By Pickle
The fluid that was being pumped into my mask by the aliens who had captured me continued to surge down my throat and into my lungs. Remarkably, it became a pleasant warming sensation. Actually comforting. In my brain I knew I should be drowning but this “therapy” seemed to be improving my breath capacity and feeling of general well-being.
The alien let me know my lungs and throat were being renewed and changed in such a way that would enable me to survive another little adventure they had in store for me. The fluid continued to surge into the mask, and now throughout my entire system in a non-stop ebb and flow. Time meant nothing anymore. I had no idea how long they kept this up. I no longer cared though, since it had the sensation of being massaged from the inside out. I was completely relaxed and was feeling totally euphoric. I no longer gave a flyin’ fuck that my control was no longer my own.