Tag Archives: electro

New from e-Stim: The Red Collection


Introducing the latest range of E-Stim Systems Premium Bi-Polar electrodes – The “RED” Collection, a group of three elegant, chic highly polished Bi-polar premium electrodes.

Learn more about the Red Collection here

Bonus for Metalbond readers:
Use code “METALBOND” to save 10 percent on your order*
*Offer is good for one time only

Click for E-Stim Systems


What’s wrong with these pictures?

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I was always told that when it comes to electro, keep it BELOW the waist. I see this stuff in gay bondage porn quite a lot. But you don’t want to run an electrical current through someone’s body close to the heart.


There is nothing wrong with fantasizing, of course. If you look closely at these pictures of Lance from Dream Boy Bondage, you might notice that he is clamped with rubber-tipped nip clamps, so there is no actual electrical current involved. In other words, what is pictured is “simulated electro” for fantasy purposes only.

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Bottom line: Just because you see something on the Tumbly thing or in porn, doesn’t mean you should do it in real life.


Video: Lance Schafer gets electro-tortured

Meanwhile at Dream Boy Bondage, it’s a great week for electro-torture lovers as Army Lt. Lance Schafer is duct taped to a steel chair, electrodes are attached to his nipples and left ankle, then his brutal interrogator calmly describes how electric current will flow through his body — and flips the switch, all shown preview video below:


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