Ever wonder what was it like to be a leatherman way back when?
Before Metalbond’s blog.
Before Grindr.
Before text messaging.
Before Recon.
Before Leather Navigator.
Before AOL chat rooms.
Before IML.
Before the Black Party.
Before the Internet.
Before AIDS.
Before the Village People.
Before Drummer magazine.
Before Stonewall.
Believe it or not, there really were gay Masters and slaves before all of these things — a vibrant leather scene with defined values that included things like respect, honesty, integrity, responsibility and loyalty. You could not just walk into a shop with a credit card and emerge an hour later with leather pants and a harness — you had to EARN these things.
Are you curious about how things used to be? You can catch a good glimpse of the “Old Guard” in a book. Yes, a BOOK, it’s what you hold in your hands, turn the pages and READ. It’s called The Slave Journals, and it is by Thom Magister.
Published by Perfectbound Press, it includes 17 erotic stories written from the perspective of different Masters from the 1950s onward to 1980. It’s also got some fantastic illustrations by the author.
It’s available at Amazon.com by clicking here