil it for Isaac though, he hadn’t seen it yet and had wanted to watch it tonight. So he sat back, enjoying their film night together. As Liam snuggled, he felt Isaac’s arm stretch around his back, resting his hand on Liam’s shoulder, his thumb gently running back and forth along Liam’s t-shirt’s sleeve. Smiling happily to himself, Liam settled down and continued watching the rest of the film.

“That was good.” Isaac said, smiling as the end titles began playing across the screen.

Continue reading Liam and Isaac: The Rules