By Rubrpig
Adam stretched and yawned as he woke up. He sat up in bed and looked around feeling something was missing and he knew what it was. His Daddy was away visiting his elderly parents at their retirement home in Texas so was gone for a few days more. Even though they had been together for nearly 2 years and had recently married to confirm their commitment to each other, Daddy Mike’s parents were still not the most supportive of parents so when a visit was necessary, his Daddy would go alone to prevent the stress of a visit to Adam.
It was the weekend so not much was planned except for a hockey game that night. Adam was a goalie on a local team and he enjoyed the physical challenge of the game and of course the heavy goalie gear. His team mates knew and like his Daddy and so he was always included in the post game activities along with the wives and girlfriends of his team mates. He got out of bed and wandered into the kitchen to make coffee and figure out something for breakfast. He scratched his stomach and brushed his hand over the heavy steel cararra chastity which he had been locked into nearly 2 years ago. The belt was now just part of his body and he had even gotten over the concern of his teammates seeing the belt locked on him. It was now just accepted and Adam was now relaxed and happy with all aspects of his life now.
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