Tag Archives: men in chains

10 Days in Detention – Part 06

“10 Days in Detention” series by socalbdBy socalbd

Monday morning sucked. The alarm went off at 6:15, and I realized it was a back-to-work day. The weekend was still fresh in my mind. It was all I could think about. I thought about texting John and saying thank you again, but I decided it was too early in the morning for that.

My entire body ached. I wasn’t in bad shape, but I wasn’t in good shape either. A few days in the gym here and there are OK for the occasional yard-work day, but not for three intense days as a bondage slave.

Continue reading 10 Days in Detention – Part 06

The men of Men In Chains

Bind’s awesome male bondage website, Men in Chains, has so much great content! Go there now to see hundreds of videos, many featuring popular bondage models, including Jimmy USMC (pictured above) and many others!

Here are images from just some of the many videos that are included in the extensive library at Men In Chains. It’s like Netflix for male bondage! Click through to watch previews of these. If you purchase a paid subscription as I have, you can watch all the videos in their entirety. This is an excellent value.

male bondage video JimmyUSMC heavybondageforlife


Click for Men In Chains

male bondage videos