Tag Archives: chastity

Gear 365 – Part 1

By Rubrpig

Adam had noticed a new hash tag appearing on his twitter feed and face book lately. The hash tag was #gear365 which intrigued him. He began to follow it and soon found that it was started as a way by several Leathermen to encourage others to be proud of their leather and gear and wear it every day. He enjoyed the posts and felt like it was something that he felt a part of. However, work distracted him as he was involved in a new project.

Several months later, he decided to head out to the local bar as they were advertising a gear night which he was curious about. Pulling on a pair of leather jeans, boots and a vest he headed out to the bar. The night started off quietly with very few men in any form of gear. So when around midnight a muscular, bearded man in full langlitz gear walked in, he attracted a lot of attention from everyone there. Walking over to the bar and ended beside Adam who was trying his best to not show how nervous he was to be standing by this man who was obviously a real Leatherman and not someone who just wanted to be seen in leather.

The man turned to Adam have ordered a beer and introduced himself as Mike. Adam smiled and introduced himself allowing himself a close look at the man. Mike was in full leather including a leather shirt and tie, short tight gloves and tall wesco boots that went with the langlitz breeches he was wearing. Mike looked over Adam and saw that Adam’s jeans fit his ass very well and the bar vest framed a nicely muscled chest and abdomen.

Continue reading Gear 365 – Part 1

The Game by Jim – Part 1

By Jim

David stood in his complex’s lobby, staring down anxiously at his phone. On it was the logo of the Game, along with a countdown: “00:00:01;24”. That damn timer had been ticking down for what felt like an eternity. For David it practically was; he’d been waiting for his chance to compete for almost 4 months now. 4 months of evenings filled with cruel tortures, mind-numbing tasks, and above all the aching, unrelenting pangs of horniness. This month had to be it. It would finally be his chance for release, he could feel it!

His heart raced as the timer ticked down to the very last seconds: three, two, one…

 This month’s contestants are: #37, #29, #14, #43, #20

Stand by for orders at 20:00 hours, EST. Failure to report is punishable by a penalty month; repeat offences will result in automatic forfeiture.

David’s heart sank. Another month of waiting! How long until he’d be able to get even a chance at his freedom? Dejected, he headed for the stairs.

Continue reading The Game by Jim – Part 1

Bro to Ho – Part 1

By Cutieboy90

Cutieboy90 gay bondage storiesShawn was your typical all-American dumb frat boy. Muscular body, cute face, ripped jeans, and Abercrombie T shirts. He partied, drank, played around, and took everyone and everything around him for granted. Now, one would think that a guy who had flunked out of college twice already, and chose to try again a third time would have learned something from his mistakes, or at least cared on some subconscious level about his future.

Not Shawn. The first week of classes he acted like every other high school jock ready to get up to no good with their new adult life. He was rarely on time for classes, never studied, barely participated, except in anything athletic. We were both on the swim team, and though he could almost keep pace with me, he was never seriously considered for competition due to his lack of effort. Every night, he’d stumble into the dorm, drunk off his ass, shuffle around for a while, before passing out anywhere but on his cot. As a serious student with early morning lab classes, this was not an acceptable situation.

But I knew his kind, sitting down for a conversation mediated by the RA was not going to be any help. Logic and reason are lost on these guys. I would find another way.

Continue reading Bro to Ho – Part 1