Category Archives: Story

Jail Closed for Winter

By Officer Doppels

There are a lot of things that can be experienced, or things can that just happen, at the Hampton Jail. As any good guard will know, it is the anticipation of not knowing what may occur, which keeps the inmates on their toes and focused. As a guard at the jail, I am committed to making it a good experience for all the inmates. We are awake and ready to go before the inmates are rousted in the morning, and we are there when we switch the lights out for the night and securely slam the steel doors of control.

However, regardless of what may happen in the jail, everyone starts out from the outside with an arrest and properly taken into custody. I was reflecting on a recent arrestee whose wide-eyed expression sticks with me and always brings a smile to my face.

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The Vacation – Part 10

By Rubrpig

The guard who was escorting Marc, opened the Captain’s door and entered.  He told the Captain that the former prisoner 4798 wanted to speak with him.  The Captain nodded and told him to bring him in.  The guard went out and grabbed Marc by the left bicep and walked him into the office. The guard closed the door and stood quietly in front of it while Marc walked up to the Captain and requested permission to speak to him.  The Captain nodded and smiled as he opened the thick file that his researcher had prepared on Marc.

The Captain had all potential prisoners/patients thoroughly checked out prior to confirming their booking with the facility.  The research included a financial analysis to ensure that they could afford and pay the fees that the facility demanded.  Marc looked at the Captain and told him that he wanted to buy into the facility as a partner and become a part of the crew that operated the facility.  The Captain nodded and knowing Marc’s net wealth, knew that the proposed investment would allow the facility to expand and add additional options.

Continue reading The Vacation – Part 10

The Vacation – Part 09

By Rubrpig

The guards dragged 4798 out of Captain Ferguson’s office and then removed the heavy 5 point chains that he had been wearing for the last few weeks.  The removal of the chains felt strange as he had become so adapted to wearing them that he had learned to move wearing the heavy chains so having them removed felt strange.

The guards escorted him to the entrance of the mental hospital.  They used their security cards and opened the door.  Once the group was inside, the guards turned 4798 over to the ward orderlies and they left.  The orderlies surrounded 4798 and the head orderly told 4798 to strip and he hurriedly stripped off the smelly orange prison uniform and stood naked.  The orderlies walked him to the showers and told him to shower and put on the white hospital uniform.  4798 got under the shower and enjoyed the hot water which was something the prisoners in the supermax prison did not get when they were allowed an occasional shower.

Continue reading The Vacation – Part 09


By Siratpdx

Recently, I connected with a young man of 25 over Scruff who was interested in me and wanted to explore and experience a deeper and more intense session with an older, more experienced person, focusing on impact and e-stim.  Our connection was very happenstance.  I had made a car trip from the west coast to Chicago a few months before, and I spent a night in a town near when he lives.  I am far from certain how the algorithms work, but I suggested that I ended up in his Scruff feed as an ‘echo’ of my presence from being in the area a few weeks before.

We chatted a few times over the phone and video.  I was impressed with him, and for me at least, it is not that often that I come across man who invokes more than a sense of chemistry, but a more intimate and spiritual connection that I would describe as limerence.  He is more than young enough to be my son, and in some ways we connected in that dad-son dynamic that only gay men really understand.

Continue reading Duty

The Vacation – Part 08

By Rubrpig

4798 woke up and lay on his bunk in the blacked-out cell he had been confined to since he was transferred to the super max wing of the correctional facility.  He shifted trying to get comfortable but the heavy steel 5-point chains he was locked in weighed heavily on his chest as he lay there.  Sitting up made no difference as the weight of the chains dragged at the heavy steel collar of the chains forcing him to slum forward.

Just then the light flashed on in his cell and he knew that it was morning and he would be fed soon.  The food slot in the door slammed open and his food tray slid in.  The food was always the same and tasteless for the most part.  Boiled chicken, rice and boiled carrots.  He was fed the same 3 times a day without any variation.

He finished his food and waited for the food slot to open in the door and he shoved the tray out with his right foot.  He sat back and waited till the guards checked the tray and the slot slammed shut.  He knew his hour in the exercise yard would be soon.

Continue reading The Vacation – Part 08

The Vacation – Part 07

By Rubrpig

4798 woke up and his cell was still dark.  He was stiff as usual from lying on the bunk secured down by the humane restraints set that was now part of his bunk.  The lights in the cell suddenly turned on and the cell door clanged open.  He lifted his head and watched as his 4 personal guards came into the cell.  He was quickly removed from the restraints and he swung his legs over the edge of the bunk.  He went to stand up but one of the guards put his tactical gloved hand on his chest and shoved him back down on the bunk.

4798 smiled and quickly recovered and got to his feet quickly.  His guards reacted fast but he still managed to shove the one guard hard in the chest.  The guard was the one that had pushed 4798 back down on the bunk.  The guards quickly grabbed 4798 and slammed him face first into the wall of the cell and quickly secured his wrists with the rigid cuffs and lock box that was always used when he was removed from his cell.  He was pulled back from the wall and with a guard on each side of him holding him by his biceps he was literally dragged from his cell.

Continue reading The Vacation – Part 07

The First Load Up

By SlickChaser

At some point, 27 and dumb, I realized dating wasn’t my thing. I didn’t care for girls, guys or both in a long term relationship in terms of life goals like buying a house, having kids or going above and beyond to look impressive to social media. I did want to experience some levels lf BDSM without the same commitments. Some dabble in one location with a munch group eventually lead to some dabbling with a bi-man (called “Gerry” for this story) after moving to a new location and job.

Gerry responded to some posted messages on a FetLife board post with my new local munch. Over time, I would visit and the order of operation was pretty simple; he would use some bondage gear and his setup mini-dungeon in the 2nd bedroom of his condo while I had to provide something everytime to help elevate the experience. Week one it was a ball gag head harness; week two a zipper PVC hood with only nostril and mouth opening; week three a collar he recommended; week four a new set of leather cuffs; week five a leather chest harness and butt plug harness with various sizes butt plugs. It was week five when the experience became a two sided affair, quite literally.

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The Vacation – Part 06

By Rubrpig

4798 stood in the middle of the 4 men who were now his personal tormentors.  As a prisoner who was locked in the Supermax wing of the Ferguson Correctional Centre, he knew he had no rights and now it was confirmed.  Total control of him had been given to these men by the Warden of the facility, Captain Ferguson.

The men stood quietly looking at their new piece of property.  One of them said he needs to be cleaned up as he is a filthy pig.  The others nodded and 4798 was quickly cuffed in the hinged cuffs and the lock box on the cuffs that were standard issue in this wing of the prison.  Two of his guards grabbed him by his biceps and he was marched or dragged down the main cell block to the shower room.  There he was sprayed down with liquid soap, scrubbed down by one of the men using a long handled brush and then told to stand under a shower head while he was rinsed off.  His beard, now grown in thick and dark as it had been weeks since he last shaved dripped water down his chest.

Continue reading The Vacation – Part 06