Tag Archives: breath control

Human Cattle – Part 11

By Pickle

I don’t know how long I was hanging there before I heard the barn door creak open.  I didn’t bother to lift my head.  The sun streaming in behind them cast a bony, elongated shadow of each of the four men, as they each entered single file from the far side of the huge space.  Their shadows were remarkably similar to the shape of the aliens on the ship.  It freaked me out!  Even though I didn’t want to let these guys know I even cared they were coming back to mess with me, my curiosity got the better of me.  I had to sneak a peek. Just to make sure it actually was my buddies that had me in this splayed-out “fix” and not something much more sinister.

Hanging here, I began to wonder if I actually HAD been struck by lightening, however many nights ago it was.  I was half-hoping I was in a coma, and that all of this shit that both Steve, and the aliens had put me through, was just some place, a slightly kinky guy’s brain, like mine, takes him when he’s in that weird medical state.  Part of me wondered, “Am I dead, and this is what eternity will be like?”

Continue reading Human Cattle – Part 11

A Few Hours of Suffering

By keepmetiedup

They say “write what you know,” so here’s a short story that actually happened to me (with just a teeny bit of embellishment). This story contains descriptions of breath control, some CNC, and pain.

At breakfast this morning, I noticed my jaw still ached when I started to eat my toast.  Later, in the shower, the hot water made my nips hurt again.  When I looked in the mirror, I saw the black and blue marks across my back and ass.  All souvenirs of a good time suffering for a demanding top three days ago.

I visit my family every few months and I often try to schedule a play session before or after my time with my family.  Sometimes, it doesn’t work out.  On this trip, however, I succeeded in setting up a date with a trusted top I had visited many times before who is into pain, cbt, bondage, and – yes – breath controI.  I went over to his place.  We chatted about limits and preferences, and I told him I was interested in playing a bit more with breath control.  I reminded him that I hadn’t visited him for about two years, and he said that he would have to punish me for not coming to see him again sooner.  I smilingly agreed that he would indeed need to punish me.

He told me to strip down to my birthday suit, to go into the next room, and to wait for him with my hands behind my back and my head bowed.  Naturally I complied.  The second room was quite dark and without my glasses on, it was hard to see anything.  I waited.  Eventually, I heard him walk up behind me and he slipped a blindfold on.  Now I couldn’t see anything at all.  I heard him walk around in front of me.  He told me to present my arms to him.  He attached what felt like leather cuffs to each wrist and he fastened these together in front of me with what I’m assuming was a short length of rope.  He didn’t ignore my nips.  He clamped each one with something snug and secure.  I never did see what they were, but they did their job and hurt.  He guided me around the room to a different position.

Continue reading A Few Hours of Suffering

Blackout Gas Mask Hood

The classic gas mask just got an upgrade that will surely leave you breathless (quite literally), so get ready to enter a world of dark anonymity with the Blackout Gas Mask Hood.

Blackout Gas Mask Hood


Click for Blackout Gas Mask Hood

Also available: Blackout Gas Mask

AND: Blackout Gas Mask Hose

AND: Blackout Gas Mask Canisters

Lots more bondage / BDSM gear from Mr S here

terry miller full leather

Blackout Gas Mask Hood

RubCop locks ModeNarr into the deck cell

In a video, RubCop locks ModeNarr into the deck cell in the backyard. The prisoner is locked in wood stocks, which serve as a cover to the cell. Once restrained, a gasmask is pulled over his face and the air hose is connected to a dual-cylinder bubbler bottle, then he’s hosed down by RubCop with the garden hose.

RubCop locks ModeNarr into the deck cell

RubCop locks ModeNarr into the deck cell


See VIDEO of the above-pictured action at Serious Male Bondage

Title of this update: RUBCOP – PART 2OF2

RubCop locks ModeNarr into the deck cell

a gasmask is pulled over his face and the air hose is connected to a dual-cylinder bubbler bottle

The prisoner is locked in wood stocks

Azn Bound Jock and Gag Maniac in Business Man Bondage

FROCK THE WORLD presents BUSINESS MAN BONDAGE, a BDSM scene featuring Azn Bound Jock (He/Him) and Gag Maniac (He/ Him).

Azn Bound Jock and Gag Maniac in Business Man Bondage

Gag Maniac has apprehended a businessman dressed in a button-down shirt and slacks. He subdues the businessman with a sponge soaked in a mysterious liquid. After inhaling the fumes, the businessman stops resisting and is dragged toward a chair. With his hands taped and eyes blindfolded, the businessman has his shirt cut open with scissors by Gag Maniac. His bare chest is exposed while his hard nipples get played with. Pants are unzipped and reveal the locked bulge in the businessman’s pants. The businessman continues to struggle as layers of tape are wrapped around his face, intensifying every urge to break free. Oil is dripped down his bound body and massaged into his skin. Just as things feel they couldn’t get more extreme, Gag Maniac adds a plastic bag over the businessman’s face to limit his air intake. The breathplay lets the businessman know who is in charge here. The only way he will get back to business as usual is by releasing all his power to Gag Maniac.

FROCK THE WORLD presents BUSINESS MAN BONDAGE, a BDSM scene featuring Azn Bound Jock (He/Him) and Gag Maniac (He/ Him)


See the VIDEO at frocktheworld.com

Title: Business Man Bondage

Azn Bound Jock and Gag Maniac in Business Man Bondage