By RotherhamMan
Thor let himself be led away to a cell without any protest, on all fours the whole way. The men who were surrounding him were big and no doubt trained and he could give them a run for their money but in this mortal form he was unsure of victory against so many. That was if he had it in him to put up a fight after he had already been defeated by Jake, still leading him by his improvised leash. In the last twenty-four hours Thor had sucked off more men than he knew, been obligated to impale himself on his own hammer, and discover that he was weaker than ever thanks to his father’s punishment of exile. So what if he was going to a cell, it was just as much a prison as the rest of this world.
The six guards were wary and intrigued by this unknown man. He looked as strong as any of them and they recognised a warrior in him but they had seen the pictures of how he had been found if they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes. It was difficult to take a man seriously once he had been seen with a hammer up his ass, cum all over his face and upper body, and delirious from sucking cock and now he was once again leaking cum from his ass from their champion and was crawling after him like an obedient dog.