Category Archives: Story

The Story of Dax – Chapter 10

By TheBadOne

Chapter 10 – The Order

The dungeon music fades out as I am lowered down the hole between the upper floor and the lower floor. All that’s left for me to hear is the clanking of the chain lowering my rope-bound body, and the jackhammering of my heart.

After everything I’ve been through tonight and all the men I’ve served so far, I can hardly believe there’s more. As I descend below the ceiling into the room full of men, I realize I’m not blindfolded, gagged, or plugged. Whatever is coming next, I have to face it with eyes, and mouth, and ass wide open.

I’ve been lowered into a room that is empty but for the men inside of it. I count twenty-four. On one end stands all of the doms I’ve met tonight. Many more stand in between them and six slaves on the other end, all in full rubber suits- no hoods this time. I see Trevor among them.

And in the middle is Master Shephard. He’s wearing the grin I find so irresistible, and as he strokes his cock at the sight of me trussed up and floating vulnerably, I see him bite his lip and close his eyes as he holds back an orgasm. He’s close- I realize everyone is stroking themselves, even the slaves. And it looks like everyone is as close as he is.

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The Story of Dax – Chapter 09

By TheBadOne

Before he leaves, Trevor locks the end of my armbinder to a ring on the floor, then shackles my legs together, and locks those to the ring too. He walks out wordlessly, leaving me in a puddle of his piss, moaning uncontrollably as I lay on my side in a strict hogtie. And then nobody else comes. I don’t hear anything except a drip of water from somewhere, echoing loudly into the space I’m in.

I think back to my lengthy sleepsack scene with Master Shephard. He told me that he was leaving me plenty of slack so that I could last, but I even thought that was tight. Now I realize that if this is the standard for tight bondage, the amount of wiggle room I had that night was in fact, comparative freedom. I long for it, for even the tiniest amount of purchase, for the ability to flex my arms even slightly, to be able to make any sound at all other than a pathetic, gagging, drooly sob.

As the minutes pass and my eyes continue to adjust to the dim light, I suddenly realize that there’s a mirror on the ceiling above me. I look up at it and see the gimp I’ve been turned into. Even alone, I’m humiliated. Vega was right, I thought I was some kind of a hot-shot, and I got put in my place.

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The Story of Dax – Chapter 08

By TheBadOne

Extracting Prince’s load takes me hardly any time. I can take the full length of it- I can take the full length of anyone- and he’s obviously already close after watching Omni and Zephyr do me over. And, judging by the size of his load, it’s probably been a couple days since he’s let one loose. I’m surprised by that- he doesn’t seem like someone who ever has a need that isn’t met. Either way, I’m proud of my work, and Prince seems pleased, too. I remain on my knees, kneeling in front of him, waiting for my next order.

He raises his booted foot, presses it against my chest, and with one strong movement of his legs I sprawl against the floor. Ouch. OK, then.

“Stay there,” he commands, and then I hear footsteps, the door creak open and shut, and then nothing at all. I’m left staring at the ceiling, the taste of come on my lips. Taking advantage of the first rest I’ve had in hours, I close my eyes, and focus on the throbbing and the warmth still radiating off my body from its beating.

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The Story of Dax – Chapter 07

By TheBadOne

Hooded, with my arms shackled behind my back and a short chain hobbling my steps, it’s difficult for me not to stumble as I’m pulled behind Prince through the dungeon. His stride indicates that he is not worried about my ability to keep up, though, and I somehow manage to, though I bump into a few walls and at least one person- Omni, based on the stream of humiliating words barked at me after- before we stop.

I feel a pair of hands go for each of my legs- strapping on kneepads- thick, heavily padded ones, suggesting what’s to come. After they are securely strapped on, whoever attached them to me kick the back of my knees in synchrony- knocking me down and onto the floor, where other than the shock of the fall I suffer no damage.

The large gag is yanked out of my mouth, and I grunt in relief, taking in a few deep breaths and swallowing in some of the overflow of saliva.

“My name is Prince,” he says imperiously. “You may address me as ‘My Lord’ or ‘Your Highness.’

