Alaska State Troopers

My new favorite show is Alaska State Troopers on the on National Geographic Channel.

A lot of them are fucking HOT. Many of them are muscular, have short buzzcuts and tattoos. And lots of handcuffing takes place on this show. One of my favorite troopers is Howie Peterson (pictured above and below). In one episode, he detains a suspect on the side of the road and then releases him. Then, surprisingly, this guy asks the trooper to give him a ride into town. Peterson says to the dude sure, he will be glad to him a ride, but he will have to travel in the back of the squad car with his hands cuffed behind him, because he had just lied to him during the investigation. The guy declines and instead decides to hitchhike. Dang.


Hey, Peterson, you can use your cuffs on me, any time!

I Was Naive – Part 1

By slavesuit

I guess you could say I was naïve.  Probably gullible.  But the offer seemed too good to be true.  I had been searching for a compatible guy to play with for a long time.  Living in a remote area of the United States, I was within a few hours drive of a couple of major cities but I never had the time to really get there.  If I did, I had other things I needed to do other than feed my love of bondage.

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