Tag Archives: real life

Metalbond mail: A question about the real-life implications of slavery

Dear Metal,

Do you know of a resource Masters and potential slaves can access that talks about some of the FAQs on entering into a full-time position as a slave? In particular, something that might help a slave with health care, financial planning, release from slavery, immigration status issues, etc.? I often have subs who want full-time slavery under My control, but they fail to comprehend life beyond the sexual fantasy.


Metal responds,

Wow, that’s a very good question. I would start with an organization like Masters and slaves Together (MAsT), where you might find some helpful information:



There are also a couple of books out there that go beyond the “sexual fantasy” of slavery and talk about men living the lifestyle 24/7.

Dear Raven and Joshua by Raven Kaldera and his slave Joshua Tenpenny. These guys have been together more than 10 years and know what they’re talking about. It’s in Q&A format.



There’s also Ask the Man Who Owns Him by david stein with David Schachter. Unlike all other M/s books, this one gives you more than the opinions of one or two people; instead, it describes 16 different long-term M/s relationships, plus Mr. Schachter’s, in the participants’ own words.



Jail vs. Prison

OK prisoners, I said this before but I will say it again. The words “jail” and “prison” are often used interchangeably, but actually they are two different things.

01_Metalbond_Alcatraz“Jail” is a where you are kept when you are being tried for a crime, or are awaiting trial or sentencing. It is also where you actually serve your sentence for misdemeanors. Jails are generally run by counties or municipalities. Jail is where you go when you get arrested. If you are OJ Simpson, jail is where you go when you are unjustly accused of double murder and have to go on trial in Los Angeles. Of course everyone knows he was completely innocent, so they released him from jail.

“Prison” on the other hand is a broad term that describes a variety of institutions, from maximum-security “penitentiaries,” to medium-security lockups known as “correctional facilities” or “correctional institutions.” Prisons are run by the states or the federal government. Prison is where you go to serve your sentence when you have been convicted of a felony. It is where O.J. ended up after being convicted of something in Las Vegas, nobody really remembers what but apparently it was serious. Prison is where you do hard time. It is where you get tattoos. Prison is where you get fucked by Christopher Meloni in the shower.

Now that you know all this, you will probably start to notice all sorts of incorrect uses of these words in news broadcasts, on TV shows, in movies and in general conversation. Before you get your cuffs all in a twist and start emailing me, accusing ME of misusing the terms “jail” and “prison,” hang on. I know I have probably violated these rules myself on this very blog.


Here are some more pictures of jails and prisons and the men who dwell in them:





Bondage porn before the Internet


Those of you who are regular readers of this site know that I am a huge fan of gay bondage porn.  Especially bondage STORIES!  That’s right, I just can’t get enough of really well-written bondage fiction — stories like Trust Us, Waiting for Ross, Danny in the Dorm and The Roommate, and even novels like Brig.

Here’s another thing: While I am not an old man, I am no spring chicken either.  I’m old enough to know what the world was like before cell phones and before cable TV.  There were three channels and if you wanted to see something else you had to get up and turn the knob.

The Internet?  When I was growing up nobody knew what it was.  If you wanted porn, you had to buy MAGAZINES in X-rated stores.  In the American Midwest, where I grew up, there were no gay adult bookstores.  You had to go to the straight “XXX” bookstore, located in a bad neighborhood downtown, and walk to the back, where they had a small section of gay porn mags with titles like Honcho and Inches. But there wasn’t much in the way of gay male kink.

Later, when I was in college, I discovered a little digest called Manscape, and also Drummer magazine, which opened up a whole new world for me. Fuck it was great.  I could read about all sorts of twisted ideas for gay male bondage sex.  When Bound and Gagged magazine came out it, was the greatest thing ever.  Another one of my favorites was Manifest Reader (pictured above).