Continue reading The Story of Dax – Chapter 07

The Story of Dax – Chapter 06

By TheBadOne

I feel the weight of the massive plug in my ass, hear the ringing in my ears and the beating of my pulse before I actually regain consciousness- a slight wooziness that is familiar to me- Donovan must have kept me knocked out with chloroform while he transported me to the ticket booth, my final destination for tonight.

‘Ticket Booth’ is generous. It’s a steel cage at the entrance to the dungeon, and there’s only enough room in it for me, a clipboard with a list of names- codenames from the looks of it- and a button I can push to unlock the entry. There’s a special, private event tonight- uninvited kinksters who didn’t get the memo will be turned away.

I raise my hand to pick up the list and take a look at it, and only now realize that I’m shackled to the bars of the cage, too- with heavy metal restraints. I can move enough to press the button, and that’s it. I look up into the crowded bar and see that I have more than a few eyes on me. At least I know I look good. I move my body- to the extent I can- to the music, and wait for the first guest.

Continue reading The Story of Dax – Chapter 06

Jax and Staggz – Chapter 2

By SockgaggedJason

Special note: This is a gay BDSM sexual fantasy with bondage, gags, sports gear fetish, smelly socks, and humiliation roleplay. The characters are based on real fetish friends who are over 21.

Quick story description: Previously in Chapter 1, young Jax covertly seduced his older sister’s ex-boyfriend, Staggz, into kinky sexual roleplay after getting him tied up. Now he expects his turn, to be dominated by the handsome, stud. Is his wish granted?


Jax and Staggz – A Bondage and Sports Gear Fetish Fantasy

Chapter 2: Jax’s Turn

JAX was so excited for the weekend rendezvous with Staggz, the 22-year-old barely slept for three nights. He must have jerked off a dozen times wearing football gear fantasizing about the tall, masculine man tying him up and having his way with him.


The way he saw it, this would be his “first time.” He had sex with other guys but not within the fetish context that drove his libido.

Continue reading Jax and Staggz – Chapter 2

The Story of Dax – Chapter 05

By TheBadOne

Chapter 5 – Orientation

After finally being released from the leather and rubber cocoon that was my home for almost an entire day, it took me quite some time before I was in my right mind again. I still felt hypnotized, still felt bewildered about what had happened to me- not the intense mindfucking scene I had just endured, but all of it over the past several weeks. Meeting Master Shephard for the first time, the quick but thorough learning curve he put me through on my way to becoming his. And yet, I was happy.

Despite being incredibly horny all the time thanks to the chastity belt, I actually found myself more satisfied sexually than I ever had in my life. And with Master Shephard’s guidance, I found myself making leaps and bounds at the gym, looking and feeling the best I’ve ever felt in my life. Not only was Master Shephard training me for himself, but he was training me into being the best version of myself, too. And plain ‘Shephard,’ when we were living our ordinary lives in front of our friends, was a loving and affectionate boyfriend, our obvious chemistry making us the envy of our single friends.

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Spy Gets Captured

By Mister-X/Spartan

I warily looked around. This was near where I was to meet him. I didn’t see anyone, which was a good sign, since I was early. It looked like the authorities didn’t know about our planned meeting. I walked over to where I was to meet him, and saw a figure walking this way. When he was close enough I saw it was him. He was nervous.

“I’m being followed.” I had pulled out my pack of cigarettes and pulled one out to give him.

“What? You shouldn’t have met me, then.”

As I started to leave he put the cigarette in his mouth and said, “wait, I’ve got the information you want.”

I hesitated, pulling out my lighter to light his cigarette, and that was when a bunch of armed men started coming out of the nearby area, guns drawn. I realized I’d had it. All these years I’d not been captured, but my luck had finally run out. My cock started getting excited.

The other guy panicked, and started to run away. I knew better than to do that. When he was taken, he was screaming, but not for long. When the others came up to me, they said something in the local language. I knew they had said to put my hands behind my back, but I played dumb. One of the guys spoke English, and said “don’t play dumb, Mr. Crawford.”

“Play dumb? Why? I’ve done nothing wrong. He just asked me for a cigarette and I gave him one. Then he wanted a light, and I pulled out my lighter when you people showed up.”

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