Tag Archives: how-to

Do-it-yourself restraint equipment: Multi-functional Bondage Stool

Check out this bondage stool in use, as seen on bdsmboy26’s awesome website, Bondage Predicaments.

bdsmboy26 website Bondage Predicaments

On his site (which is free), bdsmboy26 offers a how-to manual for this and many other pieces of restraint equipment that you can build!

Click for Bondage Predicaments


NOTE: Viewing the site does not require registering for basic features, but registering gives you so much more, and it’s free and easy to sign up. Highly recommended!

Video: Kink talk with Dan Savage and Pup Amp

Are you in a relationship with someone who isn’t kinky? Or maybe your partner has different kinks that you have? In this video, sex and relationship advice columnist Dan Savage speaks with Pup Amp of Watts the Safeword about “kink discordant” relationships. Check it out:


Lots more videos like this at Watts the Safeword

Also available as a YouTube channel

Dan Savage podcast available here

Also look for Dan’s column at The Stranger

There is a difference between consensual bondage and abuse

A number of readers got in touch about a particular two-part story I recently posted. Thank you for the feedback. I wish to express my apologies for those who got turned off with that one. That story features a dark fantasy that one writer wanted to share — but many readers pointed out that it went too far, especially in the second part, crossing the line from consensual play into abuse. It’s definitely not something that should be done in real life. I thought about deleting the story altogether, but I have since gone back and added a warning message to both parts of the story.

UPDATE: After receiving more comments and emails from concerned readers about the story, I have decided to delete it from the Metalbond site. If the author posts it elsewhere I will share a link.

This offers a good opportunity to point out that while men are depicted on this website being bound, restrained, tied up and dominated — everything depicted here is presumed to be consensual. The stories are for fantasy and jerking off, not to be carried out in real life.

When engaging in bondage, S/M or any other sexual activity, always remember that there is definitely a difference between fantasy and reality, between consensual bondage play and abuse. Here’s a helpful graphic to help you spot the difference:

the difference between BDSM and abuse

There are a number of articles available online about the difference between healthy BDSM activity and abuse.

A really good place to start is the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom.

Also check out Psychology Today (where the graphic above is from) and verywell.com.