By Cuffsandcops
Back in 2014, while at a music festival, I was introduced to guy, that one of my housemates knew from back home. When he walked away, my housemate leaned in to me and said “He’s a cop”. Little did my housemate know, I had located the guy on one of the apps prior to arriving on the festival grounds. His face pic caught my attention and a quick read through his profile gave me some serious clues as to his profession. He was attending the festival since his jurisdiction was across the country. While our musical interests didn’t cause our paths to cross once the festival got going, the conversation was only beginning.
Later that summer, I attended Bear Week in PTown. I again found the officer on the apps nearby. I had asked him if he had packed a pair of cuffs and he in fact had. I am usually pretty upfront when asking to try them on or to get put in them and this was no exception. He responded that he only used them one time on someone outside of work. He said he was going to be directing traffic at a pool party friends of his were hosting and I should come by. I made the walk over to the party and met the officer. He took me into the party, showed me around, but we didn’t have any opportunity to get frisky or to check out his cuffs. We chatted a bunch throughout the time there, but were unable to meet up other than in passing out at the bars.