Leather Pride Night

The organizers of New York City’s annual Leather Pride Night event asked that this notice be posted:


At 8pm, on Wednesday, November 14, 2012, the Leather Pride Night committee will be holding an open forum and town hall to take suggestions, hear comments and, potentially, infuse new blood into this community institution.

We want to see & hear from YOU! Be there! Be heard!

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center

208 West 13th Street Room 301

New York, NY 10011

8pm, on Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lock him up and throw away the key

Check this out … our friend Bind recently spent a whole day locked up underground.

26 hours locked in a below-ground cell

You can read Bind’s first-person account of his ordeal by clicking below:

26 Hours Locked in a Below-Ground Cell

AND … His experience has been documented with pictures and video over at Serious Male Bondage:

Serious Male Bondage

This is one of many recent exciting finds over at Serious Male Bondage.

Also check out:


Rank rubber shopping



Dore Alley public bondage

The Meat Locker

By Nightbrawler240

When I bid on the slaughterhouse in sheriff’s sale I was ecstatic when I was informed the transaction went through.  Having a background in engineering and architecture pays off when you have a devious mind such as mine.  The first thing I did upon entering the building was to see what was left, what was salvageable, and what was to be removed.  That was over a year ago, and now, for the last two months, I now have a fully automated “dungeon” in the privacy of an inconspicuous building where one would expect to hear all types of sounds.

Continue reading The Meat Locker