Master and Slave – Part 1

By slavebladeboi

He had volunteered. He had specifically asked for no safe words. He wanted to be mine with no exceptions. We had discussed things till the early hours on several occasions but now he was mine, to train in any way I liked. We both wanted this more than anything else, to be Master and slave. To be joined by the strength of knowing just that. And now it was happening. There was no going back.

Dressing in the cosy warmth and comfort of my bedroom it was difficult to imagine just how different the scene two storeys beneath me was. I laced the elegant long black leather boots carefully and tied them with neat knots at the knee. The skin tight trousers fitted me perfectly, the extra expense of made to measure had been worth every penny. Slipping into them and feeling their soft yet restricting presence around my body never failed to create the first stirrings of what I knew from my past experience would be a large and long lasting erection. I drew the zip up carefully, feeling the once living fabric enclosing me in a wonderfully glossy black cocoon, the growing bulge in the leather at the crotch showed clearly the position of the shaft of my already semi erect cock. I never wore anything beneath the leather, preferring the wonderfully erotic feel of the taut polished black hide directly on my body.

Continue reading Master and Slave – Part 1

Recent items in the news

Check out these recent news items of note:


‘Spring Breakers’ and the Partiers’ Beachfront Jail (More of this here and here.)

Old Cell Block at Baruch College Is No Barrier to Learning

NY Corrections Officer Caught Making Out With Inmate

Best Prison Hotels (photo gallery)

Lawfully wedded – First gay union of National Police officers held in Spain (Spanish language version here)

Fosse-Meets-Fetish Video for Folsom Street Fair (article and video)

Savage Love: Ballers (advice column)


Thanks to Metalbond readers William, Louis, Pepe, RH and David for passing these articles along!


Indentured – The game of sex, humiliation, pain, bondage and tedious labor in 3,162,510 combinations

By Kevin’s Path

“What a friggin’ ripoff. I was such a dumbass to fall for this.” I’d ordered the game online. When it came and I opened it up, it was an ordinary Poker deck with some typed instructions on paper stuffed in the bottom of the box. I was expecting something more like a disc I could play on my console, not a card game. This was not even a good card game. I wonder if anyone else was stupid enough to pay 50 bucks online for a Poker deck.

I didn’t even look at the instructions that go with it. I got online to the Indentured site and dashed off a flaming email to them about how this was a ripoff, and I wanted my money back. There was no immediate response, and I didn’t really think there would be. I might just have to eat this mistake.

I decided to also post these lame game instructions up on this bulletin board so that other people would be wise to it. Be warned!

Continue reading Indentured – The game of sex, humiliation, pain, bondage and tedious labor in 3,162,510 combinations

New stories by Kevin’s Path, slavebladeboi and others

Hey fellas, time for another STORY WEEK here on Metalbond.

Starting tomorrow, there will be a new addition to the Metalbond Prison Library each day for the whole week. For those of you who like to play solo, the author who goes by Kevin’s Path has something that is going to be a real game-changer, when it comes to self-bondage. There will also be a new work by slavebladeboi, and yet another chapter of the popular “New Year’s Resolution” series by lthr_jock. So come back every day this week, and let everybody know. Tell your bondage buddy friends. Post it on Twitter and Tumblr. And feel free to copy this banner to your own social media channels, all over the internet:



NOTE: It’s always best, if you are going to read gay male bondage stories in the Metalbond Prison Library, for you to be in some form of physical restraint yourself. Collars, leg cuffs, gags or chastity devices are all acceptable. For more details on this policy, click here.


Speaking of the Metalbond Prison Library, we are fast coming up on what will be the 500th story posted. I’m going to have to think of a special gift or honor for the author who sends in the 500th story.


More details soon.