More information about the rigid stock made by

My friend Mark over at Serious Male Bondage has written in with more information about the rigid stock made by pictured above and showcased in the video I posted a couple days ago.

Mark writes,

Dear Metal,

This rigid stock was made by Martin at It was made with a numerically controlled milling machine controlled by a computer. Martin is from Germany and referrers to himself as a “Bondage Engineer.”

He has been making all kinds of unique metal gear for the past 20 years. He supplies custom bondage devices to both the gay and hetero markets, and his gear can be ordered from his website.

In addition, some of his gear can be found for retail sale at the 665 Leather store ( in West Hollywood, California.

Some of Martin’s gear can be found on Yossie’s website including this pair of famous ‘Z-Cuffs’

For an article about Martin on the SeriousBondage (hetero) website, click here.

Metal would like to thank Mark of Serious Male Bondage for the information and links.

male bondage video


By Prisoner

When the game becomes pain and the fantasy real.

I was 19 when I first came out to California from Iowa. It was simple, really, I moved to San Francisco because I couldn’t take Des Moines any longer. Even now, there’s not a whole lot a gay kid can do in Iowa. I figure I’m pretty good looking, light brown hair, hazel eyes and a smooth swimmers build. In fact, in high school I was captain of the swim team. Anyway, I figured I’d do alright in the Gay capital of the world.

Continue reading Games

More pictures from P.O.W.

Check out the letter and pictures that “P.O.W.” sent:

Dear CO,

SIR, all males in the military look great in uniform, but nothing for me is more arousing than camouflage (any pattern type) trousers. There is extra, reinforced padding in the seated area to prevent against wear and tear.  When the two halves meet, they form a nice oval shape to frame the ass perfectly with seamed stitching. Too bad this area is not colored differently like the rear of deer and rabbits for easy tracking in the field.  Another appealing equipment piece for the combat uniform is the noteworthy Kevlar helmet which similarly looks like a phallic hood.

acu_present acu_target wood_present_1 woodland_target

Two positions ideal for a submissive while bent over is the presentation (command term, “PRESENT”) with legs akimbo and resistance, a feeble protection posture, with legs tightly locked together. The presentation position is a fun challenge to train while the resistance offers a more aggressive penetration tactic. Some of the included images have the prisoner spread-eagled for frisking and willing presentation; the other images have his cheeks tightly compressed to resist penetration, always a satisfying drilling exercise.

Always Dripping,


Leather Pride Night

The organizers of New York City’s annual Leather Pride Night event asked that this notice be posted:


At 8pm, on Wednesday, November 14, 2012, the Leather Pride Night committee will be holding an open forum and town hall to take suggestions, hear comments and, potentially, infuse new blood into this community institution.

We want to see & hear from YOU! Be there! Be heard!

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center

208 West 13th Street Room 301

New York, NY 10011

8pm, on Wednesday, November 14, 2012