Hey prisoners,
Merry Christmas!
By Rob
Everyone, especially those of us who are into kink like leather, rubber, bondage, SM or any of its derivatives, has a particular set of fantasies that usually evolve from experience to the nest. There are those fantasies that persist even after experience or multiple similar experiences.
Check out these vintage pictures of Dalton, bolted down at the Serious Male Bondage site:
Click for Serious Male Bondage
Yeah, that’s a pair of leg cuffs fitted up with lock boxes! Also there’s a shot of me up there. And one of MarkNorth, and one of Sneaker Bitch.
By Unknown
I went to visit a buddy one afternoon, we hadn’t seen each other in a while, I was lookin forward to it, I got to his place, he came to the door and we shook hands and hugged, I went inside, he had another friend over that I didn’t know, he introduced me, we shook hands and I noticed how strong his grip is, he’s a pretty muscular guy, as is my buddy, we used to work out together.
The New York Bondage Club meets every Sunday night.
Click here for further details.