Tag Archives: ty dehner

16 Years of MetalbondNYC

Today (March 11, 2025) marks the 16th anniversary of Metalbond! If you are new to this page, this is a FREE gay bondage adult website that is dedicated to the physically restrained male. You will find lots of pictures, previews of gay bondage porn, plenty of erotic fiction, and lots of links to other sites.

MetalbondNYC dot com is a FREE gay bondage adult website that is dedicated to the physically restrained male


As of today, there have been 10,208 individual postings on this website, including 2,016 story postings. This year alone, there has been a new story posting almost every day in January, every single day in February, and every single day so far this month in March.

While this site is aimed toward gay men, please know that ALL visitors — whether you are gay, straight, lesbian, bi, queer, trans, or non-binary — are welcome here.

Happy birthday to Atlanta Stud, who shares a birthday with the Metalbond site!

And thanks to all fellow prisoners who have helped keep this site going all these years — as well as all the Masters, slaves, pups, gimps, convicts, corrections officers, rubber guys, wankers, gooners, chastity guys, jocks, bears, otters, twinks, twunks, perverts, and all-around kinksters who visit this site regularly. Thanks to ty dehner for creating the artwork (directly below). Thanks to Pisslurper, who gifted a cock cage today that is being worn right now! And an extra special thank-you to the many authors who have sent stories over the years and who continue to do so!

If you click on the image directly below it will open way bigger, and you can save it to your desktop. It can also be shared on other websites — and on social media! Please save, share, and link!

MetalbondNYC gay adult bondage website

One-Day Event: Ropedweb Retrospective from ty dehner

Today only (New Year’s Eve 2024), leather scribe ty dehner is sharing on his website the Ropedweb Retrospective that he showed recently at CLAW Leather Thanksgiving. He is also posting one of the original Ropedweb videos.

“This will be a one-day event as i move on from the 25 years of Ropedweb,” ty says.

leather scribe ty dehner


Click for www.tydehner.com

Meet author ty dehner at CLAW Leather Thanksgiving

The author ty dehner is offering a retrospective of Ropedweb next weekend at CLAW Leather Thanksgiving. The ezine started 25 years ago, and ty is going to share photography and video. This year Leather Thanksgiving is being held at Hotel Indigo in downtown Los Angeles, and they are joining forces with Tom of Finland, which is having an art show at the same time.

Meet author ty dehner at CLAW Leather Thanksgiving


Leather Thanksgiving is Nov. 27 to Dec. 1, 2024. The ty dehner Ropedweb25 presentation is Friday, Nov. 29. Registration is required to attend. Details can be found at www.clawinfo.org. Registration can be for the weekend or for the day.

A video preview is available at www.tydehner.com


By ty dehner

With his head bobbing to the beat of the music coming from the speakers in his SUV, Austin Dougherty’s mind was not focused on the road passing under the tires of his Carmine Red Porsche Cayenne. Sitting in the driver’s seat wearing black Adidas pants with the triple white stripes down the legs, his right foot, wearing white Stan Smith shoes, was hovering over the gas pedal in case he had to quickly get his machine out of cruise control. Austin was in a black Adidas jacket wearing a white high performance t-shirt under, the shirt having the logo of the major league football team he plays for. The quarterback kept his tight leather gloved left hand firmly gripping the top of the steering wheel.

Heading east through Banning, California, on Interstate 10, the lights of all the fast food establishments on the side of the highway kept the night from being fully dark as the headlights on his Porche illuminated the cracks in this heavily used section of the interstate. The cruise control was set at eighty since Austin has several freeway lanes as the concrete ribbon cuts through the pass between San Gorgonio Mountain on the north and Mount San Jacinto to the south.

Continue reading Arresting

Update: Stories by ty dehner

The male BDSM author ty dehner has been generously sharing his erotic male bondage stories with Metalbond readers for more than 10 years now, more than 50 and counting! In honor of the milestone, ty has created this image:

ty dehner MetalbondNYC


You can read ALL of ty’s stories in the Prison Library by clicking here.

Which is YOUR favorite?

You can also visit his own website, tydehner.com.

Also be sure to check out his author page on Amazon by clicking here.

Note that long before sharing his stories on the Metalbond site, and even before he began publishing his novels, ty published his own online magazine, called Ropedweb.


Morning Object

Written by ty dehner

Waking, I lift my head as I turn to see you in darkness. Only your breath is heard coming through the micro holes that are in the area of your nose. Your breathing is your only freedom to the outside world.

I see my reflection in the well-shined black rubber that encases your head.

I love when I look at you and see an object. You are not human when you are in the black rubber, making me want you more. This morning, I am holding myself back from just grabbing you and holding you, feeling the cool, slick black latex against my naked skin.

Throwing the sheet off the bed, I see your chest gently rise and fall as you breathe that precious air while under my control. The scent of rubber fills my nose as I lightly touch you and slide my leather-gloved hand down the slick surface of the rubber sleep sack you happily went into last night after dinner.

With my light touch, I have no idea if you are awake or sleeping. As you are in darkness, the thick rubber keeps me from seeing into the world that you are locked in.

Continue reading Morning Object

Beyond Solo – Part 02

A short story by ty dehner

As his heart skips a beat from the sudden touch on his shoulder, Jamal screams into the gag, which echoes through the room as a muffled sound. Trying to turn around the layers of tape wrapped around his head makes it difficult for Jamal to turn his head. In total darkness, Jamal is fearful as he doesn’t know how someone has gotten into his room and is standing behind him.

Quickly, Jamal’s secured wrists are grabbed by the unknown individual. The wrists are lifted over Jamal’s head and lowered to the extent of his arm’s ability to bend, settling on the back of his neck. Faintly, there is the sound of duct tape being pulled from the roll and swiftly slapped on the wrists, wrapped around Jamal’s throat. Being wrapped several times around the neck and hands of Jamal, the tape forms a layer that thickens around the 26-year-old boy’s neck, with it slightly tightening on his throat. It hinders his breathing but not enough to make it difficult. The stranger wraps the tape, moving to the end of Jamal’s neck.

Continue reading Beyond Solo – Part 02

Beyond Solo – Part 01

A short story by ty dehner

A blue glow shined upon 26-year-old Jamal’s face as he was sitting in front of his thirty-six-inch computer monitor, watching bondage videos off the web. Slumped back in his black leather office chair, Jamal had his hand under his Nike basketball shorts of shiny red, gently fondling his manhood as the videos filled his imagination with more and more kinky thoughts.

It was a Saturday night, just like any Saturday night for Jamal, as he was not ready to expose himself to actually living his kinky interests. No, it was safer to be in his room and experience things with his own hands.

Jamal was watching a video of a man encased in rubber, heavily bound, hooded with tubes for breathing, with wires producing electrical sensations to the man’s genitals. It was an intense experience that Jamal often dreamed of. Seeing this action made Jamal produce more pre-cum that was lubing his cock as he stroked under his Nike shorts.

Continue reading Beyond Solo – Part 01