slavemale2004 recounts a self-bondage and self-chastity ordeal

Check out the picture and information that slavemale2004 sent to me via email:

gay bondage


slavemale2004 writes,


Hi Metal,

Friday evening was fast approaching, when I would be home alone for 24hrs.

I spent all week thinking about my predicament, and my lust to be locked in my chastity device grew as Friday slowly approached.

Friday evening finally came, and I dashed home, stripped, and locked myself into my CB6000S device.

As the locked clicked shut, I felt the wave of excitement, and frustration starting to build. I haven’t had the opportunity to be locked in chastity for a few months, and that coupled with self tease and denial over the past 5 days ensured that I instantly would do just about anything to unlock my cock.

The keys were immediately placed in the freezer, to help my dedication to my subservient role. I then performed my domestic duties, wearing only my device. Being a domestic chastity slave is a fantasy of mine.

I spent the remainder of the evening keeping myself frustrated, with the adult material I usually pleased my now imprisoned cock with. By the end of the evening, I would have dropped to my knees and taken whatever was required of me.

Frustrated, I secured my ankles to the bedposts using a couple of large combination locks, and cuffed my wrists together in front of me, my hands only a few centimetres from my denied cock.

I used a long stick to click off the light to the room, and was then in complete darkness. As I couldn’t see the combination locks in the pitch black, and had just thrown the stick well out of reach, I was there until morning, helpless and denied relief.

I drifted off to sleep, secured, and my manhood filling its tiny cage.

I woke in the morning to the sun coming through the curtains, and unlocked myself from the bed.

After a brief, and very frustrating shower, I headed downstairs in the same attire I was wearing the previous evening, and had breakfast.

After which, I cleaned up, and proceeded to return to teasing my cock with the same adult material.

The day took forever, and getting just to lunchtime felt like an age, but after many hours of cleaning and teasing, the evening finally came.

I retrieved the keys from the freezer, and waited for the ice barrier to my relief to melt, while ensuring I was frustrated to my limit.

Once the ice melted, I retrieved the keys and released my cock from its lockdown.

I dropped to my knees, stroked, and within a minute, I had shot a rather large load onto the floor in front of me. I then bowed my head, and cleaned up my mess with my tongue, like a slave should.

The best 24hrs I have had in ages!

I have enclosed a pic of my locked cock for everyone’s amusement, and I am on Recon as slavemale2004



(48hrs since last orgasm)


Thanks, slavemale2004, for sharing this with Metalbond readers! Fucking exciting!


And guys, if you attempt this on your own (which I highly encourage) be sure to have a cellphone handy (so you can call for help in case of emergency) or some other backup escape plan in place.

Corrections Officer Buddy

By Tex

So I have this buddy who’s a corrections officer, known him for a while now. I’ve always liked him, he’s a cool guy. I go over to his house to watch the game and have some drinks. I knock on the door he lets me in, hey man how r u? He shakes my hand and pulls me in the house, it’s just his way of being friendly. I say I’m great, ready for some drinks and the game, he says yea me too, I just got off work. He’s still in his uniform.

Continue reading Corrections Officer Buddy

Ruff gets leather strait-jacketed and leashed at Dore Alley

Check out Ruff, bound in a straitjacket at the recent Dore Alley street fair in SF.



I’m not sure what gets me more excited, seeing Ruff bound up like that, or checking out that HOT man who has Ruff leashed. As Ruff himself would say, “Who’s that woof?”

Anyway, you can see more at Ruff’s newly re-launched and better-than-ever site, Ruff’s Stuff


Wearing a cast

This blog is dedicated to the physically restrained male. And physical restraint can be accomplished with a wide range of implements — even something like a cast as shown here. And you don’t even have to break your leg to be put in one.

gay bonadge

I am told this stud was kept in this leg cast for four days, during which time the “coach” kept him in a jock or a hard cup, took him out in public on crutches, got lots of attention, and, since he could not fight back much, took advantage of him.

Fucking hot if you ask me.

Muscle Endurance Bondage

By Unknown

The muscleboy is naked, standing in the middle of the playroom. Leather wrist restraints are locked onto his wrists and fastened behind his back. His bare feet are spread about 4-1/2 feet apart, and tied to two eyehooks in the floor. A single strong chain is suspended from the ceiling. A sturdy leather collar, with a D-Ring in the back, is locked around his neck.

Continue reading Muscle Endurance Bondage