Get your junk secured in a hard cup, if you are interested in chastity but want to start off slowly:
Sure, it takes self-control, but you can handle it, can’t you, tough guy?
Get your own hard cup at Jockstrap Central.
Get your junk secured in a hard cup, if you are interested in chastity but want to start off slowly:
Sure, it takes self-control, but you can handle it, can’t you, tough guy?
Get your own hard cup at Jockstrap Central.
Let’s file this one under extreme bondage.
Imagine ASKING to be locked down like this for, say, whatever length of time might be determined by a roll of the dice. It would take a very brave, yet also sick and twisted man to want such a thing.
And it would also take a very skilled and sadistic captor or captors to keep the prisoner restrained like this, especially if the captive eventually starts to regret having used his big mouth to get himself into such a predicament.
I wonder what the prisoner would feel like after, say, 26 hours, with his hands locked behind his back the whole time, neck bolted to a ring in the floor.
Maybe I am making this all up. Maybe the prisoner was kept like this for just 15 minutes, just long enough to take the picture, and then released.
Then again, maybe not.
The Leather Journal has published a really good interview with Jack Fritscher — a writer, journalist, photographer and longtime editor of Drummer magazine. To read the interview (recommended!) click the picture directly below to be taken to The Leather Journal:
For those of you younger guys, Drummer magazine was THE PLACE to go for gay men into kink, back in the pre-internet days. One of Jack’s many books is Leather Walk of Fame, a look back at Drummer magazine.
Also you can find his many books — both fiction and non-fiction — at Amazon.
NOTE: Leather Walk of Fame is forthcoming later in 2015. However, Mr. Fritscher has posted the text of that book, plus the texts of all his books, as a “Leather Community Service” to give free access to all — so that no one has to pay anything to read or write about their leather history.
You can find these books and much more about Jack Fritscher at his official website.
Check out these shots of Jamie in locking metal:
Today’s Locking Metal pictures are courtesy of Mark over at Serious Male Bondage
Tom Cruise wore a head harness in the movie “Mission Impossible III,” that was designed by the experts at Sinvention.
Click for Sinvention:
By ty dehner
The Yuma Territorial Prison was used in the early days of the foundation of Arizona Territory. As you can imagine it was a brutal place to be locked up at during the long hot summer of the desert. Now a State Park, there is very little left of the original prison, but there are some parts — and that is what my photos show. Interestingly, there are still graffiti from the former inmates on some of the walls.
Watch Connor Maguire dominate John Smith and Abel Archer LIVE this Wednesday, Jan. 28 on Bound Gods. Tune in at 1pm PST (4 pm Eastern) to watch, and as a subscriber you can also join in on live chat!
Information on Bound Gods LIVE SHOWS here
These pictures of a homemade bondage box are from Sir Bart and Sir Dart (Recon screen names 1intobondage and DartsDomain, respectively)
Sir Bart writes,
I’ve had many inquiries about the Box. I built it a few years ago when I first started dating the man I would marry. He wanted to be able to lock me away in a box, and (being the bondage McGyver I am) I decided I wanted such a thing to be both ergonomic and very secure — and a bit evil, because the idea of it all just turned me on. A lot.
I started with a cherry shelving cabinet that I already had but no longer used. It was unusually deep, but not deep enough for the job. I cut it up and began modifying it, increasing the depth and reinforcing it with another layer of wood inside. I had no idea if this was going to really come together or not. Most of the added wood I had on hand, but all the hardware, screws, wood glue, padding and covering, wheels, etc cost far more than I expected. To reproduce this would cost a small fortune now.
It took me about three months of nights (and occasional weekends) to complete.
We still play with it often— it has a lot of miles on it now but its still solid as a rock. It’s built like a safe, there simply is no escape once strapped inside and the closure pieces padlocked in place. It’s impossible to move more than a half inch or less in any direction, yet the seating position and padding make it very sustainable. We use it mostly with electro play, and fighting against all the restraints as hard as I can simply wears me out, yet the Box remains completely unyielding.
And Sir Dart writes,
Way back when, I had seen a wooden box like this appear in Bound and Gagged magazine, and dreamed big time I could experience it. As you can see from Bob Wingate’s post, the dream came true (God I look so young!):
This blog post by Bob Wingate tells about that visit.
I have had fantasies about captivity like this ever since I was a little kid. There are actually TWO early memories of seeing this kind of box bondage with the head protruding that come to mind that will probably amuse you, but I still remember vividly seeing these as a kid and being HUNGRY to have captivity like that.
The first was actually from this Popeye cartoon where he visits Ali Baba and the forty thieves – Bluto being Ali Baba. If you scroll the video to about 16.13, you’ll see the predicament he finds himself in.
Short and sweet — and it turned me on BIG TIME!
I’m trying to locate the other early influence for you. It was from an old X-Men comic book (my fave) where the team was dealing with a villain named Arcade. At one point 3 of the wives of the X-men, and Nightcrawler, were kidnapped by him and held prisoner in fancy pyramid shaped boxes with their heads protruding in the same manner. I remember accompanying my mother to the grocery store so I could constantly go to the magazine section and repeatedly look at that strip.
Anyhow, hope you find this information entertaining. The Box is a legend, we’re finding!
Metal would like to thank Sir Bart and Sir Dart for sharing this information!
You can learn even more about these guys at Sir Bart’s Tumblr page (which has lots more pictures of the box in use) and at Dart’s awesome educational website, Dart’s Domain.